UW News


October 27, 2010

New methods detect subtleties in human genomes’ repetitive landscapes

These techniques spot minute variations linked to evolution, diversity and brain development

October 26, 2010

Scented consumer products shown to emit many unlisted chemicals

The sweet smell of fresh laundry may contain a sour note.

October 25, 2010

Volunteers needed for study on suicide intervention strategies

Researchers at the Behavioral Research & Therapy Clinics at the University of Washington seek King County men and women to participate in a study on suicide intervention.

New class of biomolecules triggered in response to respiratory virus infection

Long, non-protein-coding RNAs may help regulate innate immunity

October 21, 2010

Wind Ensemble to perform chamber concert Oct. 24

Members of the UW Wind Ensemble will perform at 1:30 p.

From obscurity to prime time: viral political videos can spring from non-political sites

Two elite blogs often post the most interesting political videos which are then picked up by top general-interest blogs

Researchers develop first implanted device to treat balance disorder

University of Washington researchers develop first implanted device to treat balance disorder

October 19, 2010

Molecular Engineering and Science Institute to address energy and medicine; UW bioengineer named director

What if doctors had tools to pinpoint the location of disease inside the body’s cells? What if window panes captured solar energy that could be used to power homes? Molecular engineering, sometimes called molecular manufacturing or molecular systems, is very small-scale construction made possible by advances in chemical synthesis that allows for this new class of nanotechnology.

Biologist hopes new ‘condos’ will help Galapagos penguins stave off extinction

A UW conservation has built nests in the Galápagos Islands in the hope of increasing the population of an endangered penguin species.

October 15, 2010

New survey shows voters oppose income tax, favor Murray over Rossi

They also opposed ballot measures that would directly affect taxes and chose jobs, unemployment and fixing the economy as their top issues

October 14, 2010

Flu shot clinics.

Seasonal flu shot clinics for UW faculty and staff.

Gateway to Chile garden’s opening celebration Oct. 17

Sunday, Oct.

Forget the Coppertone: Water fleas in mountain ponds can handle UV rays

Some tiny crustaceans living in clear-water alpine ponds high in Washington state’s Olympic Mountains have learned how to cope with the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays without sunblock — and with very little natural pigmentation to protect them.

I want to see what you see: Babies treat “social robots” as sentient beings

I want to see what you see: Babies treat “social robots” as sentient beings

October 12, 2010

UW Part of Team to Transform African Medical Education; Funding Part of $130m Investment by U.S. Government to Increase Health Care Workers

The University of Washington will be teaming up with the University of Nairobi as part of a massive effort to transform African medical education and dramatically increase the number of health care workers.

Fact Sheet: New buoy designed to gather information in changing Arctic

A new buoy designed to collect information in ice floes and open ocean is being air dropped today into the Arctic Ocean today.

Forget the Coppertone: Water fleas in mountain ponds can handle UV rays

Water fleas from clear-water alpine ponds are better able to withstand UV radiation than those in murkier ponds nearby.

October 11, 2010

When in Rome: Study-abroad students increase alcohol intake

When in Rome: Study-abroad students increase alcohol intake

October 7, 2010

UW and Amgen: Working together to help professionals advance their biotech education

Biotechnology professionals in Seattle have a new option for earning an advanced scientific degree.

October 6, 2010

Greatest warming is in the north, but biggest impact on life is in the tropics

Rising temperatures are most obvious in colder climates, but the impact of warming on life could be much greater in the tropics.

October 5, 2010

UW-built device reveals invisible world teeming with microscopic algae

It just got easier to pinpoint biological hot spots in the world’s oceans where some inhabitants are smaller than, well, a pinpoint.

UW researchers land $24 million in patient-centered research grants

University of Washington researchers land $24 million in patient-centered research grants

Media advisory: UW Medicine Tumor Vaccine Group holds open house, lab tours

Media advisory: UW Medicine Tumor Vaccine Group holds open house, lab tours

October 4, 2010

‘Living Voters Guide’ invites Washington voters to hash out ballot initiatives

Voters across the country are entering the season of ballot measures.

Depression during pregnancy increases risk for preterm birth and low birth weight

Rates of premature birth are even higher among depressed pregnant women living in poverty in America or in developing nations

September 30, 2010

Mice engrafted with human immune cells may pave way to better typhoid fever treatments

Better treatments and prevention for typhoid fever may emerge from a laboratory model that has just been developed for the disease.

UW leading $7.5 million study of animal flight and aerial vehicles

The Office of Naval Research has awarded a five-year, $7.

Scarless brain surgery is new option for patients

The procedure is performed through the eye socket, thereby eliminating removal of the top of the skull to reach the brain.

September 28, 2010

New U.S. Census data show more Washington residents living in poverty

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34 University of Washington doctoral programs rated highly on national assessment

Fifteen of the University of Washington’s doctoral programs were very highly rated, and 19 programs were highly rated among their peers at major universities across the country in an assessment by the National Research Council, according to the UW Graduate School’s analysis of the rankings.

September 23, 2010

Trio of PNW universities to develop new tools for climate change planning

The nearly $3.6 million in Interior Department funding will ramp up efforts already underway at three Pacific Northwest universities.

September 22, 2010

Sudden ocean cooling likely contributed to Northern Hemisphere global warming pause in mid-20th century

A mid-20th century global warming pause in the Northern Hemisphere may have been due to an abrupt cooling event in the North Atlantic

September 21, 2010

Mice engrafted with human immune cells may provide clues to better prevention and treatment of typhoid fever

The model is based on transplanting human immune stem cells from umbilical blood into mice that are susceptible to infection

Freshman Convocation features UW “genius award” winner

UW Professor Thomas Daniel, who has received local and national honors as a researcher and educator, will be the featured speaker at the University of Washington’s 27th Annual Freshman Convocation, which begins at 10:30 a.

September 20, 2010

New research shows massive ad campaign didn’t reduce meth use

In 2005, Montana had one of the highest rates of methamphetamine use in the United States.

September 16, 2010

UW ranked 23rd in the world, fourth among American publics in new study

The Times Higher Education study shows the UW ranks among the best universities in the world.

New U.S. Census data show West more hurt by recession than rest of country

<A href="http://www.

Rising education levels among women save children’s lives worldwide

The educational gender gap is closing. The finding offers a new path for accelerating progress in child health.

September 15, 2010

Home’s electrical wiring acts as antenna to receive low-power sensor data

If these walls had ears, they might tell a homeowner some interesting things.

September 8, 2010

UW to Host Largest University-Based Global Health Conference Sept. 19-21

More than 800 people will gather for the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) annual conference being held at the University of Washington in Seattle on September 19-21 to discuss the critical role of universities in global health.

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