August 12, 1998
UW Medical Center opens Iron Overload Clinic
Hemochromatosis — also called iron overload syndrome — is the most common genetic disease in the United States, affecting approximately 1 in 300 people. If caught at an early stage, patients with hemochromatosis can live a normal, healthy life. A new clinic to help identify and treat hemochromatosis has opened at University of Washington Medical Center.
July 23, 1998
Surgical Dynamics endows spine-research chair at UW School of Medicine
Surgical Dynamics today announced that it will establish the Surgical Dynamics Endowed Chair for Spine Research at the University of Washington School of Medicine.
June 25, 1998
Can testosterone improve memory in men? Study provides initial findings
Treating older men with testosterone may help improve spatial and verbal memory, according to a small study conducted at the University of Washington in Seattle.
April 8, 1998
Weight loss, not weight gain, a health risk for older adults
Being overweight later in life does not pose a significant risk to your health, according to findings of a comprehensive study published in the April 1998 issue of the American Journal of Public Health. On the contrary, it appears that weight loss is far more unhealthy in those 65 and older.
March 19, 1998
Cost, use of health services is not affected by physician compensation: a study of Washington state medical groups/managed care organizations
Whether by productivity or by salary, the way in which primary care physicians are compensated in medical groups does not appear to affect the cost or amount of health services for patients
February 27, 1998
International dental symposium to focus on caries and periodontal disease
New knowledge about caries and periodontal disease and its impact on daily dental practice will be examined during the Third Washington Dental Service Foundation Distinguished Professorship Symposium, May 21 and 22, at the Four Seasons Olympic Hot el in Seattle.
February 4, 1998
Dental Implant Program established at the University of Washington School of Dentistry
The School of Dentistry, in partnership with the National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias, has established a new program to provide dental care for patients affected by ectodermal dysplasias.
December 3, 1997
Researchers identify asbestos, beryllium, noise exposure in former nuclear site workers
Many former workers at the Hanford nuclear site in Washington state may be affected by asbestos, beryllium and noise pollution exposure that occurred during their employment.
November 26, 1997
New role for brain receptor in control of body weight – research findings identify pathway for development of drugs to treat obesity
People who are resistant to the hormone leptin may become obese due to difficulties receiving bloodborne messages that tell their brain to reduce food intake or burn off excessive weight.
November 19, 1997
New simulator technology to give surgeons ‘feel’ of really operating
Surgical students soon will be able hone their skills with simulators that for the first time present a realistic feel of performing surgery thanks to a research project under way at the University of Washington. The project also could improve patient care by leading to the development of instruments that enhance surgeons’ sense of touch.
November 13, 1997
First annual “Health of Hanford” conference — scientists gather to report, discuss research findings
The latest research on thyroid disease, wildlife populations, beryllium exposure and Columbia River contamination in the Hanford reach area are among topics to be addressed during a two-day conference Dec. 3 and 4 in Richland, Wash.
October 13, 1997
UW cystic fibrosis researcher receives 928-ton accolade – an oil barge christened in her name
It may well be the “biggest” honor ever bestowed upon a UW researcher: A Seattle-based shipping company will christen its newest vessel, a 25,000-barrel oil barge, the “Bonnie R.” in honor of Dr. Bonnie Ramsey, professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine and director of the Cystic Fibrosis Center at Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center.
October 8, 1997
Using one liver to save two lives: University of Washington expands split-liver transplant program
In an effort to make maximum use of a scarce resource, University of Washington Medical Center is now offering split-liver transplants — an effort that could save up to 26 more lives each year.
September 29, 1997
Medicare reimbursement system encourages increased payments to rehabilitation hospitals
The economic incentives of Medicare’s reimbursement system for rehabilitation hospitals encourage millions of dollars in increased payments each year.
September 24, 1997
International meeting to highlight latest developments in liver transplantation
Medical experts from around the world will gather Oct. 15 to 17 in Seattle for a review of state-of-the-art developments in liver transplantation at the Fourth Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society.
September 23, 1997
Public workshops to help U.S. Department of Energy improve information access
To address the enormous task of declassifying Hanford documents and to improve public access to information, the U.S. Department of Energy is turning to the public for assistance.
September 22, 1997
Will your child become an overweight adult? Step on the scale
A child’s chance of obesity in adulthood is greatly increased if he or she has at least one obese parent.
September 15, 1997
University of Washington scientists look for cellular clues to explain how estrogen replacement therapy may protect against Alzheimer’s disease
Among its many salutary effects, estrogen seems to protect the brain against the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease: numerous clinical studies support that finding. But how does it accomplish this feat? Researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle are involved in a number of basic-science studies that are beginning to provide answers.
