UW News

February 25, 2025

The UW once again is a Fulbright top producer

campus photo

The University of Washington has been recognized once again as one of American higher education’s top producers of Fulbright students and scholars. This recognition is given to the U.S. colleges and universities that had the highest number of applicants selected for the 2024-25 Fulbright U.S. Student and Fulbright U.S. Scholar Programs – the federal government’s flagship international exchange program.

February 18, 2025

Three UW scientists named Sloan Fellows

Three professors

Three University of Washington faculty members have been awarded early-career fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The new Sloan Fellows, announced Feb. 18, are Amy L. Orsborn, the Clare Boothe Luce assistant professor of electrical & computer engineering and bioengineering, Dianne J. Xiao, an assistant professor of chemistry in the College of Arts & Sciences, and Amy X. Zhang, an assistant professor of computer science in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. 

February 3, 2025

Grasshopper size changes suggest how to predict winners and losers under climate change

closeup of grasshopper on dry dirt

Thousands of grasshopper specimens from mountains in Colorado show trends in how the insects changed in size over 65 years. With earlier emergence of spring greenery and earlier summer drought, grasshopper species that emerged early in the year grew larger, while grasshopper species that emerge later in the year grew smaller in size. The study, led by UW biologist Lauren Buckley, shows that changes in insect size can be predicted based on lifecycles and environmental conditions.

January 31, 2025

Report: UW No. 7 in the world powering global innovation

Fountain with light streaming in through the water

The University of Washington is No. 7 in the world on a list of the top universities in the world powering global innovation, according to the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate.

January 16, 2025

Panorama of our nearest galactic neighbor unveils hundreds of millions of stars

Andromeda Galaxy

The Hubble Space Telescope has generated the most comprehensive survey yet of the Andromeda galaxy, the nearest galactic neighbor to the Milky Way. The new mosaic of about 2.5 billion pixels yields new clues to the galaxy’s history. UW astronomers presented the findings Jan. 16 at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

December 18, 2024

Video highlights: From sea stars to sound waves, a look back at an eventful 2024 at the UW

A student in purple high fives other students flooding onto the field at Husky Stadium.

Magical moments and memorable events — from a baby sea stars to a cherry trees blooming — happen all year round at the University of Washington, and our videos help people understand what it looked like, what happened and who was involved. Here’s a glimpse at 2024 from around the University of Washington and beyond.

UW welcomes Tent City 3 back to campus

people putting up a tent

The organized tent-city community will return to the UW’s Seattle campus for 90 days during winter quarter 2025.

December 13, 2024

In the Field: UW oceanographers and undergrads pursue tiny viral prize in Puget Sound waters

people on ship with two tanks filled with water in foreground

UW oceanographer Robert Morris and a collaborator at UCLA are going out with students to collect the most abundant bacteria in the oceans to understand how its relationship with marine viruses changes depending on the place or the season. They leave Dec. 16 aboard UW School of Oceanography’s small research vessel, the RV Rachel Carson.

December 6, 2024

More than 10,000 supernovae counted in stellar census

Since 2018 the Zwicky Transient Facility, an international astronomical collaboration based at the Palomar Observatory in California, has scanned the entire sky every two to three nights. As part of this mission, the ZTF’s Bright Transient Survey has been counting and cataloguing supernovae — flashes of light in the sky that are the telltale signs of stars dying in spectacular explosions. On Dec. 4, ZTF researchers — including astronomers at the University of Washington — announced that that they have identified more than 10,000 of these stellar events, the largest number ever identified by an astronomical survey.

November 21, 2024

UW among best universities in the world for interdisciplinary science

college campus at night

The University of Washington was ranked No. 15 in the world for interdisciplinary scientific research, according to a new list published earlier this month by the U.K.-based Times Higher Education. The UW placed in the top 10 among U.S. institutions. Among U.S. public institutions, the UW placed fifth.

November 20, 2024

UW addresses USDA inspection report findings at WaNPRC

A routine inspection of the University of Washington’s animal care and use program conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) on Oct. 8 identified issues that the UW had self-reported and corrected before the inspection took place.

November 14, 2024

Deborah H. Fuller tapped to lead WaNPRC

researcher headshot

The University of Washington named Deborah H. Fuller, a professor of Microbiology at the UW School of Medicine, the next director of the Washington National Primate Research Center. Fuller started in the new role on Nov. 1, said Vice Provost of Research Mari Ostendorf.

November 11, 2024

UW recognizes Veterans Day with ceremonies and events

The University of Washington’s annual Veterans Day ceremony, held on Monday at the Medal of Honor Memorial near Parrington Hall, honored those who have served and featured music by the Husky Marching Band. The Monday ceremony kicked off a number of events during Veteran Appreciation Week at UW. UW alum Dr. Dana Covey, ’84, U.S….

