UW News

August 6, 2009

UW CareLink provides special workshop for continuing employees after a layoff

During the last few months, UW CareLink, the faculty and staff assistance program, has provided special workshops for employees who are continuing on the job after others were laid off. As friends and colleagues of those who have left, continuing employees often have intense feelings of guilt, so this session, called “For Continuing Employees: Coping with Layoffs,” is being offered again from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 11, in 209A HUB.

The workshop will allow thoughtful discussion on dos and don’ts during this difficult period and how to maintain one’s own morale. It will be led by Sue Covey, a licensed clinical social worker who has more than 30 years of experience in the counseling field. Pre-registration is encouraged; click here.

Beginning in September, a new session, called “Moving Forward — Rebuilding and Renewal,” will be offered.