UW News

January 15, 2009

Official Notices

Board of Regents

The Board of Regents will hold a regular public meeting at 3 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 15, in the Petersen Room, Allen Library.

Blood Drives

  • Tuesday, Feb. 17, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., 108 HUB
  • Thursday, Feb. 19, 11:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., south side of Schmitz

Infants 6 months or younger, with older sibling, sought for research


The UW is looking for participants for a study of cognitive, social and emotional development in infants with older siblings. All infants who participate will receive comprehensive developmental assessments at 6, 12 and 18 months. To find out more, call 1-800-994-9701 or e-mail ddrinfo@u.washington.edu.  


UW Autism center is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with autism through intervention, education, professional training, and research aimed at effective treatments, prevention, and cure. To find out more about our work, visit www.depts.washington.edu/uwautism/


Women Needed for Stress Reduction Study


Are you stressed? Do you have any family history of breast cancer? Health SMART is a study is being conducted by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to see how stress-reduction workshops can help women with a family history of breast cancer manage their everyday stresses and cancer-risk concerns. The goal of the study, funded by the National Cancer Institute, is to see whether various stress-management and coping techniques reduce stress and improve immune function.


Specifically, the study will teach women scientifically proven stress-management techniques (such as mindfulness meditation and guided imagery), coping strategies (such as anger management and assertiveness training) and information on health behaviors that can lower breast-cancer risk. All workshops are conducted in a supportive group setting with other women who have a family history of breast cancer. Participants will be asked to complete questionnaires, give blood and saliva samples, and receive two Hepatitis A vaccinations. There is no charge to participate.


All participants will receive a set of CDs with relaxation exercises, a tote bag and a workbook filled with stress-management techniques taught in the classes.


The study aims to recruit 226 Seattle-area women, age 18 to 60, who are willing to participate in 10 two-hour workshops.


No family history of breast cancer but still want to help?


We are also looking for women who do not have a family history of breast cancer to participate in a 90-minute study that examines how women process information and how hormone function may differ in women with and without a family history of breast cancer. Participating in this study involves a few short tests that include identification of colors, reading simple words and answering questions about your thoughts and feelings. Height-weight measurements, saliva and a single blood sample will be collected


All study activities will take place on the Hutchinson Center campus in the Prevention Center, which is located in the Robert Arnold Building, 1212 Aloha St, Seattle.


Our Web site is: http://smartstudies.org/ or http://www.fhcrc.org/science/phs/health_smart/


Or for more information about the Health SMART Study, please call the study information line at 206-667-7267 or e-mail healthsmart@fhcrc.org


Reference Update


The following UW policies were recently created, or revised:


1.   Summary of the State Employee Whistleblower Act,” revised effective August 19, 2008 (Administrative Policy Statement 47.1)

2.   Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Coverage for Non-Academic Employees (Classified Non-Union, Contract-Classified, Professional Staff, Temporary, and Student Employees),” revised effective September 10, 2008 (Administrative Policy Statement 45.5)

3.   Facilities and Spaces Naming Policy,” revised effective September 18, 2008 (University Handbook, Vol. 4, Part VII, Chapter 10)

4.   Policy on Financial Irregularities and Other Related Illegal Acts,” revised effective November 6, 2008 (Administrative Policy Statement 47.10)

5.   University Restitution Process for Financial Losses or Irregularities,” revised effective November 6, 2008 (Administrative Policy Statement 47.4)

6.   Purchase, Management, and Use of an Automated External Defibrillator at the University of Washington,” effective November 18, 2008 (Administrative Policy Statement 10.12)

7.   Technology Transfer,” revised effective December 27, 2008 (Administrative Policy Statement 59.4)

8.   University-Wide Organization List,” revised effective December 30, 2008 (Administrative Policy Statement 1.2)


For more information on these materials, contact the UW Rules Coordination Office:  rules@u.washington.edu.