November 8, 2024

Miniature backpack-like tags offer insight into the movement of hummingbirds

A team led by scientists at the University of Washington and the University of Aberdeen attached tiny “backpack” trackers to hummingbirds in the Colombian Andes to learn more about their movements. As they report in a paper published Oct. 10 in the journal Ecology and Evolution, the tracking system will aid conservation efforts in this region by revealing the previously hidden movements of hummingbirds and other small animals.

November 5, 2024

Reconstructing ancient Andean climate provides clues to climate change

As Earth faces unprecedented climate change, a look into the planet’s deep past may provide vital insights into what may lie ahead. But knowledge of the natural world millions of years ago is fragmented. A 15-year study of a site in Bolivia by a joint U.S.-Bolivia team has provided a comprehensive view of an ancient ecosystem when Earth was much warmer than it is today, and changed how we look at the Andes.

November 4, 2024

NASA funds effort to study effects of the space environment on living organisms

NASA has awarded a five-year, $2.5 million grant to establish a regional scientific consortium based at the University of Washington, in partnership with Washington State University and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The consortium will use an interdisciplinary approach to explore how the space environment — both in low-Earth orbit and beyond — affects living things.

October 30, 2024

Report: UW drives nearly $21 billion, 112,000 jobs to help support Washington’s economy

graphic showing statistic

Across its three campuses, the University of Washington generated a total impact on the state’s economy of $20.9 billion in fiscal year 2023, according to an economic contribution analysis released today. The study further concludes that the economic activity of the UW system supported or sustained 111,951 jobs statewide. 

October 17, 2024

Life could exist on Mars in shallow meltwater pools below icy surface, study suggests

white-edged mounds on dark background

Researchers think meltwater beneath Martian ice could host microbial life. New results show that dusty ice could allow deeper layers to melt, while allowing enough sunlight through to support photosynthesis.

October 15, 2024

Annual President’s Address 2024: Creating Impact through Courage, Compassion and Collaboration

University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce delivered her final annual address of her term on Oct. 15. The audience was invited to attend at the Henry Art Galley and remotely via livestream.

October 9, 2024

UW ranks among best in the world, fourth among US public institutions

campus shot

The University of Washington is among the best universities in the world, according to the 2025 World University Rankings published Wednesday by Times Higher Education.

September 30, 2024

UW Climate Impacts Group contributes to new WA State Climate Resiliency Strategy

Washington State Climate Resilience Strategy report cover with photos of Washington state

The University of Washington’s Climate Impacts Group has supported a newly released plan for state agencies to address the regional impacts of climate change. The plan, led by the Department of Ecology, includes 10 state agencies’ strategies to address climate impacts.

September 21, 2024

Remembering former Washington governor, senator, public servant and UW alumnus, Daniel J. Evans

Daniel J. Evans

Daniel Jackson Evans, a man whose impact on the state of Washington and the University of Washington spans decades and is memorialized in his namesake, the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, died Sept. 20, 2024. He was 98.

September 20, 2024

Determination of non-significance: Laurel Village

Official Notice image

Pursuant to the provisions of WAC 197-11-340 and WAC 478-324-140, the University of Washington hereby provides public notice of adoption of an existing document, the UW 2018 Seattle Campus Master Plan Final EIS, and DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE. The adopted document is available at: https://facilities.uw.edu/files/media/uw-cmp-final-eis-volume-1.pdf Project Name: Laurel Village Proponent/Lead Agency: University of Washington–Seattle Campus Comment…

UW’s incoming class welcomed at New Student Convocation

The University of Washington will welcome its incoming classes and their families on Sunday, Sept. 22 at the University’s annual New Student Convocation, which will be held in Alaska Airlines Arena at Hec Edmundson Pavilion.

September 19, 2024

Determination of non-significance: Blakeley Village  

Official Notice image

Pursuant to the provisions of WAC 197-11-340 and WAC 478-324-140, the University of Washington hereby provides public notice of adoption of an existing document, the UW 2018 Seattle Campus Master Plan Final EIS, and DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE. The adopted document is available at: https://facilities.uw.edu/files/media/uw-cmp-final-eis-volume-1.pdf Project Name: Blakeley Village Proponent/Lead Agency: University of Washington–Seattle Campus Comment…

September 18, 2024

Video: UW welcomes incoming fall students to on-campus housing

Mild fall temperatures this week helped welcome the first group of students who moved into University of Washington residence halls and apartments. More than 10,000 students are expected to live in UW housing this year, including more than 77.5% of the freshman class. This year’s incoming class is expected to be around 7,150, according to preliminary information.

