October 18, 2012
U District Next: A community conversation will help in creating vision for future of University District
The public is invited to participate in “U District Next: A Community Conversation” to share their thoughts and ideas for the future of the University District.
The first of three community conversations will be 5:30-7:30 p.m. Oct. 25 in the Hotel Deca ballroom, 4507 Brooklyn Avenue Northeast. There will be numerous other opportunities to join the conversation including public events running through January 2013 and an interactive project website.
This first meeting carries the title “In TRANSITition,” and will emphasize opportunities in the neighborhood related to transit communities. The featured speaker is David Dixon, a nationally-known urban planner who has helped communities develop a shared vision for their future. Other speakers will discuss housing diversity, livability and quality urban design.
The sessions are intended to be participatory as well as informative. with small-group discussions following the speakers. The discussions will be facilitated and recorded. The goal is to help create a well-informed, active community with a shared sense of possibilities.
The community conversations are being organized and sponsored by the University of Washington as part of the U District Livability Partnership, a collaborative planning process with members of the business, residential and nonprofit communities of the University District and City of Seattle.
For more information, contact Flip Wood, flipwood@uw.edu, 206-543-4662 Susan McLain, Susan.McLain@seattle.gov, (206) 684-0432, Brian D. Scott, 206-971-6030, brian@briandscott.net.