November 26, 2013
MyHeartMapSeattle scavenger hunters report over 2,000 defibrillators

A city-wide contest to locate as many of Seattle’s automatic external defibrillators, or AEDs, netted far more than expected. The challenge arose from the need to map and monitor these devices, which can save the lives of people suffering an out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest.
May 7, 2013
Spokane physician participates as patient in breast cancer vaccine trial

Dr. Alisa Hideg, who teaches UW medical students, is grateful for the chance to move science forward toward a future with more options for other patients.
March 28, 2013
UW Medicine establishes Center for Interstitial Lung Diseases

This week UW Medical Center’s pulmonary fibrosis support group celebrated its 25th anniversary and the establishment of the new center.
January 17, 2013
Early signals warn of prolonged sports concussion symptoms

Researchers found little correlation between loss of consciousness and duration of concussion symptoms.
January 16, 2013
High school athletes take lead from coaches in reporting concussive symptoms

New laws in many states require school athletes to be taught about concussion, but education alone is ineffective if it does not translate into students reporting possible symptoms.
November 2, 2012
Treating Doris: Health sciences students practice team-based clinical problem solving

A training event prepared 450 health sciences students for interprofessional teamwork and reminded them they aren’t alone in making tough clinical decisions.
October 4, 2012
Misconduct is a major factor in retracted research

New UW research shows that 2,047 research papers that have been retracted since 1977, misconduct—blatantly falsified data or data manipulation— was the cause in 41 percent of the cases.
September 20, 2012
Native health researcher bikes for Hopi Cancer Assistance Fund

Dr. Angela Gonzales will ride from Bellingham, Wash., to Ventura, Calif., to raise funds for Hopi cancer patients.
August 7, 2012
Study to identify best blood transfusion practices for trauma patients

UW medical researchers are launching a study to help determine which of the two most common blood product combinations provide the best outcomes for trauma patients who require massive blood transfusions. Dr. Eileen Bulger, UW professor of surgery and chief of trauma at Harborview Medical Center, is the principal investigator for the clinical study. The…