UW News

January 8, 2009

Coming up

Dr. Paul Ramsey, CEO of UW Medicine, executive vice president of medical affairs and dean of the School of Medicine, will give his annual address to the UW Medicine community at 4 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 27, in Hogness Auditorium at the Health Sciences Center. His title is “Maintaining Focus in Challenging Times.” The address is open to everyone.

A faculty development workshop, “Teaching and Learning with Technology: Promoting Active Learning or Distracted by Toys?” is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to noon, Tuesday, Jan. 27, at the Waterfront Activity Center on campus. Presenters will include Michael Campion, director of Academic Learning and Technologies; Sara Kim, associate director of education and curriculum for the ISIS project; Dr. Linda Vorvick of the Medex program; Amy Harper from the Health Sciences Library, and Joe York, associate dean for graduate medical education. The workshop, sponsored by the School of Medicine’s Department of Medical Education and Biomedical Informatics and Office of Faculty Development, is open to all UW Medicine and Health Sciences faculty. To register, visit http://www.mebi.washington.edu/facdev.html