June 2, 2017
Flexible Career Accelerator Program offers a professional boost

University of Washington Continuum College is re-engineering education for working adults through a new program called Career Accelerator. The program boosts critical career knowledge for professionals, helping them achieve gains in data analytics, data science, machine learning, programming and project management.
June 1, 2017
Scientists launch global agenda to curb social and human rights abuses in the seafood sector

As the United Nations Oceans Conference convenes in New York, a new paper calls on marine scientists to focus on social issues such as human rights violations in the seafood industry
May 16, 2017
Public hearing notice: Student Conduct Code for the University of Washington

The purpose of the hearing is to allow all interested persons an opportunity to present their views, either orally or in writing, on the proposed new Chapter 478-121 WAC, “Student Conduct Code for the University of Washington,” and the repeal of the current Chapter 478-120 WAC, as well as amendments to various cross-references to the chapter and its sections in Title 478 WAC.
May 2, 2017
UW Continuum College launches first-ever scholarship program for certificate students

University of Washington Continuum College has launched the first UWPCE Certificate Scholarship program to help Washington residents eager to advance their careers through education.
April 26, 2017
Invasive green crab found at Dungeness Spit

A new population of invasive European green crab has been found at Dungeness Spit, near Sequim, Washington, rekindling concern over the potential for damage to local marine life and shorelines.
April 19, 2017
Official notice: Housekeeping amendments to various Title 478 WAC rules

Notice of Expedited Rule Making (Per RCW 34.05.353) Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Housekeeping amendments to various Title 478 WAC rules. Statutory Authority for Adoption and Statute Being Implemented: RCW 28B.20.130. Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Housekeeping changes to Title 478 WAC rules are…
April 11, 2017
University of Washington and Starbucks to create unique coffeehouse destination at Suzzallo Library

The University of Washington and Starbucks Coffee Company are coming together to create a world-class coffeehouse destination in the historic and iconic Suzzallo Library. The design of the new café, set to open this fall, will honor the library’s rich history and legacy.
March 28, 2017
Public notice: Availability of a final supplemental environmental impact statement

The University is proposing a site selection and construction of a new above and below grade building to create a physical convening space and compelling catalyst for Population Health endeavors across all three UW campuses, the region and the world, creating a high profile marker for the UW’s commitment to Population Health, as outlined in President Ana Mari Cauce’s May 2016 address to the community.
March 23, 2017
UW Chemistry to establish a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship thanks to $12 million commitment from professor emeritus Larry Dalton and Nicole Boand

Building upon a long legacy of supporting scientific innovation and education, professor emeritus Larry Dalton and his wife, Nicole Boand, have committed $12 million to the UW Department of Chemistry.
March 20, 2017
Public notice: Availability of a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) — UW Bothell/Cascadia College Campus Master Plan

Public Notice University Of Washington Pursuant to the provisions of WAC 197-11-455 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and WAC 478-324-140, the University of Washington hereby provides public notice of the: Availability of a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) Project Name: University of Washington Bothell/Cascadia College Campus Master Plan Proponent: University of Washington Bothell and Cascadia…
March 1, 2017
Notice of possible rule making: Preproposal statement of inquiry

The University’s student conduct code is being considered for further amendment concerning disciplinary proceedings based on changes to federal guidance and recent interpretation of state law.
February 28, 2017
UW among Peace Corps’ 2017 Top Volunteer-Producing Colleges & Universities

The Peace Corps announced Tuesday that the University of Washington (UW) ranked No. 2 among large schools on the agency’s 2017 Top Volunteer-Producing Colleges and Universities list. There are 73 Huskies currently volunteering worldwide. UW ranks No. 3 all-time for total volunteers and has achieved elite top three status in the large school category for 13 consecutive years.
February 23, 2017
Universities establish joint center to use data for social good in Cascadia region

University of British Columbia and the UW announced the establishment of the Cascadia Urban Analytics Cooperative to use data to help cities and communities address challenges from traffic to homelessness. The effort will bring faculty, students, and community stakeholders together to solve problems, and is made possible thanks to a $1-million gift from Microsoft.
UW CSE announces the Guestrin Endowed Professorship in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering announced today the establishment of the Guestrin Endowed Professorship in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This $1 million endowment will further enhance UW CSE’s ability to recruit and retain the world’s most outstanding faculty members in these burgeoning areas.
February 21, 2017
Three UW scientists awarded Sloan Fellowships for early-career research

Three faculty members at the University of Washington have been awarded early-career fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The new Sloan Fellows, announced Feb. 21, include Ali Farhadi, assistant professor of computer science and engineering; Emily Levesque, assistant professor of astronomy; and John Tuthill, assistant professor of physiology and biophysics.
February 15, 2017
Predicting autism: Researchers find autism biomarkers in infancy

By using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to study the brains of infants who have older siblings with autism, scientists were able to correctly identify 80 percent of the babies who would be subsequently diagnosed with autism at 2 years of age.
February 13, 2017
New findings reveal health, aging experiences of LGBT older adults across nation

In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers from the University of Washington’s School of Social Work have released new findings this month on the health and aging of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older adults in the U.S.
February 1, 2017
UW introduces new master’s degree in applied child & adolescent psychology

A new UW graduate degree program – the Master of Arts in Applied Child & Adolescent Psychology: Prevention & Treatment – aims to meet the growing need for mental health professionals trained to serve children, teens and families.
January 27, 2017
UW statement regarding purported Red Square event Monday
A statement from Denzil Suite, vice president for student life at the University of Washington, regarding an event purported to be taking place Monday on Red Square.
Meany Center joins visiting Step Afrika! dance troupe to honor 100th anniversary of artist Jacob Lawrence’s birth

