June 18, 2009
UW experts: Iran
University of Washington experts on the crisis in Iran
Got ear plugs? You may want to sport them on the subway, researchers say
The U.
June 17, 2009
Study supports validity of test that indicates widespread unconscious bias
In the decade since the Implicit Association Test was introduced, its most surprising and controversial finding is its indication that about 70 percent of those who took a version of the test that measures racial attitudes have an unconscious, or implicit, preference for white people compared to blacks.
June 16, 2009
Crustacean shell with polyester creates mixed-fiber material for nerve repair
In the clothing industry it’s common to mix natural and synthetic fibers.
June 11, 2009
If the shoe flits, duck: A real-life example of humans’ dual vision system
It’s rare when real-world events perfectly mirror experiments that scientists are conducting.
June 10, 2009
New definition could further limit habitable zones around distant suns
New calculations indicate that, in nearby star systems, tidal forces exerted on planets by their parent star’s gravity could limit what is regarded as a star’s habitable zone and change the criteria for planets where life could potentially take root.
Pre-pregnancy depressed mood may heighten risk for premature birth
Researchers trying to uncover why premature birth is a growing problem in the United States and one that disproportionately affects black women have found that pre-pregnancy depressive mood appears to be a risk factor in preterm birth among both blacks and whites.
Renowned global health figure Dr. Paul Farmer speaks at UW June 18
June 8, 2009
UW Experts: Search, Social Media and Web 2.0
The information revolution is far from over.
UW Medical Center performs 500th heart and 500th lung transplants
Susan Gregg-Hanson, (206) 616-6730/ cell: (206) 390-3226 / <A href="mailto:sghanson@u.
Comic sketch on UW ‘coup’ wins grand prize in Pocketmedia Film Festival
Judges chose from 35 entries, each 90 seconds long, created with pocket-size recording devices.
June 4, 2009
‘Spring Sing.’
The University Singers, the Women’s Choir and the UW Men’s Glee Club share the spotlight with a variety of music from classical to pop and everything in between.
June 3, 2009
140 Washington, Oregon, Idaho families needed for UW autism studies
Families throughout Washington and parts of Oregon and Idaho have two opportunities to help University of Washington researchers unlock some of the secrets of autism, a spectrum of developmental disorders that now affects about one out of every 150 children born in the United States.
June 1, 2009
More costly private model of foster care could save $6.3 billion in long term
In these times of trillion-dollar budgets and deficits, $6.
May 26, 2009
New technique could find water on Earth-like planets orbiting distant suns
A team of astronomers and astrobiologists has devised a technique to tell whether small Earth-like planets orbiting other suns harbor liquid water, which in turn could tell whether they might be able to support life.
May 22, 2009
134th Commencement at UW’s Seattle campus–2 p.m. June 13 at Husky Stadium
Mark A.
May 20, 2009
New book suggests Earth perhaps not such a benevolent mother after all
In a new book, University of Washington paleontologist Peter Ward suggests that Earth is ultimately inhospitable to life, and that life itself might be the primary reason. Rather than the nurturing idea of the Gaia hypothesis, he invokes the darker Medea from Greek mythology.
May 14, 2009
Researchers gain fine-scale, genome-wide insights into patterns of human population structures around the world
Through sophisticated statistical analyses and advanced computer simulations, researchers are learning more about the genomic patterns of human population structure around the world.
Harborview/UW Medicine and Seattle Children’s Hospital Launch Sports Concussion Program
Media are invited to join Governor Christine Gregoire, Zackery Lystedt, school athletic coaches and others at the bill signing of HB 1824 to develop guidelines for concussion and head injury risk for Washington youth at 11 a.
Parental guidelines, consequences may be why fewer black teens smoke than whites
It’s a curious paradox.
Kellye Testy selected as dean of the UW School of Law
University of Washington Provost Phyllis Wise has announced that Kellye Testy, who currently is dean and professor of law at Seattle University, will become dean of the UW School of Law, effective Sept.
