UW News

May 4, 2006

William D. Ruckelshaus, first administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, to be UW Commencement speaker

William D.

UW licenses innovative cardiovascular software to VPDiagnostics

University of Washington TechTransfer announced today it has licensed a computer-aided cardiovascular analysis system to VPDiagnostics, Inc.

April 27, 2006

UW prof creates first dictionary of African-American television

What was the longest-running television show with an African-American cast? Why was the popular early situation comedy Amos ‘n’ Andy cancelled after just two years? What made a 1968 Petula Clark television special a memorable event in the televised history of race relations?

These are a few of the historical nuggets to be found in the Historical Dictionary of African-American Television by Kathleen Fearn-Banks, recently published by Scarecrow Press.

Barceló leaves legacy of building partnerships

Rusty Barceló leaves her friends and colleagues at the UW with these words of advice: Never fear change.

April 20, 2006

Access to technology uneven

Many faculty members say that they’d like to use instructional technology more in their classrooms.

Sheila Edwards Lange named interim VP for minority affairs

Sheila Edwards Lange has been selected interim vice president for minority affairs and vice provost for diversity, effective May 15.

April 19, 2006

Sheila Edwards Lange selected as interim vice president for minority affairs and vice provost for diversity

Sheila Edwards Lange has been selected interim vice president for minority affairs and vice provost for diversity, effective May 15.

April 17, 2006

Charles Mitchell wins award for leadership in diversity

Charles Mitchell, chancellor of the Seattle Community College District, has been named the 2006 Charles E.

April 14, 2006

UW extends search for new chancellor at UW, Bothell

President Mark A.

April 6, 2006

A culture of giving back: Nursing school shines in faculty/staff/retiree campaign

Perhaps it’s not surprising that the UW’s top-rated School of Nursing is also a leader in philanthropy.

April 2, 2006

UW tops national primary care medical school rankings for 13th straight year

The University of Washington again has been ranked first among primary care medical schools in the country, according to annual rankings of graduate and professional programs provided by U.

March 30, 2006

Office of Global Affairs plans survey

In December 2005, Provost Phyllis Wise created a new Office of Global Affairs, to be led by Vice Provost Susan Jeffords.

March 28, 2006

Sariah Khormaee receives biomedical scholarship to study at Cambridge University in England

Sariah Khormaee has been selected as a National Institutes of Health – Marshall Scholar in Biomedical Research.

March 22, 2006

UW introducing new specialty license plates

A team of students from the University of Washington’s graphic design program has created a bold new look for the University’s specialty license plate.

March 20, 2006

Expert in children’s literature to discuss the role of libraries

Lynne McKechnie, the first Visiting Cleary Professor in Children and Youth Services at the University of Washington’s Information School, will deliver her first UW lecture April 11 on the role of public libraries in the development of children as readers.

Report finds growing inequality across global information society

A decade into the information society, key computing and communication technologies are even more concentrated in a few countries, not less, according to a University of Washington report to be released today.

March 16, 2006

UW settles class-action faculty pay suit

The University of Washington has agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit over faculty salaries.

University of Washington Regents increase president’s salary

At its regular monthly meeting today, the University of Washington Board of Regents increased the salary of President Mark Emmert by 5.

March 15, 2006

Project to make Internet searches more credible

A new project at the University of Washington in collaboration with Syracuse University is aimed at addressing what is perhaps the most difficult problem in evaluating information gathered on the Internet: credibility.

March 9, 2006

Conference provides educators with new tools to combat effect of media on youth

Several nationally-known experts on how media can affect the health of young people and how media literacy can minimize these effects, will speak at a two-day conference at the University of Washington.

March 7, 2006

Daniel S. Friedman selected as dean of College of Architecture and Urban Planning at University of Washington

University of Washington Provost Phyllis Wise announced the selection of Daniel S.

February 23, 2006

Initative team moves forward based on survey results

The Leadership, Community and Values Initiative is moving forward to implementation, based upon the findings in the Universitywide survey conducted in April, 2005.

Scott Woodward appointed vice president for external affairs

UW President Mark A.

With legislative deadline approaching, it’s a tale of two budgets

With the statutory deadline for the legislative session fast approaching, there appear to be no major obstacles in the way of a March 9 adjournment, according to UW Director of State Relations Randy Hodgins.

February 16, 2006

Scott Woodward appointed vice president for external affairs

University of Washington President Mark A.

February 9, 2006

Legislature’s good news for UW is death or revision of bills

This legislative session has reached its midpoint, and much of the good news for the UW has been about legislation that has “died” or been amended to satisfy UW concerns.

UW joins Seattle City Light to Green Up

The UW has become the largest purchaser of green power in Seattle.

February 2, 2006

Grad school lauded for inclusive efforts

The UW Graduate School has been honored for its innovations in promoting an inclusive graduate community.

January 26, 2006

Higher ed issues in legislature overshadowed by WASL

The Washington State Senate will announce its supplemental budget proposal for the remainder of the 2005-07 biennium on Feb.

January 19, 2006

New class part of effort to internationalize undergraduate curriculum

A new undergraduate course will explore how yearning for justice, vengeance, bravery, and honor — all manifested in the hero figure — has satisfied the psychological needs of Japanese and Chinese readers for centuries, and how that tradition is now being used to serve the psychological needs of American readers and moviegoers.

January 11, 2006

UW chosen as top 10 value in higher education in US

When a personal finance magazine named the 100 public universities that provide a stellar education at a relatively low cost, the University of Washington made the top 10.

December 8, 2005

Some clarification on completing Faculty Effort Certifications

Although the majority of faculty who were required to complete training on Faculty Effort Certification have done so, a number of follow-up issues have arisen, according to Sue Camber, assistant vice president for research and accounting analysis.

Google gremlins cause glitch: Everything old is news again

Last Thursday, the Office of News and Information was bamboozled by Google, specifically by Google News.

December 1, 2005

Committee seeks ‘ideal’ undergraduate experience

The ideal undergraduate experience at the UW would engage all students — not just in the classroom, but by extending intellectual life to where students live.

November 10, 2005

Doctoral programs to get global look

The UW has convened a group of international innovators in doctoral education to explore the forces that are driving change around the globe and the forms that innovation is taking.

October 21, 2005

Proposed Arboretum Bridge and interchange not acceptable to UW, officials say

University of Washington officials who have reviewed plans for a proposed additional bridge crossing the Arboretum and Union Bay have found that the proposal is “unacceptable” to the UW.

October 6, 2005

Lidstrom named vice provost for research

Mary Lidstrom, professor of chemical engineering and of microbiology, and holder of the Frank Jungers chair of engineering, has been appointed vice provost for research, effective Nov.

September 29, 2005

Workshops highlight survey findings

Four Involvement Workshops were held with campus leadership groups to discuss the preliminary findings of the survey conducted by the Leadership, Community and Values Initiative.

UW researchers to lawmakers: Thanks for past, future support

The message from UW researchers to state legislators was clear: “Thank you! Your past support of technological research helped us greatly.

September 20, 2005

UW President appointed to National Security Higher Education Advisory Board

University of Washington President Mark A.

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