UW News

November 5, 2009

‘University Week’ seeks Great American Smokeout participants — and more, for stories

Are you a smoker thinking of taking a break from the habit for the Great American Smokeout on Thursday, Nov. 19?

University Week is looking for a smoker who intends to quit or suspend the habit for the day. We’d like to write a story about your plans and invite you to tell us how it’s going in the “comment” section of that article on Nov. 19. Others can join in the conversation, too.

If you’re who we’re looking for, drop us a line at uweek@u.washington.edu. And you can learn more about the smokeout online here

We’re also looking for:

  • Blogs written by members of the UW Community that would be of general interest to our readers, and
  • People who volunteer their time for Combined Fund Drive-funded agencies, for possible profile stories, this year or next.