UW News

October 4, 2001

Center’s goal to view the ‘ultrasmall’

A new NIH-supported center housed on the UW campus will develop modular microscale instrumentation systems for the detection and analysis of how, when, and why very small populations of living cells interact with each other and their environment.

September 20, 2001

UW breaks gifts and grants record second year in a row

Total private support to the University of Washington totaled $231,918,169 in fiscal year 2000-2001, an increase over last year’s record-breaking total of $225,575,162.

September 13, 2001

Statement of UW President Richard L. McCormick regarding plane crash in Mexico

The University of Washington suffered a terrible, sad loss yesterday when a number of very good friends and supporters went down in a plane crash in Mexico.

President McCormick’s statement to UW community regarding day of remembrance Sept. 14

President Bush has declared Friday, September 14 to be a national day of mourning for the victims of Tuesday’s terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. Governor Locke has announced a statewide day of prayer and remembrance, highlighted by an observance at Westlake Center from 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Joining Governor Locke will be King County Executive Ron Sims, Mayor Paul Schell and religious leaders. At sites around the state, sirens will sound at 12:29 in honor of fallen emergency response personnel, followed by a minute of silence and concluding at 12:31 with the ringing of bells.

September 10, 2001

UW Freshman Convocation Sept. 30

At least two thousand freshmen, their parents and guests are expected to attend the 2001 UW Freshman Convocation, to be held at noon, Sunday, September 30 in Meany Hall for the Performing Arts. The annual event officially marks the beginning of the new academic year, with classes starting on Monday, October 1.

September 5, 2001

UW receives two major grants for human genome research

The University of Washington has received two five-year grants of $15 million each from the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) for inaugurating the next phase of research into understanding how the human genome functions.

September 4, 2001

Dorothy Van Soest to become dean of UW School of Social Work

Dorothy Van Soest, professor and associate dean of the School of Social Work of The University of Texas at Austin, has been selected as dean of the School of Social Work at the University of Washington, UW President Richard L. McCormick announced today.

July 9, 2001

UW details effects of TA strike in June

The number of teaching assistants who struck at the University of Washington June 1 through 15 was about 235. There were approximately 1,322 TAs Spring Quarter.

June 5, 2001

Connie Kravas selected as vice president for development and alumni relations

Dr. Constance H. Kravas, currently vice chancellor for university advancement at University of California, Riverside, has been selected as vice president for development and alumni relations at the University of Washington, President Richard L. McCormick announced. The appointment will be effective Aug. 16, 2001, subject to approval by the Board of Regents.

April 30, 2001

‘The Art of Book Collecting’ to be discussed June 2

The Friends of the University of Washington Libraries are sponsoring an event, “Passion and Prose: The Art of Book Collecting,” from 2 to 4:30 p.m. June 2 at the Odegaard Undergraduate Library, Room 220.

April 16, 2001

William H. Gray, III to speak at Commencement

William H. Gray, III, president and chief executive officer of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), will speak at the University of Washington Commencement exercises June 9 at Husky Stadium.

March 26, 2001

UW highlights undergraduate research in symposium May 4

The Fourth Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, to be held noon to 5 p.m. Friday, May 4 in Mary Gates Hall, features the work of 260 undergraduates, in fields ranging from art to zoology.

March 15, 2001

Nancy ‘Rusty’ Barcel?lected as vice president for minority affairs

University of Washington President Richard L. McCormick has selected Nancy “Rusty” Barceló to be the next vice president for minority affairs, effective July 1. She also will have an affiliate faculty appointment in the Department of American Ethnic Studies.

March 13, 2001

Washington’s Schools selected as partner in Next Generation Internet

Washington is one of five states selected to be a pioneer in developing and bringing the next generation of Internet materials, applications, and tools to K-12 schools and colleges.

March 5, 2001

University Libraries earthquake update

The rolling 6.8 earthquake that hit the Puget Sound region the morning of February 28, 2001 knocked tens of thousands of books off the shelves, damaged stack ranges, and impacted service in a number of University of Washington Libraries units. A student in the Odegaard Undergraduate Library was hit by a piece of falling ceiling tile but was not seriously hurt. We are extremely fortunate that more people were not injured and that the Libraries did not suffer greater physical damage to its facilities and collections.

January 19, 2001

UW institutes plans to reduce energy consumption by 10%

The University of Washington has begun instituting measures to reduce energy consumption by 10%, in compliance with a directive to all state agencies from Governor Gary Locke.

January 17, 2001

Task force on Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian and Transgender Issues releases draft report

University of Washington President’s Task Force on Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian and Transgender (GBLT) Issues has released a draft version of its report, in order to obtain community reactions before finalizing the document. The report examines a variety of apsects of GBLT life at the UW.

December 4, 2000

University and union agree on historic union recognition pact

A strike scheduled for today has been canceled. In eleventh hour negotiations, the University of Washington and the Graduate Student Employee Action Coalition/United Auto Workers (GSEAC/UAW) reached an agreement that each felt achieved its major goals.

