November 14, 2009
Meet the Mammals.
Learn about the diversity of mammals.
November 13, 2009
UW Medicine and Northwest Hospital & Medical Center sign final documents
UW Medicine, Northwest Hospital & Med Center sign final documents
For the first time, scientists discover causative gene of a rare disorder by sequencing all protein-coding regions of the genome
UW researchers have successfully used a method called exome sequencing to quickly discover a previously unknown gene responsible for a rare
November 12, 2009
UW-China relations.
“Popular and Cultural Relations between U.
November 4, 2009
UW first educational institution to offer mobile tool for BlackBerry devices
The m.UW mobile campus tool is now available on the BlackBerry. The UW is the first educational institution to offer a BlackBerry app.
UW to dedicate new Medal of Honor memorial on Veterans Day
WHAT: Dedication of the Medal of Honor memorial at the University of Washington.
November 3, 2009
Media advisory: UW Medical Genetics Clinic celebrates 50th anniversary
- Keynote Speaker Dr.
Black veterans were vital in the civil rights fight, says book by University of Washington political science professor
Military service had shown them they could effectively combat both enemies on the battlefield and racism in the ranks.
November 2, 2009
Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).
In collaboration with La Raza Commission and other Latino organizations, the Ethnic Cultural Center hosts this annual event.
UW Evans School of Public Affairs to collaborate with X Prize Foundation
Awards of $10 million or more go to teams that solve problems facing humanity and create new opportunities
Media advisory: UW Medicine Tumor Vaccine Group hosts third annual open house
WHO: Dr.
October 29, 2009
Disney offers refunds for Baby Einstein products
The Walt Disney Company began offering refunds for its “Baby Einstein” DVDs, videos and similar products more than two years after UW researchers showed that the DVDs marketed as boosting infants’ language learning were actually detrimental.
Cell phones become handheld tools for global development
Mobile phones are on the verge of becoming powerful tools to collect data on many issues, ranging from global health to the environment.
UW smoothes pathway to 3-year bachelor’s degree
The University of Washington has announced a new program to make it easier for students entering the university with a high number of Advanced Placement and/or Running Start credits to complete a bachelor’s degree in three years.
Pregnant women risk early delivery from using psychiatric medication
The odds triple for premature child delivery among pregnant women with a history of depression who used psychiatric medication, according to a new study.
Stress-induced changes in brain circuitry linked to cocaine relapse
Stress can change circuits that regulate serotonin in certain parts of the brain and precipitate a low mood and cocaine-use relapse
October 27, 2009
New UW poll shows voters in favor of Referendum 71 but undecided about other issues
A good many Washington voters haven’t decided their choices for Seattle mayor, King County executive or Initiative 1033.
Fortuitous research provides first detailed documentation of tsunami erosion
Tsunamis are among the most-devastating natural calamities.
October 26, 2009
First evidence for a second breeding season among migratory songbirds
Biologists document a second breeding season for songbirds that spend summers in temperate North America and winters in the tropics.
October 22, 2009
UW School of Music grad goes for baroque in compositions to be performed at Town Hall Oct. 24
When Justin Henderlight’s original composition is performed at a concert Oct.
Research gives glimpse of tectonic history on Puget Sound-region fault zones
For nearly two decades scientists have known about the Seattle fault and have been refining their understanding of the danger it presents to the Puget Sound region if it ruptures in a major earthquake.
Taking medicine for HIV proves hard to swallow for many people
Highly active antiretroviral therapy has increased the longevity and quality of life for people living with human immunodeficiency virus.
Researchers make key step towards turning methane gas into liquid fuel
UW scientist instrumental in important step to convert methane gas to a liquid, giving the potential of making it more useful as a fuel.
October 21, 2009
New University of Washington memorial honors alumni who hold the Congressional Medal of Honor
With eight Medal recipients, the UW has more such alumni than any other public university in the country except the service academies.
Infant sucking habits may affect how baby talks
Pacifier, bottle, or finger sucking may hamper a child’s speech development if the habit goes on too long.
It takes two to tutor a sparrow
It may take a village to raise a child, and apparently it takes at least two adult birds to teach a young song sparrow how and what to sing. provides one-stop web resource for health researchers
University of Washington’s Institute of Translational Health Sciences and its partners—Group Health Research Institute, Duke University and Wayne State University—have developed a new web site to help researchers create and sustain successful multisite research collaborations.
October 20, 2009
Depression in older cancer patients more effectively treated
Depression in older cancer patients is very common, and has debilitating effects on their quality of life both during and after treatment.
October 19, 2009
Research gives glimpse of tectonic history on Puget Sound-region fault zones
New research finds evidence that ancient earthquakes rased land at least 6 feet on the west edge of Washington state’s Puget Sound.
October 14, 2009
Tiny but adaptable wasp brains show ability to alter their architecture
For an animal that has a brain about the size of two grains of sand, a lot of plasticity seems to be packed into the head of the tropical paper wasp Polybia aequatorialis.
October 12, 2009
Major improvements made in engineering heart repair patches from stem cells.
University of Washington researchers have succeeded in engineering human tissue patches free of some problems that have stymied stem-cell repair for damaged hearts.
October 9, 2009
UW breaks ground on nation’s largest molecular engineering building
University of Washington leaders today officially broke ground on a molecular engineering building.
October 8, 2009
Household robots do not protect users’ security and privacy, researchers say
Robots equipped with wireless and sensing capabilities are available for use in the home. But safety and privacy risks remain.
UW oceanographer is a lead scientist in largest airborne survey of polar ice
Flights over Antarctica, with University of Washington’s Seelye Martin as chief scientist, start Oct. 15 as part of Operation Ice Bridge.
October 7, 2009
Genome-wide hunt reveals new genetic links in autism
About 90 percent of autism spectrum disorders have suspected genetic causes but few genes have been identified so far.
October 6, 2009
UW’s newly named ‘Lamborghini Lab’ brings composite parts to sports-car arena
The newly named lab has equipment to test the safety of aircraft and automobile structures built out of composite materials.
UN Secretary-General to receive honorary UW degree Oct. 26
Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, will receive an honorarydegree from the University of Washington Oct. 26
Pacific Northwest doctors gain more options for end-of-life care training
While end-of-life-care issues have come front and center in the current health care reform debate, physicians in the Pacific Northwest now have access to intensive training and new board certification in palliative medicine and hospice care.
October 5, 2009
MEDIA ADVISORY: Dedication of UW ‘Lamborghini Lab’ that will test composite sports-car parts
An event will be held Tuesday to formalize a partnership between the UW and Automobili Lamborghini on composites research for sports cars.
No longer lost in the weeds: History of farmworkers comes to life on Web
César Chavez and California’s San Joaquin Valley are what come to most people’s minds when farmworkers’ struggles for decent wages and working conditions are mentioned.
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