UW News

November 5, 2009

Staffer gets satisfaction in helping others through MS Society

Editor’s note: Through the duration of the Combined Fund Drive campaign, University Week will spotlight members of the UW community who are personally involved with one of the 2,800 agencies supported by CFD funds.

Name: Gretchen Littell

UW Job: Fiscal specialist/payroll coordinator for the Department of Chemistry.

Volunteer Activity: The MS Walk and MS Bike events with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Greater Washington chapter.

Organization’s mission: To mobilize people and resources to drive research for a cure and to address the challenges of everyone affected by multiple sclerosis. Learn more online here.

How long a volunteer for this agency: Since 2008.

Why these activities? I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in January of 2008.

A memorable experience: Last year I had every intention of doing the MS Walk with my brother and sister in law as I had done the year before and about a week before the walk I ended up with a whole group of people who decided to come and support me in my walk efforts, it was really touching for me to have so much support.

I am really looking forward to this year (the April 10-11, 2010 MS Walk) to see what we can do with more time to raise funds as a group. In just a week, the majority of the group was able to raise $100 each so with the extended time that this year’s walk will allow we should be able to raise some serious money!

Satisfaction in volunteering: Not only am I helping millions of people suffering with MS but I also get the satisfaction of knowing that in some small way I’m helping myself.

Donate or learn more: The 2009 Combined Fund Drive began Oct. 14, and runs through Dec. 4. You can learn more and donate online here.