UW News

November 18, 2002

UW chooses vice provost of intellectual property and tech transfer

James Severson, current president of the Cornell Research Foundation, has been selected to become vice provost for intellectual property and technology transfer at the University of Washington.

November 14, 2002

Teachers who write prove best for student writers

Pam Forbush remembers well that day in 1996 when she was given 45 minutes to write about anything she wished.

Career paths one key to evaluating, improving doctoral education

The University of Washington is now home to the only center for the study of graduate education in the United States.

November 7, 2002

Exhibit, poster tell story of library

A small, understated exhibit at Suzzallo Library tells the story of the library’s glorious beginnings and recent, painstaking restoration.

Portfolio project lets students reflect on their learning

Socrates said that the unexamined life was not worth living.

October 25, 2002

Statement from UW President Richard L. McCormick

UW President Richard L. McCormick announces his decision to accept the presidency of Rutger’s University.

Statement from UW Board of Regents President Jerry Grinstein

President of the UW Board of Regents Jerry Grinstein responds to UW President Richard McCormick’s decision to assume the presidency of Rutgers University.

October 24, 2002

Open enrollment begins; costs increasing

The annual medical/dental open enrollment has begun.

Beware software bearing gifts

Some computer software is like a piece of fruit: It looks good on the outside, and parts of it may taste good, but you always should be on the lookout for the worm.

October 21, 2002

2002 Autumn Quarter enrollments

The University of Washington’s Seattle campus enrollment for Autumn Quarter 2002 is 39,216, including 1,418 non-matriculated students (those who are not seeking degrees) enrolled in credit courses through University Extension.

October 17, 2002

Big Brother hacker is watching you

The scanners are watching.

October 10, 2002

Staff salaries remain below market

Despite experiencing a two-year period in which general merit raises were granted just once, the UW professional staff’s salaries remained at the same level compared to the market as in 2000.

August 22, 2002

Scholars working to decipher ancient Buddhist manuscript

Somewhere in eastern Afghanistan, Taliban soldiers may well be sharing a cave with vessels containing Buddhist texts that were created 2,000 years ago.

August 20, 2002

One of earliest Buddhist manuscripts acquired by University of Washington

A birch bark manuscript from a Buddhist monastery, believed to have been written in the first or second century A.D., was recently acquired by the University of Washington Libraries and will become a key component of the Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project.

August 8, 2002

Budget request reflects tough times

The Board of Regents of the UW has approved a budget request for 2003–2005 calling for no new programs, and new enrollments only if the state improves its core funding of the University.

July 29, 2002

UW regents approve budget request with no increase in enrollment

The Board of Regents of the University of Washington has approved a budget request for 2003-5 calling for no new programs, and new enrollments only if the state improves its core funding of the university.

June 6, 2002

Hill named acting Evans School dean

Paul T.

May 20, 2002

Governor to speak at campus Memorial Day ceremony

A ceremony in honor of Memorial Day will be held at the University of Washington at 4 p.m. Friday, May 24 in Red Square.

May 9, 2002

Symposium to draw almost 400 undergraduates

I’m testing “quotes” and other characters that can cause problems if JavaScript attempts to interpret them. I wrote a function called overlibTranslate that converts characters like ‘ and ” to entity equivalents. &*^%$#@!

April 25, 2002

Albright will be commencement speaker

Madeleine K.

April 24, 2002

Madeleine Albright to speak at University of Washington commencement

Madeleine K.

April 11, 2002

Tutu to participate in UW forum

Archbishop Desmond Tutu will be on campus May 7 for two special events: a forum on the health of the world’s children and a formal academic convocation, at which he will be awarded an honorary degree.

April 4, 2002

Grant will bring chemical scientists together

An unusual grant for the professional development of graduate students in the chemical sciences will both unify and broaden their experience.

March 19, 2002

Mavis Leno, women’s rights activist and wife of Tonight Show host, talks March 26 about women’s rights in post-Taliban Afghanistan

For the last five years Mavis Leno has used her status as an author and celebrity wife to bring attention to the plight of women under the Taliban rule. Leno will speak about the restoration of women’s rights in post-Taliban Afghanistan in a lecture at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 26 at Town Hall, 6th and Seneca.

March 14, 2002

Initiative expands UWired services

UWired is set, officially, to extend its reach.

March 7, 2002

MyGradProgram eliminates paper, improves lives

An ambitious project in the Graduate School, making extensive use of the Web and e-mail, is eliminating more than 38,000 pieces of paper each year.

February 28, 2002

PERS 2 or PERS 3: Which will it be?

Unlike “paper or plastic,” the choice of PERS 2 or PERS 3 could have long-term, profound implications.

February 7, 2002

UW efforts to conserve pay off

The UW has done a good job conserving both energy and water in the past year, but the best may be yet to come, according to Facilities Services officials.

January 20, 2002

Madeleine Albright to speak at University of Washington commencement

Madeleine K.

January 17, 2002

Help for the help desk: Computer specialists create, will share tracking system

Computer specialists in many departments feel like the proverbial boy with his finger in the dike—except, all too often there are too many holes and not enough fingers.

1,100 from UW answer service call

This year’s Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 10, 2002

HR tools will help evaluate employees

Human Resources recently announced a series of tools to help supervisors evaluate research scientist and engineer positions, determine appropriate salary ranges and to identify career progressions.

December 14, 2001

UW, Ethics Board reach settlement on bowl game allegations

The Washington State Executive Ethics Board today approved settlement of a case involving allegations that University of Washington President Richard L. McCormick and Athletic Director Barbara Hedges violated provisions of the state’s Executive Ethics Law when the UW participated in the 1999 Holiday Bowl and 2001 Rose Bowl. The allegations dealt with whether travel to the bowls by University Regents, staff and their families, and in some instances guests were in violation of state ethics laws.

November 8, 2001

Opening a window on the past

The UW is partnering with the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI), as well as with many of the smaller museums in King County, to create a digital archive of county history containing 12,000 images.

October 25, 2001

Online form to ease payroll information

Soon the campus will watch the PAF go “Poof.

Ethnic Cultural Center shows off a new look

The Ethnic Cultural Center and Theater are reopening, ready to meet the rigors of the 21st century but still deeply rooted in their history.

October 23, 2001

2001 Autumn Quarter Enrollments

The University of Washington’s Seattle campus enrollment for autumn quarter 2001 is 37,412, including 838 students in the Evening Degree Program.

October 18, 2001

A ‘responsive’ Ph.D.: UW ready to take action as national program kicks off

On Oct.

October 5, 2001

Education Forums establish links between African-Americans and UW

A new outreach program developed by the premier African American men’s social service organization in Seattle and the University of Washington is aimed at establishing greater links between the African-American community and the UW, with the goal of attracting more African American students to the UW.

October 4, 2001

UW gets $30 million for genome research

The UW has received two five-year grants of $15 million each from the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) for inaugurating the next phase of research into understanding how the human genome functions.

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