UW News

June 17, 1999

President appoints gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender task force

News and Information

University of Washington President Richard L. McCormick has appointed a task force on gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender (GBLT) issues.

The task force, to be chaired by Philip Bereano, professor of technical communication, will collect and review existing UW policies regarding GBLT issues and recommend possible changes. It also will serve as a forum for discussion of these issues and how they affect students, faculty and staff.

The task force will compile a comprehensive list of resources that serve the needs of GBLT faculty, staff and students, and will find ways of making this information more accessible to those who need it. The task force also will identify resources that are needed but are not currently available.

In his charge letter to the task force, McCormick said, “As you know, the University of Washington remains firmly committed to the goal that its students, staff, and faculty shall not be discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation, and it is my hope that your service on this Task Force will enhance the understanding of GBLT issues by our campus community.”

The task force is to submit its findings to the president by June 3, 2000.

“Some people may be surprised that such a task force would be necessary,” Bereano said. “The University of Washington is part of a larger community in which homophobia and discrimination are rampant. It would be na? to think that some of those same factors do not exist here.”

Other members of the task force include: Kelly Boyer, assistant director of Housing and Food Services for Residential Life (Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs representative); Mary Coney, professor of technical communication; Katherine Cummings, professor of English; James Farrow, professor of medicine and pediatrics and director of the Division of Adolescent Medicine; Larry Icard, professor of social work; Leonard James, Graduate and Professional Student Senate representative; L. Lincoln Johnson, director of Student Activities and Union Facilities (Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs representative); Akbar Mitchell, facilities manager, Housing and Food Services; Amanda Peachey, Associated Students of the University of Washington representative; Taran Rabideau, Residence Hall Student Association representative; Sheryl Schwartz, Gay and Lesbian University Employees representative; Richard Simkins, director of academic counseling, Undergraduate Advising Center (Professional Staff Organization representative); Rusty Sweet-Sorgenfrei, patient care coordinator, Epilepsy Center, Harborview Medical Center (Classified Staff Association representative), Shawna Woodard, University Policy Department representative; and Shirley Yee, professor of women studies.


Professor Bereano can be reached at 206-543-9037.