UW News

April 23, 2009

Etc: Campus news & notes

ARTIST PROFESSOR: Kazimierz Poznanski, a professor at the Jackson School, currently has a show of his paintings at the Kobo Gallery in the International District. Poznanski has long had an interest in Chinese modernist painters and is a collector of their work. Now he’s turned to painting on rice paper himself, creating primarily monumental landscapes and still lifes drawn from the Northwest, China and Europe. The show will be in the gallery, 602-608 South Jackson Street, through May 16. Click here to read our earlier story about Poznanski’s work.

QUESTIONING VOICES: If you’ve seen Open to Question, the exhibit outside the UW Tower on the U District’s activist history, or even if you haven’t, you can see a screening of the DVD Open to Question: Voices from the University District starting at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 25, in Room 209 of University Heights Center. The DVD features video oral histories documenting some of the most outspoken voices in Seattle’s social and political movements. Watch interviews with Matt Fox, director of operations at ROOTS; Ray Chinn, the first Asian American to be voted into University District Rotary; Megan Cornish, one of the first women line workers hired by Seattle City Light; and Stephen Herold, former owner of the anarchist Id Bookstore, and others. Afterwards, share your own stories during a community roundtable about neighborhood changes over the years. Click here to read our earlier story about the Open to Question exhibit.

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