May 11, 2011
Get advice on saving letters, photos and more at preservation roadshow
A number of staff from the UW Libraries will be participating in the Seattle Archives Preservation Roadshow, to be presented from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 14, at the National Archives and Records Administration regional office, 6125 Sand Point Way NE. The event is designed to help the public learn how to preserve their treasured family and personal materials.
At the roadshow, the public can bring questions about preserving their personal or family documents (in any format) and get free practical advice from archivists and museum professionals from a variety of backgrounds and institutions around the area. Attendees will get information about how to preserve:
- Photographic prints and negatives;
- Letters, manuscripts, and other family documents;
- Moving images (films) and audio recordings; and
- Email, social media, electronic documents, and digital photos.
The public is also encouraged to bring in interesting family or personal documents to share and show off. No monetary appraisals will be given. However, there will be a list of resources for those people who would like them. In addition to one-on-one preservation advice, there will be:
- Behind the scenes tours of the National Archives and Records Administration facilities;
- Raffles for preservation supplies and other prizes;
- A drawing to win an “archivist-for-a-day” home consultation;
- Preservation workshops (Film and Moving Pictures, Photographic Prints and Negatives, and Conducting Oral Histories); and
- Preservation resources galore.
For further information, go to the website or email