June 7, 2013
Board of Regents — June 13 Meeting Announcement
The Board of Regents will hold a Regular Meeting on Thursday, June 13, at 1pm in the Petersen Room of the Allen Library. The full agenda is available online.
May 22, 2013
News Digest: Seaglider technology licensed, lecture revisits the Boldt decision, U. of Minnesota president to speak

UW Seaglider technology is licensed commercially; Richard Whitney, emeritus professor of fisheries, will deliver a talk about the Boldt decision; U. of Minnesota president and former UW faculty member Eric Kaler will deliver a talk about challenges facing research institutions.
May 1, 2013
Notice of Expedited Rule Making: Housekeeping amendments
Notice of Expedited Rule Making (Per RCW 34.05.353) Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Housekeeping amendments to WAC 478-120-020, 478-120-140, and 478-124-020. Statutory Authority for Adoption and Statute Being Implemented: RCW 28B.20.130. Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: In both WAC 478-120-020 and 478-124-020 one subsection…
October 11, 2012
Mug handles could help hot plasma give lower-cost, controllable fusion energy

New hardware lets engineers maintain the plasma used in fusion reactors in an energy-efficient, stable manner, making the system potentially attractive for use in fusion power plants.
July 20, 2011
John Sahr: Professor, associate dean, zombie killer

John Sahr is an excellent professor of electrical engineering and associate dean of undergraduate academic affairs, but a lousy zombie killer. He’s not much better as a zombie, but he enjoys being both in the student-created game.
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