August 1, 2014
Determination of non-significance — UW Police Department Facility
University of Washington — Determination of non-significance (DNS)
Project Name: UW Police Department Facility
Description of Proposal: Construction of a proposed three-story (two above-grade levels plus a basement), approximately 29,241-gross square foot building. The building would provide space for approximately 93 staff members and would include offices, a dispatch/communications center, records storage, identification lab, evidence storage, locker/fitness rooms, conference rooms, community multipurpose/training rooms and fleet parking.
Proponent: University of Washington
Location of Proposal: 3939 15th Avenue NE The site is located on the eastern edge of the University of Washington’s West Campus area. The site is bounded on the north by Gould Hall, on the east by 15th Avenue NE. on the south by the Church of Latter-day Saints building and a portion of University Parking Area W-l4. and on the west by University Way NE.
Lead Agency: University of Washington
The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.2 lC.030 (2) (c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request.
This DNS is issued under (197-11-340 (2)); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below. Comments must he submitted by August 14, 2014 to:
Responsible Official: Richard K. Chapman, Associate Vice President for Capital Projects
Capital Projects Office
Box 352205
Seattle, WA 98 105-2205
Phone: (206) 543-5200
Contact Person: Jan Arntz, Environmental/Land Use Compliance Officer
Capital Projects Office
Box 352205
Seattle, WA 98 105-2205
Phone: (206) 543-5200
Date: August 1. 2014