UW News


March 10, 2010

The smell of salt air, a mile high and 900 miles inland

Researchers find that chemistry involving airborne chloride, thought to occur only on seashores, occurs at similar rates 900 miles inland.

Conquering the chaos in modern, multiprocessor computers

A group of computer scientists have found a way to tame multiprocessor computers, which behave in wildly unpredictable ways even as they bec

March 9, 2010

Male batterers consistently overestimate rates of violence toward partners


March 8, 2010

Judge upholds freeze of UW faculty salaries

A King County judge dismissed a case from a faculty member to reinstate salary increases suspended due to the UW’s financial situation.

March 5, 2010

Major depression more than doubles risk of dementia among adults with diabetes

Adults who have both diabetes and depression are more than twice as likely to develop dementia, a progressive decline of thinking skills.

March 4, 2010

A life in the midst of the civil rights movement inspires research, brings award for Honey

As a high school student in the 1960s, Michael Honey got behind the burgeoning civil rights movement.

Etc.: Campus news & notes

OCEAN OFFICIAL: The American Geophysical Union, an international 5,800-member organization concerned with Earth and space sciences, has elected Jim Murray, UW professor of oceanography, as president-elect of its ocean sciences section.

Researchers discover gene that affects susceptibility to tuberculosis and clues to how it works

University of Washington  researchers have identified a gene involved in susceptibility and resistance to tuberculosis.

March 3, 2010

Trying to kick the marijuana habit? UW study wants you


Dr. Hunter Handsfield wins award for STD prevention

University of Washington’s Dr.

March 2, 2010

Media advisory: U.S. chief information officer to speak at UW

WHAT: Vivek Kundra, U.

March 1, 2010

Federal stimulus funds for UW create 2,000 jobs directly and indirectly

The UW has to date received $191.2 million from federal agencies for research under the year-old American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

February 27, 2010

Media advisory: UW expert on great earthquakes, tsunamis available for media on Chile quake

Brian Atwater, a University of Washington affiliate professor of Earth and space sciences and a U.

February 26, 2010

Jane Coop on piano.

A professor of piano at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Coop will perform works by Bach, Beethoven and Mendelssohn.

February 25, 2010

Chopping, sawing and sitting around: Film shows life in Pack Forest in 1949

Editor’s Note: The UW Audio Visual Services Materials Library has more than 1,200 reels of film from the late 1940s through the early 1970s, documenting life at the University through telecourses, commercial films and original productions.

Media Advisory: UW hosts student entrepreneurs in global competition to address issues of poverty and global health

The Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition, March 2 to 4, has student teams from around the globe pitching business solutions.

February 22, 2010

Earthquake engineers release report on damage in Haiti

A five-person team sent to evaluate damage from the devastating magnitude-7 earthquake that struck Haiti on Jan.

Common Language Project practicing new, hybrid journalism

Project originators teach the journalism they practice: independent, multimedia, funded by a number of sources.

February 19, 2010

Local social dynamics key to success of tropical marine conservation areas

As large conservation areas are proposed in the tropics, social scientists say it’s local people who determine the success of such efforts.

February 18, 2010

‘Waiting for Lefty.’

The School of Drama reflects on the current economic crisis with a series titled “Looking Up at Down: Plays from the Great Depression.

UW’s Dennis Lettenmaier elected to National Academy of Engineering

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February 15, 2010

Brain-controlled cursor doubles as a neural workout

Electrodes on brain’s surface show that using imagined movements to control a cursor generates larger-than-life signals in only 10 minutes.

February 11, 2010

Piano series.

UW music students perform works for piano.

Center for Experiential Learning helps undergraduates through the competitive scholarship process

Editor’s Note: This is the last part of University Week’s four-part series describing the work of the Center for Experiential Learning.

Etc: Campus news & notes

ACING CASE: The UW picked up plenty of awards in the Council For the Advancement and Support of Education’s District VIII competition, starting with a Grand Gold in fundraising and special event publications for the program of the Annual Recogniton Gala by UW Marketing, Jo-Ann Sire and Creative Communications.

Districts have options when it comes to teacher salary inequities

School districts can take steps to level out salary inequities caused by maldistributions of teachers, according to researchers at the UW’s Center on Reinventing Public Education.

Radical new directions needed in food production to deal with climate change

Yields from some of the most important crops begin to decline sharply when average temperatures exceed about 30 degrees Celsius, or 86 Fahrenheit.

Workplace gendered tradeoffs lead to inequalities for women


University of Washington leaders give salary to fund scholarships, programs

Senior leaders at the University of Washington have decided to donate 5 percent of their salaries to the University in support of student scholarships and academic programs.

Obama to appoint artist and UW grad Chuck Close to presidential arts committee

Close is one of six nominees and holder of the UW’s highest award for graduates

February 8, 2010

Adapting to clogged airways makes common pathogen resist powerful antibiotics — even without previous exposure

Surviving in an oxygen-poor, nitrate-rich environment makes some bacteria less susceptible to antibiotics.

February 2, 2010

3-D scaffold provides clean, biodegradable structure for stem cell growth

material derived from crustacean shell and algae supports the growth of new stem cells.

January 28, 2010

Students recreate story of Great Depression that transformed Washington

With the escalation of the “great recession” a year ago, University of Washington historian James Gregory started getting telephone calls asking him to compare it to Great Depression of the 1930s.

How many argon atoms can fit on the surface of a carbon nanotube?

Scientists have devised a way to explore how phase changes of matter from one state to another function in fewer than three dimensions.

January 27, 2010

Severe complications of diabetes higher in depressed patients

Depression raises risks of advanced and severe complications from diabetes, according to a prospective study of Group Health primary-care patients in western Washington.

Surgeon studies effect of a pre-operative ‘warm up’

Baseball pitchers warm up in the bullpen and basketball players practice lay-ups before hitting the court.

January 26, 2010

New formula helps gauge the winds of change

UW research devises formula to examine just what types of change occur over time among complex and integrated structures.

January 25, 2010

UW President endorses bill that would encourage undocumented students to go to college

The act encourages undocumented students to go to college and stay in U.S. afterward

January 22, 2010

UW begins statewide tour to promote Husky Promise

The Husky Promise program provides free tuition for poorest students

January 21, 2010

Beyond ‘book learning’ Center for Experiential Learning offers undergraduates educational experiences outside the classroom

Editor’s Note: Today University Week begins a four-part series describing the work of the Center for Experiential Learning.

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