UW News

February 10, 2011

Breakfast treats offered Feb. 15-18 for UWalk members — old and new


The Percussion Ensemble will perform May 29 in Meany Studio Theater.

If you like to walk and you like to eat, then Transportation Services has a treat for you Feb. 15-18. Theyll be offering members of the UWalk program breakfast treats between 7 and 10 a.m. at various locations around campus on those days. And if you arent a member, you can sign up on the spot and receive your treat.

UWalk is a virtual space where UW faculty, staff and students can join walking groups, participate in events and group activities and keep track of their walking progress. Members sign up using their UWNetIds and choose to join one or more interest groups:

  • Commute group – counts the number of trips walked between home and campus each day. These are one-way trips made exclusively by foot
  • Health group – counts the number of steps taken each day using a pedometer to track steps taken
  • Lunch & Social group – counts the number of minutes spent walking for recreation each day
  • Meetings, Classes & Errands group – counts the number of minutes spent walking to and from meetings and classes, and running errands each day

Theres a place on the website to log ones progress on any of these types of walking and keep records of how much walking one actually does. Members can also sign up for weekly e-mail reminders to update their records.

Heres where youll find the breakfast treats:

  • Feb. 15: On the lawn just south of William H. Gates Hall
  • Feb. 16: next to the George Washington statue in front of By George
  • Feb. 17: In the park off the Burke Gilman Trail between Brooklyn and University Way
  • Feb. 18: On the lawn in front of the medical centers I Court entrance off Pacific Avenue

In addition to the treats, there will also be a daily prize drawing featuring gifts from Tully’s, Chinook Book and Zipcar. Find more information on the website.