October 2, 2009
UW to explore genetic origins of common heart, lung, and blood diseases in federal project
UW Northwest Genomics Center to explore genetic origins of common heart, lung, and blood disorders
October 1, 2009
Two School or Dentistry department chairs to leave posts
Two departmental chairs at the School of Dentistry have announced that they will be stepping down from their posts.
UW plays leading role in Consortium of Universities for Global Health
At the first annual meeting of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health Sept. 14-16 in Bethesda, Md., it was clear that global health was not a fad — that universities were planning on a playing a huge role to match the surge in student interest. UW President Mark Emmert, participating in a panel discussion…
New access ramp smoothes way to UW Bothell from I-405
A project whose gestation period spans nearly a decade reached fruition with a ceremony Sept.
UW’s television station reshapes itself
UWTV, is reshaping itself to portray what happens at the UW to the rest of the world
September 30, 2009
Planet’s nitrogen cycle overturned by ‘tiny ammonia eater of the seas’
Tiny archaea play a huge role in the planet’s nitrogen cycle, according to new research.
September 25, 2009
Surgery provides modest benefit over non-surgical treatment for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
While surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome in patients without an indication of severe nerve damage (denervation) provides better outcomes than non-surgical treatment, the clinical relevance of this difference is modest.
September 24, 2009
UW lab demonstrates 3-D printing in glass
Less than a year ago a UW engineering lab was the first to generate ceramic objects in a 3-D printer. Now they’ve done it again, for glass.
September 23, 2009
UW opens “Husky Central” in downtown Seattle
On Thursday (Sept.
September 22, 2009
New links among alcohol abuse, depression, obesity in young women found
There is new evidence that depression, obesity and alcohol abuse or dependency are interrelated conditions among young adult women but not men.
September 21, 2009
Adolescent alcohol exposure may lead to long-term risky decision making
Picture this.
UW poet named MacArthur Fellow
Heather McHugh, Milliman Distinguished Writer-in-Residence in the Creative Writing Program of the English Department of the University of Washington, has been named a 2009 MacArthur Fellow by the John D.
September 18, 2009
UW researchers to study impacts of climate change on health in the Pacific Northwest
UW scientists will evaluate the impact of climate change on human health in the Pacific Northwest
September 17, 2009
Nine international teams operate biomedical robots from numerous locations
UW was among 9 research institutions that operated multiple biomedical robots from sites in U.S., Europe and Asia.
Northwest Hospital & Medical Center to join UW Medicine
Northwest Hospital & Medical Center, a 281-bed full service acute care hospital, will expand its program agreement with UW Medicine to become an integral part of the UW Medicine health system.
Freshman Convocation features David Horsey as speaker
David Horsey, Pulitzer prize-winning editorial cartoonist, will be the featured speaker at the University of Washington’s 26th Annual Freshman Convocation, which begins at 10:30 a.
September 16, 2009
The pen may be mightier than the keyboard
When it comes to writing the pen apparently is mightier than the computer keyboard.
September 15, 2009
UW joins other leading research universities to launch
Futurity. org covers the latest discoveries in science, engineering, the environment, health, and more.
UW royalties top $1 million; top licensees recognized
The University of Washington announced today that its annual trademarks and licensing royalties surpassed $1 million for just the second time in the history of the institution’s licensing program and the first time in over a decade.
Rome was built in a day, with hundreds of thousands of digital photos
The ancient city of Rome was not built in a day.
MEDIA ADVISORY: Get a jump Sept. 16 on covering the 2010 Winter Games
WHAT: An informal backgrounder for reporters on injury prevention and health protection in elite winter athletes.
Gene therapy used to successfully treat color blindness in adult monkeys
University of Washington researchers at the UW Medicine Eye Institute have successfully used gene therapy to cure color blindness.
September 14, 2009
Universities report doubling of students enrolled in global health programs in last three years
The number of students enrolled in global health programs in universities across the United States and Canada doubled in just three years.
September 10, 2009
Seaglider sets new underwater endurance and range records
A University of Washington Seaglider operated for 9 months and 5 days, a record more than double that of any other underwater glider.
New U.S. Census report shows poverty increasing more in West than elsewhere
More people in the West are without health insurance, too.
September 9, 2009
UW medical, public health experts and students provide fodder, facts for health-care reform debate
Medical and public health experts and students from the University of Washington have weighed in on a variety of health-care topics in recent months, including the primary care doctor shortage, public hospital financing, health-care co-ops and how to care for the uninsured.
September 8, 2009
Electrical circuit runs entirely off power in trees
You’ve heard about flower power.
UW experts available to discuss U.S. Census Bureau poverty report
WHAT: “Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2008” will be released this week by the U.
September 7, 2009
Rate of teen binge drinking cut more than one-third by prevention system
Rates of binge drinking were 37 percent lower among eighth-grade students in communities in seven states that used a prevention system designed to reduce drug use and delinquent behavior compared to teenagers in communities that did not use the system.
September 3, 2009
UW’s new tools for iPhones, mobile devices launched today
The University of Washington’s new suite of mobile applications for the iPhone is now available for download.
September 2, 2009
Fact sheet: UW receives largest-ever federal award to construct ocean observatory off the Pacific Northwest
Note: This fact sheet provides additional information about the Regional Scale Nodes project that is receiving money from the National Science Foundation through the Consortium for Ocean Leadership.
UW report shows increasing support for domestic partnership rights
Support comes from across the state and a wide variety of groups
August 31, 2009
Parents play key role in whether teen tobacco use becomes daily habit
Researchers have found new evidence showing that parents play a key role in whether or not their adolescent children who experiment with tobacco progress to become daily smokers before they graduate from high school.
August 30, 2009
Counting duplicated genome segments now possible
It is now possible to count copies of duplicated genome sequences and assess their contents
August 26, 2009
The cost of being self-sufficient continues to rise throughout Washington
It costs more just to get by in Washington. The self-sufficiency measure for Seattle rose 35 percent since 2001 and Spokane rose 28 percent.
August 24, 2009
The price isn’t right: Cost of self-sufficiency climbs in Washington
WHAT: Press conference detailing the 2009 self-sufficiency standards for all of Washington’s 39 counties.
August 20, 2009
Behavioral therapy effective in treating insomnia and osteoarthritis
A study in the Aug.
Official notices
Board of Regents
The Board of Regents Regular Meeting for August has been canceled.
Let there be light: Teaching magnets to do more than just stick around
Researchers have found a way to train tiny semiconductor crystals to display magnetic functions at room temperature using light as a trigger
Washington forests may be solution to state’s green-energy quest
Woody biomass could be Washington’s best opportunity for biofuels and to reduce green house gas emissions and dependency upon imported oil.
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