February 16, 2012
Arts Roundup: Drama, percussion, faculty art — and comic opera

Emma Woodhouse, played by Sarah Loveland, and Philip Elton, played by Christian Telesmar, in "Emma." The play, based on the Jane Austen novel, runs through Feb. 26 at the Jones Playhouse.Frank Rosenstein
Opera leads the way this week in campus arts events, as the School of Music presents Benjamin Brittens 1959 comic opera “Albert Herring” in the Meany Studio Theater. But that isnt all by far — theres music by the Symphonic, Concert and Campus bands, and the Percussion Ensemble celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of innovative composer John Cage.
Meanwhile, the School of Drama continues with Jane Austens “Emma,” faculty from the 3D4M program show their work off campus, Hazard Adams has a fanciful new book about conversational canines, and more. This Arts Roundup is just waiting for someone to ask, “Whats opera, doc?” knowing that Bugs Bunny has the answer.
Symphonic, Concert and Campus Bands, 7:30 p.m., Feb. 16. These School of Music bands will perform an evening of music for wind band ensembles in Meany Hall. The program will feature works by Henry Cowell, William Schuman, Igor Stravinsky, Louis Applebaum, Yo Goto, Machael Markowski and others. Tickets, information are online.
School of Music chamber opera, “Albert Herring,” Feb. 16-19. Who’s the purest maiden in Loxford town? Um yeah, about that — turns out none is pure enough to merit the May Queen crown and so bashful young Albert Herring finds himself, much to his horror, crowned King of the May. The townfolk may regret their choice when a spiked lemonade slipped to the unsuspecting Albert loosens his tongue and his inhibitions. Thomas Harper directs this production of Benjamin Brittens 1947 comic opera, performed in the Meany Studio Theater with music performed by members of the University Symphony, conducted by Jonathan Pasternack. Tickets are $15-$25.
Hazard Adams “The Day the Dogs Talked,” 4 p.m. Feb. 21. Adams, who is Byron W. and Alice L. Lockwood Professor Emeritus of Humanities in Comparative Literature, discusses his new book, a modern fable for readers young and old, in 202 Communications. When a leash law threatens Hilltown, a place where dogs have always been free to roam as they like, the dogs decide that the time has come for them to speak out in protest. So one day, they begin talking. And readers discover just what it is the dogs have been thinking all this time.
“Emma,” School of Drama, through Feb. 26. Guest director Victor Pappas returns to present this staging of the Jane Austen classic, adapted by Michael Bloom. With her characteristic wit and style, Austen introduces us to a young woman who is about to learn a few lessons on love. In Michael Bloom’s adaptation, Emma is a confident matchmaker whose single-minded purpose sometimes gets in the way of kindness, to her own chagrin. Her doting father feels content that she will never marry. Emma believes this to be true. Jones Playhouse. Tickets are $10-$20, shows Wednesday through Sunday. Watch a video of Pappas talking with Drama Professor Mark Jenkins.
Percussion Ensemble, 7:30 p.m., Feb. 21. The UW Percussion Ensemble, co-directed by Tom Collier and Brian Pfeifer, will celebrate composer John Cage’s 100th birthday with a performance of his “First Construction in Metal” in Meany Hall. Doctoral student Erin Bodnar will conduct the piece, which was composed in 1939 during Cages teaching career at the Cornish School of the Arts in Seattle. Also featured on the program is “Chamber Music IV” by former School of Music composition professor Robert Suderberg; “Vertical River,” by Blake Tyson; and “Concerto for Vibraphone and Percussion Ensemble,” by Nathaniel Daughtrey, featuring doctoral student vibraphonist Andrew Angell. Tickets are $10-$15. (Watch a fun video of Cage on the TV show “Ive Got a Secret” in 1960.)
Concerto Competition Winners, 7:30 p.m., Feb. 23. Winners of the November 14 Concerto Competition will perform with the University Symphony in Meany Hall. The program includes movements from Mozarts “Flute and Harp Concerto,” featuring Maria-Alise Agrawal, flute, and Megan Bledsoe, harp; the first movement of Mendelssohns “Piano Concerto No. 2,” featuring Britanee Hwee, piano; Saint-Säenss “Piano Concerto No. 4,” featuring Monica Yoon, piano; and Strausss “Tod und Verklärung,” performed by the symphony. Tickets are $10-$15.
3D4M faculty exhibition, through April 1. Faculty artists from the 3D4M program — which is short for 3-Dimensional Forum — are exhibiting their work at the Traver Gallery-Seattle, at 110 Union Street, #200. There will be a faculty reception 5-8 p.m. Feb. 16. Exhibiting are Doug Jeck, Ami Laird McNeel, Akio Takamori, Jamie Walker and Mark Zirpel.