UW News


May 21, 2014

Marine apprenticeships give UW undergrads role in animal-ancestor breakthrough

Three people on beach with buckets

Comb jellies – and not sponges – may lay claim as the earliest ancestors of animals, according to new research in Nature.

May 13, 2014

Focus on research: Undergraduates bring findings alive Friday

Student explains work to attendee of 2013 poster session

Join your colleagues at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium Friday, May 16.

May 12, 2014

Improve grades, reduce failure – undergrads should tell profs ‘Don’t lecture me’

Man talks with two rows of students in class auditorium

A significantly greater number of students fail science, engineering and math courses that are taught lecture-style than fail with active learning according to the largest analysis ever of studies comparing lecturing to active learning in undergraduate education

May 7, 2014

UW student briefs lawmakers on global land use, touts undergrad research

Mollie Holmberg stands next to her poster

At an event in Washington, D.C. a UW biology student presented her research into the global connections between consumers and goods that come from agriculture and forest production.

April 25, 2014

Online ‘Legislative Explorer’ uses big data to track decades of lawmaking

John Wilkerson, creator of the Legislative Explorer

University of Washington political scientist John Wilkerson has matched data visualization with the study of lawmaking to create a new online tool for researchers and students called the Legislative Explorer. Think of it as big data meeting up with How a Bill Becomes a Law. “The goal was to get beyond the ‘Schoolhouse Rock’ narrative…

Worker struggles, immigrant rights topic of social work series in May

Part of the mural "Struggle Against Racial Descrimination"

The UW School of Social Work will host the series “Working Together for Labor Justice” during Labor History Month in May.

April 23, 2014

Fisheries act, up for reauthorization, subject of UW symposium

Words and line drawing of fish

The Magnuson-Stevens Act is the subject of this year’s Bevan Series on Sustainable Fisheries.

April 7, 2014

News digest: Students at Town Hall, home fair, renew passes and permits

Illustration of head with ideas of lightening and DNA pouring forth

UW student speaker series at Town Hall starts Wednesday || Home Improvement Fair Thursday || Time to renew annual parking permits, U-Pass

March 31, 2014

UW launches online bachelor’s degree completion program in social sciences

A large 'W' is at the north entrance to the UW campus.

A new UW online bachelor’s degree completion program in social sciences is intended to provide a flexible, lower-cost option for individuals who want to finish their college education without coming to campus.

March 21, 2014

Match Day, when medical student futures are decided

Match Day 2014 Anticipation

The official announcement of the results of the National Residency Matching Program is an annual rite of passage for UW medical students and their peers across the United States. The wait is over.

March 20, 2014

No sandy beaches: UW students head to rural Washington for Alternative Spring Break

Many University of Washington students will greet spring break next week from a warm sandy beach, but 69 of them will instead spend their week off helping young students in rural communities learn about art, literacy and the environment. In turn, these UW students will learn about life, culture and education in rural Washington.

March 17, 2014

News Digest: Info forum on state’s Dream Act, Commuter Services extends hours, biomedical technology changes

Dome of capital building

Informational forum March 18 about state’s Dream Act || Commuter Services extends hours for start of quarter || Lecture March 21 discusses changing field of biomedical technology

March 11, 2014

Justice Sonia Sotomayor on finding life’s work, facing discrimination

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor told a UW audience about life lessons spanning discrimination, public service, power and what makes her optimistic.

UW regains top U.S. News rank in medicine; other areas get high marks

University of Washington medical students practice placing casts.

U.S. News & World Report’s new rankings give high marks to UW programs in medicine, education, law, business and engineering and rate the medical school No. 1 overall for primary care.

March 7, 2014

Lifesaving milestone for Washington’s fishing industry

Six swimmers in survival suits float in a row in water

Washington Sea Grant field agents have conducted their 100th Coast Guard-certified Safety at Sea class for tribal and commercial fishers.

February 24, 2014

News Digest: Justice Sotomayor visit, donate frequent flyer miles

Headshot of Sotomayor

Tickets available starting Tuesday for Justice Sotomayor visit || Donate frequent flyer miles to UW Combined Fund Drive, Make-A-Wish

February 21, 2014

News Digest; Literary conference; Honor: Classics department

Logo for association

Writers to gather in Seattle for literary conference || Classics department wins new award for professional equity

February 19, 2014

UW President Young comments on passage of Real Hope Act

head shot of president

The vote Feb. 18 “was a vote of confidence in students and their importance to the future of our state,” UW president said.

February 8, 2014

UW among 19 campuses – out of 1,700 – getting nod for access, affordability, success

Only 19 universities – including the University of Washington– met the bar for access, affordability and student success set by the Center on Higher Education Reform.

February 4, 2014

News Digest: Campuswide big-data event, Paws-on Science deadline, Green Seed Fund awards

Words data, science and related terms spelled out in colors

UW president, provost headline campus-wide data science event Friday || Participant deadline Feb. 14 for Paws-on Science || Green Seed Fund awards $279,000 to initial slate of projects

January 27, 2014

‘Achieving Health for All’ is topic of 38th Annual Faculty Lecture Feb . 6

Gloyd with grads

Dr. Stephen Gloyd, professor of global health and health services, will discuss creative responses to reducing inequity worldwide.

