UW News

August 19, 2014

Shyam Gollakota named one of world’s top innovators under 35

UW News

photo of shyam gollakota

Shyam Gollakota

Shyam Gollakota, a University of Washington assistant professor of computer science and engineering, has been named one of this year’s “Innovators Under 35” by global media company MIT Technology Review.

Gollakota leads the UW’s Networks and Wireless Lab, and his research focuses on leveraging wireless signals around us to power devices and enable new gesture-recognition capabilities.

While at the UW, Gollakota has developed several projects in these fields – most recently Wi-Fi Backscatter and AllSee – that have received broad attention from industry, academics and the news media. Two other projects, WiSee and Ambient Backscatter, have won best-paper awards at their respective conferences.

Gollakota in 2012 received the Association for Computing Machinery’s Doctoral Dissertation Award, given to the author of the best doctoral dissertation worldwide in computer science and engineering. His doctoral work while at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was in building systems that transform wireless interference into beneficial use.

Gollakota is profiled on the magazine’s website and will be featured in the September/October print edition. He also will be honored at the upcoming EmTech conference Sept. 23-25 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Several of this year’s awardees have a connection to the UW’s computer science and engineering department.

Recent honorees from the UW include Julie Kientz, an assistant professor of human centered design and engineering; Shwetak Patel, an associate professor of computer science and engineering and of electrical engineering; and Abraham Flaxman, an assistant professor of global health.



For more information, contact Gollakota at gshyam@cs.washington.edu.

At MIT Technology Review, contact David W.M. Sweeney: press@technologyreview.com or 617-475-8018.
