Honors and awards
August 1, 2012
26 from UW selected for state Academy of Sciences
The Washington State Academy of Sciences has named 35 new members, 25 of them from the University of Washington.
July 23, 2012
President Obama honors UW biologist
Jay Z. Parrish, University of Washington assistant professor of biology, has been named a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
July 13, 2012
Robert J. Naiman earns award for insights into freshwater ecosystems
Robert J. Naiman has received the highest award given by the Ecological Society of America, the world’s largest society of professional ecologists.
July 2, 2012
News Digest: Alumni Association inaugurates award for veterans, physicists anticipate ‘God particle’ announcement, Honor: Marla Salmon, Got Maps? 2012 print maps available
UW Alumni Association inaugurates distinguished veteran award || Physicists meet Tuesday night in anticipation of “God particle” announcement || Marla Salmon garners fellowships || Got Maps?
June 20, 2012
News Digest: Faculty retirement innovations earns $100,000 grant, Honor: Thomas Baillie, Honors: Landscape architecture
Faculty retirement innovations earn UW $100,000 national grant || Baillie receives American Chemical Society award || UW claims two Great Places awards
June 11, 2012
News Digest: Panel considers extreme-weather events, ideas to curb poverty sought, Honor: Nancy Rottle, Fellowship: Thaisa Way, Honor: healthcare recognized
Panel consider meaning of recent extreme-weather events || Evans School helps reduce poverty || State landscape architects recognize Nancy Rottle || Thaisa Way named inaugural A.E. Bye fellow || Hall Health, Harborview programs recognized for quality
June 7, 2012
Important contributions recognized in 2012 Awards of Excellence
Individuals who have made important contributions to the university community were honored at the 42nd Annual Awards of Excellence Thursday, June 7. President Michael K. Young presided at the ceremony.
June 5, 2012
News Digest: Free dental screening for kids, Honor: James DeLisle
Free dental screening for children June 9 || International council recognizes James DeLisle
May 22, 2012
News Digest: Honor: Xiaodong Xu, ‘Raise the Roof’ May 24, ‘Cirque’ launches at UW Tacoma, Honor: Buddy Ratner, science behind ‘Chasing Ice,’ Honor: Jeff Hou
Xiaodong Xu garners Department of Energy early-career grant || Ethnic Cultural Center’s ‘Raise the Roof’ party Thursday || ‘Cirque,’ an activism traveling carnival, launches June 2 at UW Tacoma || Buddy Ratner recognized for biomaterials work || Glaciology graduate student to discuss science behind film ‘Chasing Ice’ || Jeff Hou named community builder
May 16, 2012
iSchool Professor Batya Friedman named 2012-13 University Faculty Lecturer
Batya Friedman, a professor in the University of Washington Information School, has been named University Faculty Lecturer for 2012-13. Chosen by a faculty committee led by Provost Ana Mari Cauce, Friedman is known for technology design that supports important human values.
News Digest: Recognition for UW waste management, nurturing communities, Honor: Danny Hoffman, disability-policy posters, undergraduate research conference
Association honors UW for waste management, sustainability || New book explores creating, supporting livable communities || ‘New Directions’ award to Danny Hoffman || Disability, Law, Policy and the Community poster session || Minority Affairs and Diversity hosts undergraduate research conference
May 9, 2012
News Digest: Mathematical perspective on voting rules, Honor: Dick Morrill, timeline of education and research
Mathematical perspective on voting rules Friday in MathAcrossCampus || Geography “legend” announces last doctoral committee defense || Education and research timeline stretches back 150 years
May 7, 2012
News Digest: Honor: Clay Schwenn, Tower Green Fair May 15, check out Campus Tours Central, Honor: Seth Cooper
Honor: Academic counselor Clay Schwenn wins national award || Tower Green Fair May 15 features sustainability efforts || Visitors? Relatives here for commencement? Check Campus Tours Central || Seth Cooper, chief architect of Foldit, wins national doctoral dissertation award
May 1, 2012
News Digest: Roundtable on education May 2, political cartoonist speaks, entrepreneurs share insights, Honors: Bob Morgan, students
Evans School roundtable on education May 2 || Political cartoonist Aislin to speak May 10 || Bob Morgan receives leadership award || Four additional entrepreneurs share insights with UW researchers || Students An, Woelfer garner awards
April 27, 2012
UW computer science students win national cyber defense competition
Last year, they were underdogs. This year, they’re a dynasty. A team of eight students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering reclaimed the top stop at last weekend’s National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition.
April 17, 2012
News Digest: New child care resources, police open house Wednesday, workplace giving best in state, Honor: Magnuson Scholars
New child care resources available to UW community || UW police open house Wednesday || UW has highest participation in state’s workplace giving program || Six health sciences students named Magnuson Scholars
April 13, 2012
Three faculty members awarded Guggenheim fellowships
The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation has announced that three UW faculty members have been named among the foundation’s 181 fellows for 2012.
April 4, 2012
Recipients announced: UW recognizes outstanding contributions to learning, service
The university will honor 26 individuals and one team of five this year as part of the annual university-wide awards program. The awards honor outstanding performance in teaching, mentoring, librarianship, public service and staff support.
