For UW employees
March 15, 2011
Earthquake preparedness meeting Friday, March 18, at UW Tower
Can the Pacific Northwest experience an earthquake like Japan? Yes. Join Siri McLean of UW Emergency Management from 11:30 to 1 p.m. Friday, March 18, in the UW Tower Auditorium to learn about earthquake risks and how to be prepared.
March 9, 2011
Mystery Photo: How well do you know the campus?
Think you know the campus? Then try your luck with the Mystery Photo. Guess correctly and you might win a prize.
March 2, 2011
Mystery Photo: How well do you know the campus?
Think you know the campus? Then try your luck with the Mystery Photo. Guess correctly and you might win a prize.
February 23, 2011
Mystery Photo: How well do you know the campus?
Think you know the campus? Then try your luck with the Mystery Photo. Guess correctly and you might win a prize.
February 16, 2011
Professional and Organizational Development plans ‘Network session March 1
A light breakfast and some talk on an interesting topic and youre still heading to work by 9 a.m. Thats what “Network,” a new event from Professional and Organizational Development, is all about.
Mystery Photo: How well do you know the campus?
Think you know the campus? Then try your luck with the Mystery Photo. Guess correctly and you might win a prize.
February 10, 2011
Breakfast treats offered Feb. 15-18 for UWalk members — old and new
Transportation Services will be offering members of the UWalk program breakfast treats between 7 and 10 a.m. at various locations around campus Feb. 15-18. And if you arent a member, you can sign up on the spot and receive your treat.
Webinar, panel discussion on ethics in international research Feb. 16
The UW Human Subjects Division will hold a webinar and panel discussion with UW researchers titled International Research: Applying Ethical Principles and Research Guidelines in Global Settings from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16, in the UW Tower Auditorium.
February 9, 2011
Mystery Photo: How well do you know the campus?
Think you know the campus? Then try your luck with the Mystery Photo. Guess correctly and you might win a prize.
An arresting curriculum: UW Police offer Citizens Academy
The UWPD will hold its annual Citizens Academy on Wednesday afternoons from March 30 through June 1. Sign up, come down and learn how the police do the tough jobs they do every day.
Its artificial versus human intelligence on ‘Jeopardy
The answer is, “On the TV show ‘Jeopardy.” The question: Where will human trivia champions battle a computer named Watson?
February 2, 2011
Mystery Photo: How well do you know the campus?
Think you know the campus? Then try your luck with the Mystery Photo. Guess correctly and you might win a prize.
Fair to highlight ‘travel with a purpose Feb. 11
The UW Retirement Association is hosting a travel fair for people who want to do more than just see the sights. “Travel with a Purpose: A Fair for the 50+ UW Community” will be held Friday, Feb. 11, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Walker Ames Room, Kane Hall.
January 26, 2011
Mystery Photo: How well do you know the campus?
Think you know the campus? Then try your luck with the Mystery Photo. Guess correctly and you might win a prize.
January 19, 2011
Burke Museum offers monthly lunchtime tours starting Jan. 26
The Burke Museum is offering lunchtime tours for the campus community. Called “The Best of the Burke” and organized by Karin Moughamer, the museums campus outreach coordinator, each tour is a half-hour long and is led by an experienced docent.
Violence Prevention Training workshops offered Feb. 3, March 9
The warning signs of violence, together with information about UW resources for safety and counseling and much more, will be discussed at two Violence Prevention Training workshops offered by SafeCampus, the UWs violence prevention program.
Business Diversity Supplier Fair coming Feb. 2
Are you responsible for departmental purchasing? If so, you might want to check out the 24 suppliers who will be at this fair in the Mary Gates Commons.
Need a ride? Offering a ride? New Zimride service handles both
A new program from UW Commuter Services connects people with rides — and reduces the UW’s carbon footprint.
Mystery Photo: How well do you know the campus?
Think you know the campus? Then try your luck with the Mystery Photo. Guess correctly and you might win a prize.
January 12, 2011
Nominations open for Walker Ames, Danz, Mangels lectures
The Graduate School Public Lecture Committee is accepting nominations for the Walker Ames Scholars Program, Jessie and John Danz Lecture Series and Mary Ann and John D. Mangels Lecture Series until Jan. 31.
Mystery Photo: How well do you know the campus?
Think you know the campus? Then try your luck with the Mystery Photo. Guess correctly and you might win a prize.
January 10, 2011
‘Voices in your community is theme of this years Pocketmedia Film Festival
Can you tell a story in two minutes or less? The UW Pocketmedia Film Festival is open for entries. Films must be less than two minutes and include this year’s Common Book, “You Are Never Where You Are.”
January 5, 2011
One-time open enrollment to add dependents age 20-26
There is a new kind of open enrollment taking place until March 1 — its for adding dependents age 20 to 26, and was a result of the 2010 health care reform legislation.
Mystery Photo returns: How well do you know the campus?
Think you know the campus? Then try your luck with the Mystery Photo, returning this week after an absence. Guess correctly and you might win a prize.
December 1, 2010
Screenings on wheels: MammoVan coming Dec. 6, 20
Women age 40 and over should have annual mammograms, but its hard to find the time. The MammoVan is coming to help on Dec. 6 and 20.
Henry Art Gallery offers faculty/staff tour Dec. 15
The gallery is offering a 30-minute exploration of its current exhibitions in a UW Art Break staff tour at noon on Wednesday, Dec. 15.
November 10, 2010
It’s a La Nina year — time to prepare for possible suspended operations at the UW
Since this is a La Nina year — with more than average snowfalls expected — it’s a good time to review the UW’s bad weather policies.
November 8, 2010
Blog profile: Patrick Dobel muses about sports in ‘Point of the Game’
Looking for blogs to profile Do you know of a blog written by a member of the UW community that would be of interest to faculty and staff readers? Drop us a line at Members of the UW community are increasingly expressing themselves in blogs about their interests or professional matters. University Week will…
Throwing money around: Departmental CFD activities make giving fun
When it comes to the Combined Fund Drive, you could just ask people for money, or you could invite them to a carnival, a spaghetti feed, a coin toss or other event where theyd have fun while they give.
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