May 12, 2009
Any way you slice it, warming climate is affecting Cascades snowpack
There has been recent disagreement about the snowpack decline in the Cascade Mountains of the Pacific Northwest, but new research leaves little doubt that a warmer climate has a significant effect on the snowpack, even if other factors keep year-to-year measurements close to normal for a period of years.
Media advisory: UW Undergraduate Research Symposium features 700 young minds
Media advisory: UW Undergraduate Research Symposium features 700 young minds
May 8, 2009
Herpes medication does not reduce risk of HIV transmission from individuals with HIV and genital herpes, UW-led international study finds
A recently completed international multi-center clinical trial has found that acyclovir, a drug widely used as a safe and effective treatment to suppress herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2), which is the most common cause of genital herpes, does not reduce the risk of HIV transmission when taken by people infected with both HIV and HSV-2.
May 7, 2009
Brain cell mechanism for decision making also underlies judgment about certainty
Countless times a day people judge their confidence in a choice they are about to make — that they now can safely turn left at this intersection, that they aren’t sure of their answer on a quiz, that their hot coffee has cooled enough to drink.
UW Medicine demonstrates use of the WHO/SCOAP surgical checklist
If you watched one of the final episodes of the NBC television show “ER” in March 2009, you had a chance to see how doctors and medical teams use a checklist before performing surgery.
May 6, 2009
UW will be prominent in space shuttle mission to service Hubble telescope
When the space shuttle Atlantis blasts off from Cape Canaveral, Fla.
May 4, 2009
UW, state launch project to improve understanding, coverage of mental illness
A new program designed to improve public understanding and news reporting of mental health and mental illness is being launched today by the University of Washington’s School of Social Work and the Washington State Mental Health Transformation Project.
New UW poll shows strong Hispanic support for Obama
A new national poll of registered Latino voters indicates strong support for President Barack Obama’s actions during his first 100 days in office.
May 1, 2009
Better diets more costly, enjoyed by the most educated
A study conducted at the University of Washington has revealed new connections between food, incomes and education.
April 30, 2009
Resume review.
The UW Career Center presents a workshop in resumes and cover Letters.
Finding a stereotype that is true: Mexicans more sociable than Americans
Stereotypes often paint a partial or false picture of an individual or group.
April 29, 2009
Contrary to recent hypothesis, ‘chevrons’ are not evidence of megatsunamis
A UW geologist is debunking the recent notion that ‘chevrons,’ large U- or V-shaped formations found in some of the world’s coastal areas, are evidence of megatsunamis caused by asteroids or comets slamming into the ocean.
Update on the Evolving Swine Influenza Outbreak with Leading Experts: Panel Discussion at UW May 4
Dr. David Fleming, director and health officer of Public Health – Seattle & King County, will headline a panel discussion at University of Washington 5:30 p.m. Monday, May 4 on the evolving swine flu outbreak with leading international and regional experts
April 28, 2009
Seaglider monitors waters from Arctic during record-breaking journey under ice
The University of Washington has surpassed its 2-year-old world record for operating a glider under the ice, this time by successfully operating one of its seagliders for six months as it made round trips hundreds of miles in length under the ice at Davis Strait.
Autism genes discovered; help shape connections among brain cells
A national research team including six present and former University of Washington researchers has connected more of the intricate pieces of the autism puzzle, with two studies that identify genes with important contributions to the disorder.
April 27, 2009
Missing planets attest to destructive power of stars’ tides
During the last two decades, astronomers have found hundreds of planets orbiting stars outside our solar system.
April 23, 2009
Indus script encodes language, reveals new study of ancient symbols
Indus script encodes language, reveals new study of ancient symbols
Organ, guitar and saxophone to be featured in School of Music programs next week
On Sunday, April 26, Paul Richard Olson, organist and choirmaster of Grace Church in Brooklyn Heights, N.
Six in UW community named Fellows of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Six members of the UW community — active and retired — are among 210 new Fellows named this week to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.
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