UW News

April 16, 2009

Organization of the week: Family Caregiver Network

Editor’s note: There are many organizations open to the UW faculty and staff. Some have been around for years and some are new. Some are structured groups with officers and committees; some are much more informal. University Week provides a space for campus groups to publish their information, and beginning this quarter, we’d like to introduce you to one group a week. This week, Ellen Blizinsky, a Work/Life specialist who holds a master’s in social work, introduces the Family Caregiver Network, which she facilitates.

Who can join? The Family Caregiver Network isn’t a club. It’s an open, supportive group that people can come to anytime. It’s open to anyone at the University — faculty, staff or student — who is involved with taking care of someone over the age of 18. Most of the people who come are dealing with aging parents or grandparents, although some are responsible for a disabled adult child.

What does the organization do? We hold monthly meetings during which people can talk about any aspect of caregiving. That includes health and wellness issues, legal and financial issues, relationship issues —the relationship between caregiver and recipient or between caregiver and others involved — and emotional issues, such as a care recipient who is resistant to the caregiver. We also try to help connect the caregivers who come with resources that will be of help to them, and we remind them of the need to take good care of themselves.

Usually, there are about four or five people at any given meeting, and they generally find that they have some similar issues. What happens is that those who attend find they feel less isolated. They can talk about what’s going on in their lives without fear of burdening others. Some people come one time, get the information they need and don’t come back. Others enjoy coming over a period of time. I think of it as a little safety net for people — there when they need it.

Other activities: In addition to the monthly sessions, I’m available to do individual consultations with people who want information about a specific situation or would like some coaching on how to deal with their care recipient. I often refer people to resources the University has available through UW CareLink. And the WorkLife Office sponsors seminars from time to time on issues related to caregiving. Those are listed in the Benefits WorkLife Update that goes out on a regular basis.

How can I get involved? Just come to one of our monthly meetings. You can register online, but that isn’t really necessary. We meet from noon to 1 p.m. on the last Tuesday of every month, usually in 304F HUB. The next meeting is on April 28. You can also contact me, elleneb@u.washington.edu, for more information.

Click here to see more detailed information for this organization and all the others on the list.

Would you like to list your organization on University Week? Our organizational listings are open to groups that are either sponsored by the University or meet on the University campus. They need not be formally chartered (a book group, for example, is eligible). To qualify for a University Week listing, groups should be open to all UW employees or all employees within a particular classification, e.g. the Professional Staff Organization. Groups that are for students only are not eligible. To list your organization, visit the organizations page and click on “Post your UW organization.”