News Digest: U-PASS 20th celebration, Honor: KUOW, home improvement fair April 11, Honor: Guntis Smidchens
U-PASS turns 20 with website, trivia contest || KUOW trio wins national broadcast award || 15th annual home improvement fair April 11|| Guntis Smidchens honored by Estonia
March 15, 2012
News Digest: Nanomedicine’s potential, business-diversity honor, autism events, school-closure politics, ‘green’ nominations due
Lecture on nanomedicine, treating cancer || Honor: business-diversity efforts recognized || UW plans Autism Awareness Month events for public || Papers uncover political, human sides of school closure || Husky Green Award nominations due March 26
March 13, 2012
U.S. News ranks numerous UW grad programs among nations top 10 for 2013
Numerous University of Washington professional and graduate programs were among the top 10 in the 2013 annual rankings provided March 14 by U.S. News & World Report.
February 21, 2012
News Digest: ‘Occupy goes to school, Holocaust documentary, Celebrating UW Women seeks nominees, offices collect gold and silver by going green
“Occupy” subject of Friday teach-in || Holocaust documentary “Roma Tears” Thursday || Nominations close Feb. 28 for Celebrating UW Women program || 10 offices certified gold, silver by UW Green Office program
February 15, 2012
Three UW faculty awarded Sloan Research Fellowships
Three members of the UW faculty, two chemists and one engineer, are among 126 recipients of Sloan Research Fellowships, announced today by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
February 14, 2012
News Digest: Honor: Jeffrey Ochsner, recognize staff nominees, "Winterruption” Thursday, eldercare workshop in March
Jeffrey Ochsner named distinguished professor || Reception Thursday for Distinguished Staff Award nominees || Q Faculty and Staff host Winterruption social || UW Retirement Association offers eldercare workshop March 24
February 9, 2012
News digest: MathAcrossCampus Friday, Honor: Charles Peck and Chrysan Gallucci, English language courses
Biochemistry prof showcases applications of math in MathAcrossCampus Friday || Charles Pecks teacher-education article honored || English language courses for UW employees
UW’s David Stahl elected to National Academy of Engineering
David Stahl, a UW professor of civil and environmental engineering, has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering. Also elected are UW affiliate professor Henrique Malvar and UW alumnus Peter Farrell.
February 2, 2012
News digest: Foldit first from Science, register for summer youth programs
Honor: Science magazine awards Foldit a first || Registration opens for Robinson Center summer programs
January 31, 2012
News digest: Corbally professorship, eText pilot, slugs and snails, flags at half-staff
J. Patrick Dobel named to Corbally professorship || Additional eText info session Wednesday || World of slugs, snails on display at Miller Library || Campus flags at half-staff
January 24, 2012
News Digest: ‘Ignite teaching/learning, faculty honor, live-shuttle tracking
Technology for teaching, learning at Wednesday event || Honor: David Harrison || Live-shuttle tracking for Health Sciences Express
January 23, 2012
Dentistrys Tim DeRouen to lead national dental research association
Dentistry Interim Dean Tim DeRouen has been elected to a four-year term on the executive board of the American Association for Dental Research that will lead to his assumption of the AADR presidency in 2014.
January 11, 2012
Gertrude Peoples presented with Odegaard Award for work on diversity
Gertrude Peoples, a special assistant with the University of Washington football program and the former director of the Student-Athlete Academic Services, is the 2012 recipient of the UW Charles E. Odegaard Award.
January 9, 2012
News Digest: MLK book, Imagine Cup, faculty honors
New edition: Michael Honeys book || UW Bothell students advance || Honor: Six in education || Honor: Alexes Harris
December 20, 2011
Five with UW links named to Forbes 30 under 30
A biostatistics faculty member, two genome scientists, and two computer engineers, all with UW links, are among the 30 under 30 young achievers in the annual Forbes list.
December 14, 2011
Nine UW researchers named Fellows of AAAS
Nine UW-affiliated researchers are among 539 new Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Election as a Fellow of AAAS is an honor bestowed upon members by their peers. Fellows are recognized for meritorious efforts to advance science or its applications.
December 7, 2011
Nominations sought for Lifelong Learning Award
A reminder that nominations are open for the UW Distinguished Contributions to Lifelong Learning Award. This annual award honors faculty who have taught or designed courses, seminars or workshops aimed at working adults and other nontraditional students.
December 6, 2011
UW inaugurates award to honor achievements of retirees
The university is inaugurating a new, major award this year, recognizing the accomplishments of UW retirees in service to the community.
November 21, 2011
Magnet program again recognizes UW Medical Center for nursing excellence
For the fifth consecutive time, UW Medical Center has been awarded Magnet designation from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. In 1994 it became the first Magnet hospital. Today it is the only hospital in the nation to have received five such recognitions.
November 8, 2011
Harborview dietitians receive preceptor award from UW graduate program
The training and mentorship Harborview dietitians provide to students in the UW graduate program in dietetics has earned the staff the 2011 Excellent Preceptor Award.
Engineered critters bring 'world' title to UW team
A UW student team won the World Championship in synthetic biology Nov. 7 after months of lab work and genetic engineering of microbes.
November 2, 2011
Nominations sought for Awards of Excellence
Nominations are now being sought for the University’s annual Awards of Excellence that honor outstanding teachers, staff, librarians, mentors and those engaged in leadership and public service.
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