Meany Center for the Performing Arts and the School of Art + Art History + Design celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of artist Jacob Lawrence along with the Seattle Art Museum.
January 25, 2017
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation boosts vital work of the UW’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) announced today the foundation’s commitment to invest $279 million in IHME to expand its work over the next decade.
January 20, 2017
Statement from UW President Ana Mari Cauce on shooting incident during protest in Red Square
A statement from University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce following an incident in which a man suffered a gunshot wound in the abdomen during a large protest in Red Square
January 12, 2017
Ocean acidification to hit West Coast Dungeness crab fishery, new assessment shows

The acidification of the ocean expected as seawater absorbs increasing amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere will reverberate through the West Coast’s marine food web, but not necessarily in the ways you might expect, new research shows.
January 10, 2017
Two UW professors win Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers

Two University of Washington professors have received the 2017 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor given by the U.S. government to early career scientists and engineers.
January 5, 2017
UW President Ana Mari Cauce on board first West Coast commercial flight to Havana

UW President Ana Mari Cauce, the first Cuban-born president of a major American university, was on board the first West Coast commercial flight to Havana on Thursday. Cauce left Cuba with her family when she was 3 years old. “I’m thrilled at this new spirit of openness and the opportunity for us to build greater ties…
December 19, 2016
Investing in fisheries management improves fish populations

Research published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that successful fisheries management can be best achieved by implementing and enforcing science-based catch or effort limits.
December 16, 2016
What makes influential science? Telling a good story

Researchers from the University of Washington have found that scientific papers written in a more narrative style were more influential among peer-reviewed studies in the climate change literature. Their results were published Dec. 15 in the journal PLOS ONE.
December 14, 2016
Dozens of projects aimed at efficiency are on track as part of the Transforming Administration Program

Provost Jerry Baldasty kicked off the Transforming Administration Program in Spring 2015 with a key goal of creating one administration, one university with an enhanced culture of service ultimately serving faculty and staff to achieve the University of Washington’s teaching, research and service missions. The program aims to make administrative departments more efficient and effective, and eliminate silos.
December 13, 2016
UW is founding member of alliance to expand access and opportunity for 50,000 students from lower- and middle-income families

The University of Washington joins 30 of the nation’s most respected colleges and universities Tuesday in a new initiative to substantially expand the number of talented low- and moderate-income students at America’s top-performing undergraduate institutions with the highest graduation rates.
December 8, 2016
Frequently asked questions: odontoma in a gorgonopsian

Answers to frequently asked questions about a 255-year-old tumor in a ‘pre-mammal.’
November 28, 2016
Statement from UW President Ana Mari Cauce regarding Nov. 15 attack on Muslim student

“Our university is and will always be a welcoming place for people of every race and faith, including our Muslim students, faculty and staff.”
November 22, 2016
UW has 29 faculty on list of ‘highly cited researchers’ for 2016

Twenty-nine University of Washington faculty members are among a list of the year’s most highly cited researchers in the natural and social sciences.
November 21, 2016
Ocean acidification study offers warnings for marine life, habitats

Acidification of the world’s oceans could drive a cascading loss of biodiversity in some marine habitats, according to research published Nov. 21 in Nature Climate Change.
November 17, 2016
Trump and foreign policy: UW Jackson School faculty speak out

Several Jackson School of International Studies faculty members comment on the geopolitical possibilities of the coming Donald Trump administration.
November 8, 2016
Determination of significance and request for comments on scope of Environmental Impact Statement

The UW Bothell and Cascadia College Campus Master Plan will guide development, building on the 2010 (rev 2011) Campus Master Plan and extending the continuity of planning developed over the next 20 years. The Campus Master Plan will include guidelines and policies for new development on the campus.
Clues in poached ivory yield ages and locations of origin

More than 90 percent of ivory in large, seized shipments came from elephants that died less than three years before, according to a new study from a team of scientists at the University of Utah, the University of Washington and partner institutions. They combined a new approach to radiocarbon dating of ivory samples with genetic analysis tools developed by UW biology professor Sam Wasser.
November 3, 2016
Jeffrey Scott named executive vice president for finance and administration at the University of Washington

Jeffrey F. Scott has been named executive vice president for finance and administration (EVP) at the University of Washington, President Ana Mari Cauce announced today. Currently Senior Vice President at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Scott will provide leadership for the central business services of the University, including finance and facilities, human resources, information technology,…
October 26, 2016
New permanent ballot box located outside UW’s Schmitz Hall

A new permanent ballot drop box is now located on the north side of Schmitz Hall. King County voters can drop off their completed ballots any time between Oct. 20 and 8 p.m. on election day, Tuesday, Nov. 8. Schmitz Hall is at 1400 NE Campus Parkway. The ballot box is located by the north…
October 25, 2016
UW maintains No. 11 position in US News Best Global Universities ranking; third among public institutions
The University of Washington maintained its No. 11 spot in the 2017 edition of U.S. News & World Report’s Best Global Universities rankings. The UW remains the third-ranked public university on the global list, behind University of California, Berkeley (fourth) and UCLA (10th). “This recognition reflects the work of our faculty and students in seeking…
October 14, 2016
A new way to ‘college’: University of Washington Continuum College

The University of Washington has renamed Educational Outreach to Continuum College, a new name for a new era of higher education.
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