March 1, 1999
High school students test
Teams from Sedro-Woolley High School claimed first and third places, and a team from Garfield High School placed second Saturday during the state’s Ocean Science Bowl sponsored by the University of Washington’s College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences.
The first-place team earned an all-expenses-paid trip to the National Ocean Sciences Bowl in Washington, D.C., April 10-12.
Teams from five high schools competed Saturday in rounds where they answered rapid-fire questions on biology, chemistry, geology, physics, history and economics of the ocean, and on ocean-related current events, according to Karen Schmitt, manager of educational initiatives with the College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences.
Members of the winning team from Sedro-Wooley High School earned the trip to Washington, D.C., a first-place trophy and specially printed T-shirts to wear at the national competition. Team members are Russell Benefield, Aaron Bever, Ryan Lindsay, Dave Peterson, Rio Lundquist de Luz and coach Beverly Mowrer.
Members of the second-place team from Garfield High School of Seattle received a trophy and collector-edition Casio watches that feature the UW Applied Physics Laboratory’s Polar Science Center. Team members are Kristin Kearnes, Carrie Gage, Kaitlin Murdock, Kevin Turner, Tyler Bourret and coach Paul Spangenberg
Members of the third-place team from Sedro-Wooley High School received a trophy, caps with the logo of the UW School of Oceanography’s major research vessel and passes to the Seattle Aquarium. Team members are Nicole Bandy, Ryan Dales, Kristopher Fraser, Eliza Johnson, Shilowe Sterba and coach Dallas Trople.
Also competing in the day-long competition on the UW’s Seattle campus were:
Garfield High School: A second team consisting of Anna Tetter, Mike Bascus, Devin Coldewey, Brennan Quinn, David Lewis and coach Paul Spangenberg.
Bainbridge Island High School: Cooper Graves Rooks, Ty Wells, Jordanna Black, Danny Badger, Peter Vander Hoek and Alan Bryant and coach Bruce Claiborne.
Peninsula High School, Gig Harbor: Elizabeth Windsor, Katie Maddoz, Ryan Storkman, Matt Catellani, Jennifer Lane and coach Mary Ann O’Dell.
Snohomish High School: James Freeberg, Jeremy Adsitt, Elizabeth Bailey, Britney Brower, Nicole Cameron and coach Ardi Kveven.
The fourth- through seventh-place teams received $50 gift certificates to the University Bookstore and copies of “The Sound,” a CD-ROM about Puget Sound, which was created by the UW Applied Physics Laboratory and Washington Sea Grant Program.
Other local contributors included the Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators, Salish Sea Expeditions, Holland-America Lines Westours and Seattle Aquarium.
The national Ocean Sciences Bowl is conducted by the Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education in Washington, D.C., of which the UW is a member.
For more information:
Karen Schmitt, UW’s College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences, (206) 685-1456