September 12, 2024

Determination of non-significance: ASUW Shell House Renovation

Official Notice image

Pursuant to the provisions of WAC 197-11-340 and WAC 478-324-140, the University of Washington hereby provides public notice of: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Project Name: ASUW Shell House Renovation Proponent/Lead Agency: University of Washington–Seattle Campus Comment Period Closes: September 26, 2024 Description of Proposal: The proposed University of Washington ASUW Shell House project is intended to…

Statement on UW Board of Regents meeting disruption and adjournment

text reads "Statement"

The following is a statement from outgoing UW Board of Regents Chair David Zeeck and Incoming Board of Regents Chair Blaine Tamaki on today’s meeting disruption and adjournment: The UW Board of Regents adjourned its meeting today after disruptions made orderly conduct of the meeting impossible. Speakers addressing labor issues and those calling for divestment…

UW’s Ashleigh Theberge receives Schmidt Sciences Polymath honors for ‘boundary-pushing work’ in cell signaling, communication

Ashleigh Theberge, associate professor of chemistry at the University of Washington, has been named to the Schmidt Sciences Polymath Program, entitling her to grants of up to $2.5 million over five years to “pursue risky, novel theories that would otherwise be difficult to fund,” according to a Sept. 10 announcement from Schmidt Sciences. Theberge — one of six awardees this year — was selected from an applicant pool of 117, and is the first UW faculty member selected for the program, which is in its third year.

September 6, 2024

Statement from UW President Cauce on killing of recent UW graduate in West Bank

text reads "Statement"

A statement from University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce on the killing of recent UW graduate Aysenur Eygi in the West Bank.

August 29, 2024

Scientists will study nearby galaxies to uncover galactic formation history and dark matter

NASA’s upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will look for “fossils” of galaxy formation by conducting high-resolution imaging studies. Through a grant from NASA, astronomers are designing a set of possible observations called RINGS — the Roman Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey — that would collect these images, and the team is producing publicly available tools that the astronomy community can use once Roman launches and starts collecting data.

August 21, 2024

Human-wildlife overlap expected to increase across more than half of Earth’s land by 2070

The overlap between humans and animals will increase substantially across much of the planet in less than 50 years due to human population growth and climate change, according to a collaborative study by scientists at the University of Michigan, the University of Washington and University College London. By 2070, the overlap between humans and more than 22,000 vertebrate species will rise across nearly 57% of Earth’s land, according to the team.

August 12, 2024

Report describes the barriers Pacific Northwest coastal Tribes face in adapting to climate change

map of Washington and Oregon showing locations of coastal Tribes

The University of Washington, the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians and others held collaborative listening sessions with Northwest coastal Tribes to hear their experiences in adapting to climate change. A new report summarizes those experiences, while an upcoming grant program hopes to help address barriers identified in the report.

August 5, 2024

Randy Hodgins, vice president of the Office of External Affairs, to retire in June 2025

Profile photo of a man

After more than two decades with the University of Washington, Vice President Randy Hodgins announced today that he will step down from his role leading the UW Office of External Affairs and retire at the end of the 2024-2025 academic year. During his upcoming final year as Vice President, Hodgins said he will remain committed to advancing the University’s mission and ensuring a smooth transition.

June 27, 2024

UW ranks in the top 10 on a US News & World Report list of best global universities

campus scene

The University of Washington tied for No. 7 on the U.S. News & World Report’s Best Global Universities rankings, released on Tuesday. The UW maintained its No. 2 ranking among U.S. public institutions.

May 30, 2024

Dana Robinson Slote becomes director of media relations, leading UW News

Dana Robinson Slote

Dana Robinson Slote, who for more than a decade ran communications efforts for the Seattle City Council, is the new director of media relations at the University of Washington, effective May 20.

May 28, 2024

In the Field: UW researcher headed to Alaska to study factors that lead to permafrost thaw and to educate foster care youth

In the foreground is a section of a tree with pinecones on it. The tree and pinecones are covered in frost. Behind the tree is a forest. There's a boardwalk going straight through the middle of the picture. The sun is shining in the background.

UW doctoral student Joel Eklof has been investigating which environmental factors contribute to permafrost thaw and the release of methane into the atmosphere. For years, Eklof has traveled to a field site southwest of Fairbanks, Alaska.

May 17, 2024

UW atmospheric scientist participating in field campaign to improve Western snowfall, drought forecasts

Wooden building with snow and blue skies

A UW atmospheric scientist will participate in a campaign to study winter storms and snowfall in northwestern Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. Like Seattle, this area depends on winter snow for its summer water supplies, so improving mountain snow forecasts will improve projections for summer drought and wildfire risks.

May 15, 2024

Thirteen UW students receive Fulbright exchange awards for study, research and teaching positions around the world

multiple headshots of students in a grid format

Thirteen UW students and recent alumni were awarded Fulbright U.S. Student Program scholarships this year, joining about 2,000 students and recent graduates from around the country to study and teach abroad.

May 10, 2024

University statement on encampment and counter-protest on Sunday

text reads "Statement"

A statement from the University of Washington regarding the encampment protest in the Quad and a planned counter-protest on Sunday

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