UW News


May 29, 2003

Medical students head out of town and into underserved areas for summer experiences

The School of Medicine’s Rural/Underserved Opportunities Program (R/UOP) will have a record number of participants as it enters its 14th year.

Digital Portfolio uses shared at forum

When a new tool called Portfolio was released last fall, Catalyst employees had some ideas about how it could be used, but they knew it might be put to all kinds of uses they hadn’t thought of in advance.

Project of the Year award for malaria research

An effort to test protein farnesyltransferase (PFT) inhibitors against malaria parasites has received the “Project of the Year Award” from the Medicines for Malaria Venture.

Staffer’s illustrations grace children’s book

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David Thomas to give Public Health faculty lecture on contraceptives and cancer



Board of Regents
The University of Washington Board of Regents will hold a regular meeting at 1 p.

Packing the Dog


Memorial planned for law professor

A campus memorial will be held Tuesday, June 3, for Joan Fitzpatrick, the internationally known human rights expert and professor of law who died May 16.

$8.6 million grant nearly doubles autism research at UW

Autism research at the University of Washington has received a major boost from an $8.6 million grant from the National Institutes of Health. The grant, which runs for five years, nearly doubles the research funding of the UW’s Autism Center, directed by psychology professor Geraldine Dawson.

More people than ever living with HIV infection

Back in the ‘80s and early ‘90s, most people thought they knew what the face of AIDS looked like.

May 27, 2003

System takes from poor schools and gives to the rich, study shows

School districts transfer millions of dollars each year from schools in poor neighborhoods to those with wealthier students and higher-paid teachers, a new study shows.

May 22, 2003

Students get hands-on research experience on cruise

Students grabbed sediment, sieved for shrimp and viewed plankton with a video microscope during Puget Sound research cruises led by UW alumnus Jim Norris.

Mystery Photo

Where are we? The photo above was taken somewhere at the UW, but not in Seattle.

UWT has one student athlete, and that’s no bull

UW Tacoma’s first official athlete is a Husky who rides bulls.

School of Music class to sing gospel May 30

A free concert on Friday, May 30 is the culmination of a new School of Music class in gospel music.

Committee calls for more student writing, more coordinated writing programs

If recommendations of the Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Curriculum Writing Committee are accepted, students will be writing more and college writing programs will be more coordinated.

UW librarian swaps jobs, homes with British counterpart

If you’ve ever had the desire to live someone else’s life for a while, Janice Thomas has a message for you: It can be done.

K-12 teachers flock to UW classes on teaching writing

Writing and the teaching of writing are drawing record numbers of school teachers to classes and seminars here.

Study traces roots of violence in lives of murderers

Murder often begins at a terrifyingly early age.

Past PNW climate not a good guide for future, researcher says

How global climate change may alter how we live in the Pacific Northwest will be discussed by University of Washington research scientist Nate Mantua Tuesday, May 27, 7 p.m., Kane Hall 120.

UW researchers win award for research on groundbreaking class of anti-malarial drugs

The Medicines for Malaria Venture has awarded its Project of the Year Award to two researchers at the University of Washington, Dr. Wesley Van Voorhis, professor in the School of Medicine, and Dr. Michael Gelb, professor in the Department of Chemistry.

Physicist to lead UW oceanography, engineering laboratory

The manager of a multi-million dollar research program for the Office of Naval Research and an expert on using sound energy to “see” inside the world’s oceans has been named director of the University of Washington’s Applied Physics Laboratory, a center for research and teaching that last fiscal year brought in $43 million in grants and contracts.

Aerosols’ effects could change current understanding of global climate change

Atmospheric aerosols, airborne particles that reflect the sun’s heat away from Earth and into space, are part of everyday life.

Doing, defining ‘good work’ is focus of class

What constitutes “good work?”

This is the central question explored in an innovative class offered by Britt Yamamoto, doctoral candidate in geography.

May 21, 2003

Budding biotechnology company takes UW business plan competition

Creators of a company that will broaden advances in genome science have won the $25,000 top prize at the University of Washington’s sixth annual business plan competition.

May 20, 2003

Low-dose diuretics are the most effective way to treat hypertension, according to analysis of 42 studies

An analysis of clinical trials involving more than 192,000 patients with hypertension shows that low-dose diuretics are more effective at preventing cardiovascular health problems than any other blood-pressure medication, according to University of Washington researchers and colleagues.

May 19, 2003

People only slightly more likely to die after episodes of stagnant air

People are only slightly more likely to die of respiratory and cardiovascular problems when the air is increasingly stagnant, according to research by University of Washington scientists that will be presented today at the annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society in Seattle.

May 15, 2003

Acetaminophen is in many medications; be sure not to overdose

Before you take doses of more than one cold, allergy or flu medication, you should take a good close look at the labels, to make sure you won’t be taking too much acetaminophen, a medication found in a lot of sleep medications, pain killers, decongestants and other over-the-counter medications.

Annual Krebs Lecture brings Roger Davis to campus

“Signal Transduction by Stress-Activated Protein Kinases” is the title for the 16th annual Edwin G.

Drusen behind the retina: Most older people have some, but what do they mean?


Aerosols’ effects could change current understanding of global climate change

Atmospheric aerosols, airborne particles that reflect the sun’s heat away from Earth and into space, are in air pollution, in plumes of smoke from forest fires and in ash clouds from erupting volcanoes. A new study says the cooling effect of man-made aerosols could throw a monkey wrench into the current understanding of climate change.

Health Sciences News Brief


Staffer’s film debuts at Seattle festival

Scott Macklin’s first full-length film was just around the corner, but he didn’t know it.

Just back from expedition: Scientists taking pulse of Arctic Ocean

Retrieving the second year-round mooring ever used at the North Pole was among the challenges faced April 21 to May 9 during North Pole Environmental Observatory work led by James Morison, an oceanographer with the University of Washington’s Applied Physics Laboratory.

Lazowska named to IT advisory committee

President Bush has selected UW computer scientist Ed Lazowska as co-chair of the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee, the White House announced recently.

Student leads all-female group in all-female program

Kelly Clingan, who is majoring in both Women Studies and Music Education, has found the perfect way to combine her interests: she is conducting an all-girl jazz band in a performance of music composed or arranged by women.

Faculty Senate

Undergraduate tuition is approximately 70 percent as much as graduate tuition (in-state rates, Spring 2003).

Mystery Photo

Where are we?  The photo above was taken somewhere on campus.

New APL director named

The manager of a multi-million dollar research program for the Office of Naval Research and an expert on using sound energy to “see” inside the world’s oceans has been named director of the UW’s Applied Physics Laboratory, a center for research and teaching that last fiscal year brought in $43 million in grants and contracts.

Anderson studies brain stimulation for Parkinson’s

If two renegade violins started quietly playing “Ode to Joy” during Beethoven’s “Fifth Symphony,” some audience members might sense a problem.

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