January 16, 2014

UW commits to White House plan to help more students afford college

A large 'W' is at the north entrance to the UW campus.

The University of Washington will participate in a federal initiative announced by President Obama to help more students afford and graduate from college.

January 13, 2014

DeLap studies urban birds, sketches for book ‘Subirdia’ due out in 2014

Drawing of hand and bird

Slideshow includes with images sketched by Jack DeLap, UW doctoral candidate in environmental and forestry sciences.

Cognitive training shows some lasting effects in healthy older adults

elderly man teaches chess

The national, decade-long ACTIVE study showed that cognitive training can help the elderly maintain certain thinking and reasoning skills useful in everyday life.

December 27, 2013

News digest: Fight hunger site, MyPlan extension, Energy Star rating, lecture nominations due

Letters UW and Farm with plants growing

Check out Huskies Fight Hunger site || UW online academic planner to be extended to community, technical college students || UW Tower data center now Energy Star certified || Nominations due Jan. 31 for graduate school public lectures

December 17, 2013

UWMC grants wish for seriously ill teen interested in NICU nursing

Samantha in NICU

Samantha’s dream career is Neonatal Intensive Care Unit nursing. One day last week the nurses in the UW Medical Center NICU warmly welcomed her to their world of caring for babies and their families.

November 20, 2013

December deadlines approach for Awards of Excellence nominations

Nominations are due in December and coming months for this year’s University of Washington Awards of Excellence categories.

November 19, 2013

Paddlers spread pump-out ‘gospel’ to recreational boaters

Washington Sea Grant’s “Pumpout Paddlers” are readying their kayaks for winter paddling to deliver more adapters so boaters have a cleaner, easier way to pump their sewage-holding tanks.

November 8, 2013

Forest fires and fireside chats: UW students learn about management challenges

Students uses hand lens to examine moss on rock

An intensive two week field course helped 20 University of Washington students learn firsthand about the challenges of managing dry, fire-prone forests of the Pacific Northwest.

November 6, 2013

UW scholars offer short takes on Shakespeare Nov. 14 at ACT Theatre

The UW English Dept will hold "Shakespeare Ever After," a series of short presentations on the Bard, Nov. 14 at ACT Theater.

Ten Shakespeare scholars, students and actors, most from the University of Washington, will discuss the Bard’s life and work at Seattle’s ACT Theatre on Nov. 14 — and verily, they’ll be quick about it.

October 31, 2013

Epilepsy film to be screened Nov. 9 at Harborview Medical Center

Epilepsy film man in the street

Independent film producer Louis Stanislaw will present “Living on the Edge” at 10 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 9, in the Harborview Medical Center Research & Training Building. The showing will be followed by a panel discussion of individuals living with epilepsy and UW Medicine professionals who treat seizure disorders.

October 30, 2013

A first step in learning by imitation, baby brains respond to another’s actions

child plays pat-a-cake with an adult

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery for adults, but for babies it’s their foremost tool for learning. Now researchers from the University of Washington and Temple University have found the first evidence revealing a key aspect of the brain processing that occurs in babies to allow this learning by observation.

October 29, 2013

Crashing rockets could lead to novel sample-return technology

An artist's conception shows a sampling rocket, with a tether linking a return capsule inside the rocket to a recovery craft.

This year, in an annual trek to the Nevada desert, UW students deliberately launched rockets from altitude directly into a dry lakebed. These were early tests of a concept that eventually could be used to collect and return samples from an erupting volcano, a melting nuclear reactor or even an asteroid in space.

October 28, 2013

New musical theater degree begins with outreach, talent search

Student Annmarie Morro caught in motion during a class in advanced jazz and theater dance taught by Wilson Mendieta. Morro was accepted into the new musical theater degree program.

The first order of business for the UW’s new degree in musical theater is not greasepaint or tap shoes but public outreach and finding talented, committed students.

October 17, 2013

Campus sustainability, climate change focus of Sustainability Summit Oct. 23

Green mountain and text

Learn how to be more involved with campus sustainability during UW Sustainability Summit activities Oct. 23.

October 15, 2013

Initiative draws faculty, students into collaborative health care

Joseph Falcone, a second-year medical student.

The UW schools of health sciences have formed a new initiative to teach and deliver health care across disciplines, a team-based approach that is gaining recognition nationally and is expected to make health care more efficient and effective.

October 8, 2013

Profile: Brian Wansink, Slim By Design author and 2013 Hogness Lecturer

Brian Winsink

Wansink explores mindless eating and how cues in our environment lead us to eat too much of the wrong foods.

October 3, 2013

Pioneering MOOC instructors remain enthusiastic

This poster explores explores the meaning of "Massive Open Online Courses."

The first reports from the pioneers of massive open online courses, or MOOCs, at the UW contain a mixture of humility and abiding enthusiasm for this new education platform.

September 25, 2013

Shiny new Odegaard library greets students

The second and third floors of Odegaard library.

UW students are being greeted by a spiffy new version of the Odegaard Undergraduate Library following a nearly $17 million makeover, the first in the library’s 41-year history.

September 23, 2013

News Digest: Flu clinics this fall, help with new K-12 standards, public events about Middle East

Sketch of little girl blowing her nose

Flu clinics in October, November || UW helping with new science, engineering standards for K-12 || Jackson School to hold public events about Middle East

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