UW News


October 21, 2004


PARALYMPIC PRESS: The UW was well represented in the Paralympics games last month in Athens.



Applications wanted
The Institute for Ethnic Studies in the United States (IESUS) invites applications from University of Washington faculty members who are engaged in or are beginning projects on ethnic issues in the U.

Combined Fund Drive continues through Nov. 24

The Washington State Combined Fund Drive (CFD) is the means by which State employees may give to charities of their choice by selecting from among over 1,900 CFD charities through payroll deduction (monthly and/or one-time contribution) or by check.

$13 million grant funds clinical research training

Translating the latest advances in research into better health care for the average patient is challenging: the explosive growth of biological knowledge and technology currently moves very slowly, if at all, into the health care practitioner’s office and into the community.

New NIH sharing policies explained

The series on “Things Your Mother Never Taught You,” sponsored by the School of Medicine’s Office of Industry Relations and open to everyone, has scheduled a presentation on new National Institutes of Health policies that encourage sharing information and resources.

Rural Health Research Center funded for additional four years, new projects

The WWAMI Rural Health Research Center has been re-funded for an additional four years by the federal Office of Rural Health Policy.

UW’s new magazine invites the public into ‘our house’

The UW has a new magazine, but you won’t find it on the newsstands.

Free Web-based training now available for clinical researchers

UW Medicine’s Office of Clinical Research and Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center (CHRMC) have launched a Web-based “Good Clinical Practice” (GCP) training program.

Freshman seminars: The rewards go both ways

Where do brand-new freshmen and experienced professors come together to study questions obscure or obvious, entertaining or eternal, in a friendly and ungraded small-group format?

The answer “Absolutely nowhere — you must be dreaming” is wrong, actually.

McDuff named director of School of Oceanography

An internationally known researcher in marine geology and geophysics has been named director of the UW’s School of Oceanography.

Faculty Senate: A new year of cooperative work

The UW Faculty Senate — which holds its first meeting Oct.

October 20, 2004

UW Bothell Professor and Snohomish County Red Cross present panel on Humanity in War

A panel discussion entitled “Humanity in the Midst of War” will be presented at 7 pm  Thursday, Oct.

October 19, 2004

How to make schools better? Bring in outside help, experts say

Big city school districts will have a hard time reforming and meeting new accountability demands without more help from businesses, nonprofits and philanthropists, according to a new book from the Brookings Institution.

October 18, 2004

2004 Autumn Quarter enrollments

Seattle Campus Information

The University of Washington’s Seattle campus enrollment for autumn quarter 2004 is 39,199, including 1,691 non-matriculated students (those who are not seeking degrees) enrolled in credit courses through University Educational Outreach.

October 15, 2004

Charter schools would add little to state education costs, study predicts

Addressing opponents’ claims that charter schools would drain more than $100 million from Washington’s public schools, a new UW working paper predicts that the financial impact of allowing charter schools would be modest.

October 14, 2004

UW seeks Washington state’s brightest fifth- to eighth-graders

Once again the UW is looking for the best and brightest fifth- through eighth-grade students throughout Washington.

Emotional coaching can help children overcome impacts of family violence

Emotional coaching from mom helps, even in tough circumstances
Children are less likely to encounter behavioral problems in life if they have been coached by their parents on how to handle their emotions, UW researchers found. And that’s true even when the home has low levels of domestic violence.

An ancient remedy reborn: UW licenses potential wormwood treatment for cancer

 A group of promising cancer-fighting compounds derived from a substance used in ancient Chinese medicine will be developed for potential use in humans, the UW has announced.

Chemical hazard information now Web based

Environmental Health & Safety and Computing & Communications have collaborated to produce MyChem, a new web tool that replaces the Laboratory Safety System (LSS).

Duet with a computer is part of violist’s debut

In her debut recital Oct.

UW World Series opens tonight — with some changes

UW World Series starts tonight, with some lineup changes (and no, it’s not baseball)
Sometimes world politics gets in the way of worldly performers. An excellent New York ballet company has replaced a Spanish dance troupe as the opener of the UW World Series. It’s at Meany Hall, and it’s tonight.

New propulsion concept could make possible 90-day round trip to the red planet

A new means of propelling spacecraft being developed at the University of Washington could dramatically cut the time needed for astronauts to travel to and from Mars and could make humans a permanent fixture in space.

Mystery Photo

Where are we? The photo above was taken somewhere on campus.

Emotion coaching can help children overcome impacts of family violence

When women engage in a technique called emotion coaching, even in families where there is domestic violence, their children are less aggressive, depressed and withdrawn, researchers have found.

New propulsion concept could make 90-day Mars round trip possible

A new means of propelling spacecraft being developed at the University of Washington could dramatically cut the time needed for astronauts to travel to and from Mars and could make humans a permanent fixture in space.

UW licenses potential cancer treatment derived from ancient Chinese folk remedy

A group of promising cancer-fighting compounds derived from a substance used in ancient Chinese medicine will be developed for potential use in humans, the University of Washington announced today.

Students call, students listen: It’s U-CALL, and it’s new

U-CALL: Students helping students, over the phone

Sometimes, students just need someone to talk to who won’t judge them or tell them what to do. U-CALL is a new service that does just that, at times when other counseling isn’t available. It’s not therapy, just someone to lend an ear, and make referrals if necessary.

Five finalists named in search for new UWT chancellor

Five finalists in the running to serve as UW Tacoma chancellor

 Five finalists have now been selected from a field of nearly 90 applicants for the chancellorship of the University of Washington, Tacoma.

Computer scientists help biochemists crack RNA problem

Two UW computer scientists are part of a team that has discovered a pair of rare, naturally occurring RNA “switches” in a class of bacteria that work cooperatively to manage the amino acid glycine.

New Q Center is ready in spirit

The physical space for the University’s new Q Center isn’t complete yet, but in spirit, the center’s work is already well under way.

Costco Scholarship Breakfast raises $2.2 million for minority students

This year’s Costco Scholarship Breakfast raised $2.

October 12, 2004

Washington state’s brightest fifth- to eighth-graders sought by UW

Once again the University of Washington is looking for the best and brightest fifth- through eighth-grade students throughout Washington.

October 11, 2004

Successful development of new products requires anticipating customers’ needs

The most successful way to develop new products is to emphasize satisfying needs consumers aren’t even aware they have, according to new research conducted by the University of Washington and Colorado State University.

October 8, 2004

Distinguished molecular microbiologist to chair department at UW School of Medicine


UW computer scientists help find rare cooperative RNA switches in nature

Two University of Washington computer scientists are part of a team that has discovered a pair of rare, naturally occurring RNA “switches” in a class of bacteria that work cooperatively to manage the amino acid glycine.

October 7, 2004

Message from the editor: Help University Week get the news out

Other people celebrate New Years on Jan.

Moliere, Coward highlight 2004-05 UW drama season

The UW School of Drama has a diverse season for the coming school year that truly offers something for everyone.

‘Creating futures’: UW calls state together

The UW is holding a party for thousands of its closest friends to celebrate the accomplishments of students, faculty and staff and their contributions to the region and society.

Tiny diatom has global environmental impact

The first ever genomic map of a diatom, part of a family of microscopic ocean algae that are among the Earth’s most important inhabitants, has yielded surprising insights about the way they may be using nitrogen, fats and silica in order to thrive.

UW honors program challenges the brightest

How do you recruit faculty for a program that is not able to offer lavish support or huge salaries, that won’t likely generate articles in prestigious journals, and that probably involves more work than your average class?

You offer them an opportunity to work with some of the smartest undergraduates in Washington.

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