UW News

October 29, 2009

Staffer joyfully gives to CFD-funded agency that supported relative

Editor’s note: Through the duration of the Combined Fund Drive campaign, University Week will spotlight members of the UW community who are personally involved with one of the 2,800 agencies supported by CFD funds.

Name: Virginia “Ginny” Groesbeck

UW Job: Program coordinator, Student Development Office, UW Bothell.

CFD agency you were involved with:

Alpha Supported Living Services, with offices in Seattle (serving Seattle and Shoreline) and Bellevue (serving Bellevue, Issaquah and Woodinville.) Find them online at www.alphasls.com.  

Organization’s mission:

The mission of Alpha Supported Living Services is to serve individuals with developmental disabilities by providing accessible residential and other support services that will maximize each person’s quality of life. They accomplish this by:

  • Treating each client with dignity, respect and full consideration of individuality and civil and human rights;
  • Recognizing our staff members’ abilities and enhancing their growth and professional skills;
  • Working cooperatively with other individuals and organizations that share our goals; and
  • Developing broad-based sources of support to maintain financial stability.

How did this agency assist?

My brother-in-law, Terry, had Down syndrome and lived in an Alpha home for the last seven-plus years of his life, and I can’t begin to tell you the difference we saw in him. He had lived the previous 45 years at Rainier School in Buckley and although he was well taken care of, he lived a very insulated life. My husband and I moved him to Alpha so that he could be closer to our family as we wanted him to be able to take part in family events. We just happened to “luck out” as there was an opening at Alpha and we immediately hit it off with the director (now CEO) and staff.

From that point on Terry became a different person. He went to the movies and out to dinner two to three times a week, went to the park, the Mariners game — in other words he began “living.”

Were there special concerns to solve? How were they handled?

The staff and administration are absolutely unbelievable. Terry had some serious physical problems that put him in the hospital off and on over the last few months of his life. When he was in the hospital Alpha did not receive funding for Terry yet they made sure that their staff was with him in the hospital 24/7. What this means is, not only did they not receive state funds for his care but they also paid their staff to be with him at all times so that he would never feel scared or disoriented.

Any special memories or stories from this experience?

Terry passed away Dec. 19, 2008, and everyone who had touched Terry’s life was encouraged to attend his memorial service — the place was packed and just to listen to what so many individuals had to say about him and what he meant to them was really something.

Would you encourage UW colleagues to donate to this agency? And if so, why?

I have been donating to the Combined Fund Drive for the past 18 years. I would look at the list of charities and just pick one that I felt I had some connection to yet it never really felt like anything more than a token donation.

After Terry went to live in an Alpha home and I saw them on the list of charities, it all changed for me. I was thrilled to be able to make (although small) a difference to this agency. I knew where my money was going and I knew that it was being well used and for something important. Although my brother-in-law is no longer with us, I still look forward to my yearly donation to Alpha through the CFD, knowing that, in a small way, someone may get that special help in the hospital or something new can be purchased for their home or an individual in the home can receive a new toy or clothes as they have no other family to provide these needs.

I think I feel as much joy through my donation as those who receive it. Please consider Alpha Supported Living Services if you are just making a “token” donation — make it mean something.

Donate or learn more: The 2009 Combined Fund Drive began Oct. 14, and runs through Dec. 4. You can learn more and donate online here.