UW News

November 12, 2009

CFD’s Meet the Charities event Nov. 18 also winds up Mission Undercover

Have you ever been philanthropic with underwear? Probably not, but on Nov. 18 you’ll get the chance. That’s the date of the UW Combined Fund Drive’s next Meet the Charities event — and it also is the last day of a CFD-sponsored underwear drive called Mission: Undercover.

The CFD, the UW’s workplace giving campaign, is taking note of National Philanthropy Day in November by welcoming representatives of three philanthropic agencies — United Way of King County, the University District Youth Center and YouthCare — to its next Meet the Charities gathering, from noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18, in HUB 200. All are welcome, and beverages and dessert will be provided.

You can learn how these agencies are helping youth facing homelessness in King County. And you can make the winter a bit warmer for those young people by bringing unopened new packages of men’s and women’s underwear to the event. Mission Undercover will benefit the University District Youth Center and YouthCare’s Orion Center. The event will be the last day of Mission: Undercover.

Also, the University District Youth Center needs volunteers to help clean, organize and paint the center. The work will be inside and/or outside, weather permitting, and will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5. You can sign up at the Meet the Charities Event.

Meanwhile, some departments are holding their own fundraisers for the Combined Fund Drive. Transportation Services, for example, held a spaghetti lunch for its employees, during which there was also a book sale. An online auction in the week before the lunch also raised money for CFD. According Transportation Services employee MaryJo Blahna, the lunch raised $700.50, the auction $1,064.50 and the book sale $74. A pizza/hot dog/pie sale by Fleet Services raised an additional $132, for a grand total of $1,971.

For more information about the CFD or the Meet the Charities event, visit online here.