UW News


October 19, 2011

Celebrating Disability History Month — and a new center coming

Washington State Disability History Month will be celebrated on Oct. 27, and a new Disabilities Center is coming to the UW campus in 2012.

UW Libraries hosts exhibit on open access scholarly publishing

An exhibit in Allen Librarys north lobby explores changes in scholarly publishing over the years and gives viewers a chance at a gift certificate if they can guess the price of selected journals.

October 11, 2011

Are your vision problems caused by dry eyes?

Spending long hours staring at a computer screen? If you’re not blinking enough, beware of the burning, gritty sensation of dry eye.

October 5, 2011

Much more than physics: Remembering Common Book author Richard Feynman

The Common Books purpose is to give first-year students a shared experience over a common text. Who better to spark discussion than physicist Richard Feynman, whose 1963 UW lectures comprise the book.

September 28, 2011

British ambassador to U.S.: Partnerships, higher ed are key in responding to Asian growth

Nations such as China and India are surging ahead, but the West should be careful not to overestimate, misinterpret the changes or “become paralyzed by fear of our own decline,” British ambassador to the U.S. Nigel Sheinwald told a UW international studies class during a visit to campus.

Flu myths: Hear what UW Medicine doctors have to say

Don’t let myths about the flu keep you from taking steps to ward off infection.

August 31, 2011

Million-dollar endowment, bright future for Osher Institute at the UW

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the UW has received a $1 million endowment from the Bernard Osher Foundation that will provide stable funding for the program that offers courses and other programs for adults 50 and older.

Alaskas first class of physician assistants graduates

As part of a regional partnership to train health professionals for areas in need, 15 University of Alaska Anchorage physician assistant students were awarded Physician Assistant Certificates from the UW School of Medicine Aug. 18

August 17, 2011

Ceremony marks dental students transition to clinical care

In a ceremony marking the transition from the classroom to the primarily clinical phase of their education, 68 UW dental students in the Class of 2013 donned white clinical coats and took a pledge of service

August 10, 2011

Russian language instruction and teaching aided this summer by new grant

A collaboration between the UW and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction is just about to finish its first-year pilot of programs that expand teaching and instruction in Russian.

Cardboard metropolis: Middle-schoolers collaborate to create model city

A small city is growing on the floor of a classroom in the School of Art Building, created by middle school students in a Summer Youth Programs class on community architecture.

August 3, 2011

UW graduate students win fellowships to work with state agencies

UW graduate students Bridget Emmett, Heather Gibbs and Clara Hard have won three of the four Marc Hershman Marine Policy Fellowships this year, and will be putting their marine science and policy skills to work for the state of Washington.

August 2, 2011

When mosquitoes bite, take antihistamines for relief

Mosquitoes bug anyone who ventures outdoors. Take steps to repel these buzzing annoyances, and if bitten, know how to treat the itch and recognize severe reactions.

July 27, 2011

Microgravity team conducts experiments on NASA's 'vomit comet'

Eight students lurched, tumbled and floated through an unforgettable final lab project last month. Participants in NASAs Microgravity University in Houston spent the last week of their undergraduate careers carrying out an experiment they designed for testing in a reduced-gravity environment.

July 15, 2011

Colonoscopy tops list of screening tests for men

Men can take charge of their health by following age-appropriate screening guidelines and taking preventive steps.

July 13, 2011

Book maven Nancy Pearl endows Information School scholarship

Nancy Pearl is a bibliomaniac and wants others to be the same. In that spirit, she and her husband, Joseph Pearl, have endowed a UW scholarship for Information School students who intend to become librarians.

Summer playwriting class: Anythings possible, in four weeks

“The very first thing I say to the class is that they need to begin with this statement: ‘I want to tell you a story,” says drama Lecturer Scott Hafso. Four weeks later, each student has a one-act play and a reading by experienced actors.

July 6, 2011

To touch the stars: Online lessons, models bring cosmos to the blind

UW graduate students have designed online lessons to help the blind better experience the wonders of outer space — complete with instructions on how to build small models of celestial bodies.

Construction management professors win grant for new ways to teach

Five professors in the Department of Construction Management have won an HP Catalyst Award that will mean real-time collaborations between UW students and their counterparts at universities elsewhere in the world.

Wednesday Evenings at the Genome presented to the public in July

The public is invited to hear about fascinating genome research and chat with presenters at “Wednesday Evenings at the Genome” this July. Explore adventures in human evolution, rare disease mysteries, your inner microbial zoo and ghosts from ancient infections.

Get ‘sun smart to prevent skin cancer

The Seattle region is near the bottom of 26 U.S. metropolitan areas when it comes to preventing skin cancer by being “sun smart.” Learn to protect yourself and your family from harmful rays.