November 6, 2000

Betsy Wilson selected as director of University Libraries

Lizabeth A. Wilson, associate director of libraries at the University of Washington since 1992, has been chosen to succeed Betty Bengtson as director of university libraries.

October 12, 2000

2000 Autumn Quarter enrollments at the University of Washington

Seattle Campus Information regarding University of Washington enrollment for Autumn 2000.

October 11, 2000

UW hosts diversity breakfast Oct. 21

About 800 people from the University of Washington and the community are expected to attend the Sixth Annual “Bridging the Gap” Diversity Breakfast, whose theme is “Forging Ahead: Diversity in the 21st Century.” The event will be held from 8 to 11 a.m. Oct. 21 in the HUB Ballroom.

October 3, 2000

UW honored for use of information technology in education

The University of Washington has received the first national award for excellence in campus-wide programs in information technologies that support teaching and learning.

September 27, 2000

Major universities launch consortium in Internet studies

Will the Internet dissolve the nation-state? Three major research universities located in hubs of high-tech innovation are uniting to explore this question and others concerning the impact of the Internet on economic and political systems.

September 21, 2000

UW receives grant to help Seattle students prepare for college

The University of Washington has received a grant, expected to total more than $12 million over the next five years, to provide low-income students in the Seattle schools with the skills, motivation and preparation to pursue higher education.

September 12, 2000

Gifts to University of Washington set record

Gifts to the University of Washington in 1999-2000 surged by more than 30% to a record total of $134,038,997. The previous year’s total was $102,925,052.

September 6, 2000

Institute for K-12 Leadership Receives $5.76 Million Grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to Create Small Model Secondary Schools

The Institute for K-12 Leadership at the University of Washington announced today that it has received $5,760,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to create small model secondary schools in eight urban school districts across the nation.

August 8, 2000

Students ‘GEAR UP’ for college through summer institute at UW

About 1,000 seventh- through 12th-grade students will spend a week on the University of Washington campus Aug. 14-18 as part of an innovative program to increase the number of low-income students who go to college.

July 31, 2000

UW names Nancy Wells vice president for development and alumni relations

Nancy L. Wells, currently associate vice president and director of university development at Stanford University, has been named vice president for development and alumni relations at the University of Washington by UW President Richard L. McCormick.

July 1, 2000

UW Names Ed Lazowska to Bill & Melinda Gates Endowed Chair in Computer Science

The University of Washington has named Professor Ed Lazowska to the first Bill & Melinda Gates Endowed Chair in Computer Science.

June 22, 2000

Robert Mugerauer named dean of UW College of Architecture and Urban Planning

Robert Mugerauer, Sid Richardson Centennial Professor at the University of Texas at Austin’s School of Architecture, has been selected to be the next dean of the University of Washington College of Architecture and Urban Planning, effective Sept. 1.

June 16, 2000

New scholarship provides full funding for women studying science or technology

One of the most generous scholarship gifts ever received by the University of Washington will help women in Washington wishing to pursue careers in science and technology.

May 23, 2000

Northwest Coast Indian information available on Web

A unique collection of information about the Northwest Coast Indians is now available on the Web as a result of a University of Washington Libraries-led project, under a grant from the Library of Congress and Ameritech.

May 11, 2000

Patricia Wasley selected as dean of College of Education

Patricia Wasley, who currently is dean of the Graduate School of Education at Bank Street College in New York, has been selected to be dean of the University of Washington College of Education, effective Sept. 1, 2000.

May 9, 2000

Educational Opportunity Program banquet May 17

“Celebration 2000,” the 30th Annual Educational Opportunity Program scholarship banquet, will be held Wednesday, May 17 at Ballroom 6-E, Washington State Convention and Trade Center.

May 8, 2000

Third Undergraduate Research Symposium Friday, May 12

More than 240 undergraduates will participate in the third Undergraduate Research Symposium, which will be held noon to 6 p.m. Friday, May 12 in Mary Gates Hall and the HUB.

May 1, 2000

May 8 dedication of Mary Gates Hall marks new era

The dedication of Mary Gates Hall May 8 will commemorate the creation of a unique facility at the University of Washington focusing on undergraduate learning.

April 18, 2000

UW honors distinguished alum who resisted World War II internment

Social scientist, humanist and human rights activist Gordon Hirabayashi will be honored by his alma mater, the University of Washington, in ceremonies May 9. The event will culminate a series of activities that week focused on Hirabayashi and the Japanese American experience.

April 12, 2000

Poet laureate of United States to be UW commencement speaker

The University of Washington has selected Robert Pinsky, the 39th poet laureate of the United States, to be the commencement speaker in ceremonies to be held June 10 in Husky Stadium.

April 10, 2000

Jack Faris selected as UW vice president for university relations

Jack Faris, director of community strategies for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has been selected by University of Washington President Richard L. McCormick to be the next vice president for university relations, effective June 1.

April 7, 2000

Future of doctoral education is subject of conference

The future of doctoral education will be the subject of a unique conference in Seattle April 13-15.

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