UW News


February 18, 2003

Car booster seat usage rises after community campaign

Few children aged 4- to 8-years old ride in booster seats despite evidence that these children are not adequately protected by adult seat belts and that booster seats are effective in reducing children’s risk of injury.

February 17, 2003

Brief exposure to Mandarin can help American infants learn Chinese

Researchers have found a way to reverse what appears to be a universal decline in foreign language speech perception that begins toward the end of the first year of life. University of Washington neuroscientist Patricia Kuhl reported today that 9-month-old American infants who were exposed to Mandarin Chinese for less than five hours in a laboratory setting were able to distinguish phonetic elements of that language.

February 14, 2003

Tiny ‘nanotrains’ could power big changes in the future

According to Vogel, director of the University of Washington’s Center for Nanotechnology, understanding how nature does things at the molecular level and adapting those techniques into the synthetic world could drastically alter just about every aspect of our lives.

February 13, 2003

Nickels wants to lift city’s lease lid on UW

The city of Seattle would remove a key barrier to UW growth if legislation proposed Wednesday morning by Mayor Greg Nickels comes to fruition.

Mystery Photo

Where are we? The photo above was taken somewhere on campus.

February 12, 2003

Washington state;s health system ‘is in trouble,’ report says

“Washington’s health-care system is in trouble,” says a study released by the Health Policy Analysis Program (HPAP) of the University of Washington.

February 10, 2003

Harborview receives one of the highest JCAHO scores in the country

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) has released its final report and awarded Harborview Medical Center a score of 97 with no Type I deficiencies.

February 7, 2003

Whidbey grad, UW alum gives $1 million to send budding engineers to college

The founder and president of the company that makes the world’s top-selling civilian helicopter has given $1 million to help promising engineering students from Whidbey Island attend the University of Washington.

February 6, 2003

Peer Portfolio

PLANTING THE SEED: Texas A&M University recently announced the opening of an Office of Proposal Development, which will be focused on producing major, externally funded, multidisciplinary research centers and institutes of a national caliber.

Teaching democracy: Book stresses need to educate for citizenship

While parents, teachers and school administrators are busy worrying about students’ declining reading and math scores on standardized tests, a UW researcher fears another basic educational tenet may have slipped off the radar screen.

Northwest’s summer water supply under siege from warmer climate

A warming climate the last 50 years has, through early melting, relentlessly reduced the water content of the Pacific Northwest’s springtime snowpack, straining the supply of water for drinking, irrigation and other uses during the region’s typically dry summers, new research at the University of Washington has found.


PUBLICITY’S GLARE: A UW alumnus has become a familiar face to Americans across the country who are following the aftermath of last Saturday’s tragic destruction of the space shuttle Columbia.

Computer Science center nears completion

The new home of computer science at the UW has entered its final phase.

Penn sociologist gives Stice Memorial Lecture

University of Pennsylvania sociologist Frank Furstenberg will explore the problems and misconceptions associated with teenage childbearing at the 34th Earl and Edna Stice Memorial Lecture in Social Science.

Survey, forum explore career paths after grad school

The UW Graduate School has recently completed research on what skills employers expect in their employees with doctoral degrees — and which valued skills are not commonly acquired in doctoral programs.

Mystery Photo

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ADAI Small Grants Research Awards

The Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute invites applications from University faculty for its Small Grants Research Awards.

Toward a vaccine for herpes


Preliminary research projects get seed grants

Three research projects from UW professors have been funded by the Center for Statistics and Social Sciences under its Seed Grants Program.

UW vision researchers produce images published in Nature

Using atomic-force microscopy, vision researchers have taken pictures of some of the eye’s photon receptors in their natural state, and have analyzed their packing arrangement.

Previews set for new ad campaign

Faculty, staff and students are invited to learn more about UW Medicine and preview the new advertising campaign at 1 p.

Feb. 27 workshop features Silicon Valley company leaders

An afternoon workshop on Thursday, Feb.


A WINNING VENTURE: Five UW students won the western division of the National Venture Capital Investment Competition held recently in Colorado.

RIME workshop offered next week for medical faculty development

A faculty development workshop focused on working with the RIME (reporter, interpreter, manager/educator) format for educational progression will be offered Tuesday morning, Feb.

Where behavior and injury collide: Conference examines using behavior change to prevent ‘accidents’

A significant decrease in the motor-vehicle death rate for Americans – 90 percent fewer deaths per million vehicle miles between 1925 and 1995 – shows that efforts to raise safety standards and change personal behavior can be highly successful.

Training under way to comply with April date for federal HIPAA rules

Training is now taking place at UW Medical Center, Harborview Medical Center, and in other units to make sure that UW operations will comply with federally mandated privacy rules slated to go into effect on April 14, 2003.

Health Sciences News Briefs


Campus to upgrade undergraduate writing

A committee that has been investigating student writing hopes to get campus input on the topic with a series of visitors over the next two months.

Staffer feeds childhood fossil obsession at the Burke

Bruce Crowley is a man who loves his job.

February 5, 2003

Conference on pesticide issues will be held Feb. 26 in Yakima

A conference on agricultural safety and health that emphasizes pesticide issues will be held Wednesday, Feb. 26, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Yakima, Wash.

February 4, 2003

Turner Construction named general contractor construction manager of Harborview’s bond project

Turner Construction has been named the General Contractor Construction Manager (GCCM) of the King County/Harborview Medical Center bond project.

January 31, 2003

Randy Hodgins, Washington senate staffer, appointed UW Director of State Relations

John F. “Randy” Hodgins, who has served as senior staff coordinator in the Washington State Senate Ways and Means Committee since 1996, has been appointed Director of State Relations at the University of Washington, effective Jan. 9, 2004.

January 30, 2003

Despite glum title, Suicide is classic comedy

You wouldn’t expect a play called The Suicide to be a comedy.

Get the lead out: Technique dampens effect of dangerous absorption

Adding composted biosolids rich with iron, manganese and organic matter to a lead-contaminated home garden in Baltimore appears to bind up the lead so it is less likely to be absorbed by the bodies of children who dirty their hands playing outside or are tempted to taste those delicious mud pies they “baked” in the backyard.

Money 101: Students can bank on it

It’s a financial jungle out there, especially for college students.

Nature nurtures physical and psychological well-being

Children need rich interactions with nature for their physical and psychological well being.

Microtubules and chromosomes: The Science in Medicine Lecture

For many years molecular biologists have watched the process of cell division under the microscope.

New employee orientation goes online

New employee orientation goes online

Training and Development has created a new online employee orientation to replace the in-person sessions.

Mystery Photo

Where are we? The photo above was taken somewhere on campus.

Public forums on presidential search slated

The first of a series of public forums to be held in connection with the UW presidential search will be held 4-6 p.

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