June 22, 2011

Washington MESA hosts national Engineering Design Challenge

Middle and high school students from eight states will converge in the greater Seattle area to compete in the 2011 MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) USA National Engineering Design Challenge.

June 20, 2011

Classroom to clinics: UW medical students don white coats

Each year, the UW School of Medicine holds a ceremony for medical students beginning the clinical phase of their studies. The students receive white doctor’s coats as symbols of health care team membership.

June 6, 2011

UW part of national effort for greater ties with Indonesia

The UW is one of six U.S. universities to receive funding from the U.S. Department of State to increase the number of American students studying in Indonesia, the fourth most populated country in the world.

June 2, 2011

Revamped bio course improves performance – especially among educationally disadvantaged students – in spite of budget cuts

Students overall performed better – and educationally disadvantaged students generally made even greater strides than everyone else – in an introductory biology course at the University of Washington where recent budget woes doubled class sizes for the course, cut lab times and reduced the number of graduate teaching assistants.

June 1, 2011

Set design study with the playwright involved — via Skype

Drama students read a play, talk to the playwright and then pair up to design a set for the show. At the quarters end, the playwright comments on models of the sets students have created. Its motivating, collaborative, and fun.

May 25, 2011

‘Everybody Freeze Now: A flash-mob meditation on disability

It was a bit of planned spontaneity, a public meditation on disability, access and how we see ourselves, and it all started when Jurg Koch, assistant professor of dance, looked up and called out, “Oh no, my blue balloon!”

Burke Museum boosts student engagement with new advisory board

The Burke Museums latest after-hours party featured well-dressed folks who mingled among the stunning photographs and natural history exhibits. But these were not beloved donors or affiliated faculty — they were students.

Attention to vision change could keep clouds at bay

Therapies may reverse macular degeneration –- if its found early. It’s critical that you have your vision monitored regularly, especially if you are over 60, smoke, have obesity or high blood pressure, or have any problems seeing.

Washington Sea Grant helps UW grads get high-level marine or aquatic policy experience

When three University of Washington graduates headed to Washington, D.C., as National Sea Grant Knauss fellows, they represented nearly 10 percent of the 2011-2012 fellows chosen for the prestigious program, which places students in federal agencies for a high-level policy experience.

May 18, 2011

Student discovery on display at Undergraduate Research Symposium

Nearly 900 of the University of Washingtons undergraduates will showcase their contributions to research at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, the largest in University history. The symposium is from noon to 5 p.m. Friday, May 20, in Mary Gates Hall.

Protostars: Girls with their eyes on the skies

Proposed by a high school astronomy enthusiast, the group seeks to bring together girls 12 to 16 years old to learn about telescope operation, data reduction and more.

Keywords for Video Game Studies group ends year with colloquium

Keywords for Video Games Studies will hold a year-end colloquium on Saturday, May 21.

‘First I Dream: Women of Color Collective Dialoguing Difference Conference looks at the role of imagination

The Women of Color Collective was formed in 2009 because many such women felt their voices were not being heard on campus. Now the collective is going strong, and will hold its third annual Dialoguing Difference conference May 25-27 on the UW campus.

May 12, 2011

Latvian poet Mara Zalite to visit UW

Mara Zalite, a leading poet and playwright from Latvia, will visit the UW campus Tuesday and Wednesday May 17 and 18, and give a reading of her poetry.

May 11, 2011

Keep control of your allergy, asthma symptoms

The peak season for grass and weed allergies has started. Kelsy Platt, an advanced nurse practitioner at the UW Medicine Neighborhood Clinic in Factoria, has some tips to keep allergies and asthma from limiting your summer plans.

Free introductory session of Guided Autobiography to be offered

If youve ever considered writing about your life — whether for publication or just for your family — you can sign up for a free introductory session of Guided Autobiography. The session will be from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Thursday, May 19, in 156 Gerberding.

Research conference for McNair, Early Identification programs May 19-21

Have you ever wondered how sororities impact academic achievement in the Latina community or how marijuana use among college students impacts educational attainment? These are some of the topics to be discussed May 19-21 at the Pacific Northwest McNair & Early Identification Program Research Conference.

Science and Policy Summit planned by Graduate and Professional Student Senate

The Science and Policy Summit, sponsored by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate, will be held on Friday, May 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., at the UW Tower. The summit aims to open a dialogue between scientists and policy makers.

Academic book publishing to be discussed at free session

UW Press editors Lorri Hagman and Jacqueline Ettinger present “From Dissertation to Book,” an overview of academic book publishing, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, May 17 in 220 Odegaard.

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