March 30, 2022
Video: New face mask guidance for UW’s 2022 spring quarter
With the start of spring quarter on March 28, face masks became optional — but still recommended — inside most University of Washington facilities. Wearing a face covering for the first two weeks of the quarter is strongly recommended, and anyone who wishes to wear a mask throughout the quarter is encouraged and welcome to do so.
You may be asked by other people, or may ask other people, to wear a mask while around each other. While you are not required to wear a mask, please remember that other people may need to or choose to wear — or not wear — masks for a wide range of reasons. It is important to be clear, in any request, that masks are optional and that wearing a mask or not will have no impact on professional or academic evaluations, including grades.
In light of the policy change, UW News spoke with several UW experts about what to expect on campus, how the current science and transmission rates inform our policy, and emotions and feelings we may experience as a result of removing our face coverings.
Learn more in these university FAQs that address various situations that students, instructors and staff may encounter.
Read a recent message from the UW’s Advisory Committee on Communicable Diseases and a letter from UW President Ana Mari Cauce to students about changes for spring quarter.
Tag(s): Ali Mokdad • COVID-19 • Jonathan Kanter • Katia Harb