“The Face of Breast Cancer” exhibit comes to Seattle during Breast Cancer Awareness Month
“The Face of Breast Cancer: A Photographic Essay,” is coming to the Seattle area, sponsored by University of Washington Medical Center, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Nordstrom.
Local minority youth help UW researchers understand teen smoking
For the past two years, researchers have met with Asian Pacific Islander American (APIA) youths to hear their opinions, thoughts and comments on smoking.
UW offers free public lecture series in Wenatchee on Addiction and the Brain
A free public lecture series on “Addiction and the Brain: Beyond Saying No” will be offered in Wenatchee by the University of Washington’s Biobehavioral Nursing Program. A similar series was presented in Seattle last spring.
August 16, 1997
Health Source: Medical News from the University of Washington
Medical News from the University of Washington
July 18, 1997
UWMC among top 10 in the nation in U.S. News’ Best Hospitals
University of Washington Medical Center is again ranked among the top 10 hospitals in the country, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 1997 annual guide to “America’s Best Hospitals,” available on newsstands July 21.
June 17, 1997
How the brain knows when the body loses weight — Research provides clues about the role of the nervous system in regulating body fat
Knowledge of how the brain responds to weight loss and weight gain is advancing research toward the development of effective treatments for obesity, anorexia and other weight disorders
May 27, 1997
Health Source: Medical News from the University of Washington
Medical News from the University of Washington
May 20, 1997
Vitamin supplements may help asthmatics cope with air pollution
Vitamin supplements may help asthmatics cope with air pollution
May 15, 1997
Professor brings health care research center to the UW
The University of Washington will receive a new resource in health care management and organization research with relocation of the Center for Health Management Research — a cooperative industry / university research center.
April 29, 1997
Health Source: Medical News from the University of Washington
A NEW LASER HEART SURGERY TECHNIQUE for patients with coronary heart disease is being tested at University of Washington Medical Center.
April 18, 1997
UW faculty members appointed to Pew Health Professions Commission
University of Washington faculty members Ruth Ballweg and Dr. Mimi Fields have been named to the third phase of the Pew Health Professions Commission.
April 17, 1997
UW Health Sciences Open House to feature latest medical advances
See, hear and touch the latest advances in medical teaching, research and patient care at the University of Washington Health Sciences Open House Friday and Saturday, April 25 and 26, at the UW Health Sciences Center, 1959 N.E. Pacific St.
April 10, 1997
Alternative medicine treatment using pulsing magnetic device may offer benefits for some MS patients
A small electromagnetic device thought to help supplement the body’s electrical energy has shown some beneficial effects for patients with multiple sclerosis, according to a study led by researchers at the University of Washington.
April 9, 1997
Largest gift to UW School of Dentistry will establish first endowed chair
The Washington Dental Service (WDS) and University of Washington School of Dentistry today announced the establishment of the Washington Dental Service Endowed Chair in Dentistry.
April 8, 1997
Health Sciences Open House coming April 25 and 26
“Health Connections ’97” is the theme of the 27th open house. The event will include more than 80 interactive, high-tech and educational exhibits staffed by physicians, nurses, dentists and other medical and educational personnel.
Dr. Samuel Dworkin honored for dentistry research
Dr. Samuel Dworkin, professor of oral medicine at the University of Washington School of Dentistry and a pioneer in research on chronic orofacial pain, has been named the 1997 recipient of the Behavioral Sciences and Health Services Research Award presented by the International Association for Dental Research (IADR).
February 10, 1997
UW Researchers Open Labs to Junior Scientists — Thursday, Feb. 13
Leading University of Washington researchers will welcome into their labs some of the brightest science students in the nation Thursday, Feb. 13, as members of the American Junior Academy of Sciences (AJAS) get a hands-on look at the latest in scientific research.
January 29, 1997
Hormones may place women at greater risk for facial pain
One reason why many more women than men suffer from temporomandibular disorders (TMD) may be related to the role of female reproductive hormones.
January 28, 1997
Health Source Medical News from the University of Washington
Health Source Medical News from the University of Washington
December 31, 1996
Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 16
A tribute in honor of slain civil rights leader Dr.
December 18, 1996
Promising research on gel to prevent most common STD
A University of Washington study may point the way to development of a contraceptive gel to prevent transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis, the most common cause of sexually transmitted disease.
December 17, 1996
Health Source: Medical News from the University of Washington
Medical News from the University of Washington
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