UW News

News roundups

June 20, 2012

News Digest: Faculty retirement innovations earns $100,000 grant, Honor: Thomas Baillie, Honors: Landscape architecture

Faculty retirement innovations earn UW $100,000 national grant || Baillie receives American Chemical Society award || UW claims two Great Places awards

June 11, 2012

News Digest: Panel considers extreme-weather events, ideas to curb poverty sought, Honor: Nancy Rottle, Fellowship: Thaisa Way, Honor: healthcare recognized

Panel consider meaning of recent extreme-weather events || Evans School helps reduce poverty || State landscape architects recognize Nancy Rottle || Thaisa Way named inaugural A.E. Bye fellow || Hall Health, Harborview programs recognized for quality

June 5, 2012

News Digest: Free dental screening for kids, Honor: James DeLisle

Free dental screening for children June 9 || International council recognizes James DeLisle

May 23, 2012

Official Notice: Final supplemental environmental impact statement for IMA field #1 improvements

Public Notice University of Washington Pursuant to the provisions of WAC 197-11-460 & 510 and WAC 478-324-140, the University of Washington hereby provides public notice of the: AVAILABILITY OF FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (FSEIS*). Project Name: Recreational Sports Intramural Activities Field No. 1 Improvements Proponent: University of Washington Description of Proposal: Improvements include installation…

May 22, 2012

News Digest: Honor: Xiaodong Xu, ‘Raise the Roof’ May 24, ‘Cirque’ launches at UW Tacoma, Honor: Buddy Ratner, science behind ‘Chasing Ice,’ Honor: Jeff Hou

Xiaodong Xu garners Department of Energy early-career grant || Ethnic Cultural Center’s ‘Raise the Roof’ party Thursday || ‘Cirque,’ an activism traveling carnival, launches June 2 at UW Tacoma || Buddy Ratner recognized for biomaterials work || Glaciology graduate student to discuss science behind film ‘Chasing Ice’ || Jeff Hou named community builder

May 16, 2012

News Digest: Recognition for UW waste management, nurturing communities, Honor: Danny Hoffman, disability-policy posters, undergraduate research conference

Association honors UW for waste management, sustainability || New book explores creating, supporting livable communities || ‘New Directions’ award to Danny Hoffman || Disability, Law, Policy and the Community poster session || Minority Affairs and Diversity hosts undergraduate research conference

May 9, 2012

News Digest: Mathematical perspective on voting rules, Honor: Dick Morrill, timeline of education and research

Mathematical perspective on voting rules Friday in MathAcrossCampus || Geography “legend” announces last doctoral committee defense || Education and research timeline stretches back 150 years

May 1, 2012

News Digest: Roundtable on education May 2, political cartoonist speaks, entrepreneurs share insights, Honors: Bob Morgan, students

Evans School roundtable on education May 2 || Political cartoonist Aislin to speak May 10 || Bob Morgan receives leadership award || Four additional entrepreneurs share insights with UW researchers || Students An, Woelfer garner awards

April 17, 2012

News Digest: New child care resources, police open house Wednesday, workplace giving best in state, Honor: Magnuson Scholars

New child care resources available to UW community || UW police open house Wednesday || UW has highest participation in state’s workplace giving program || Six health sciences students named Magnuson Scholars

April 4, 2012

News Digest: U-PASS 20th celebration, Honor: KUOW, home improvement fair April 11, Honor: Guntis Smidchens

U-PASS turns 20 with website, trivia contest || KUOW trio wins national broadcast award || 15th annual home improvement fair April 11|| Guntis Smidchens honored by Estonia

March 27, 2012

News Digest: Effective charter schools, annual 'Trash-In'

Similarities of effective charter schools studied || UW “Trash-In” set April 11

March 21, 2012

News Digest: Summer youth programs at UW, speaker says don’t ignore playtime head injuries

UW Summer Youth Programs open for registration || Parents shouldn’t ignore children’s head injuries

March 15, 2012

News Digest: Nanomedicine’s potential, business-diversity honor, autism events, school-closure politics, ‘green’ nominations due

Lecture on nanomedicine, treating cancer || Honor: business-diversity efforts recognized || UW plans Autism Awareness Month events for public || Papers uncover political, human sides of school closure || Husky Green Award nominations due March 26

March 7, 2012

News Digest: Register for Robinson Center classes; faculty roundtable discussion on philanthropy

News Digest: Register Robinson Center classes; faculty roundtable discussion on philanthropy

February 28, 2012

News Digest: Friedman honored for social impact, Husky Stadium collapse recalled

Batya Friedman honored || 1987 Husky Stadium collapse

February 21, 2012

News Digest: ‘Occupy goes to school, Holocaust documentary, Celebrating UW Women seeks nominees, offices collect gold and silver by going green

“Occupy” subject of Friday teach-in || Holocaust documentary “Roma Tears” Thursday || Nominations close Feb. 28 for Celebrating UW Women program || 10 offices certified gold, silver by UW Green Office program

February 14, 2012

News Digest: Honor: Jeffrey Ochsner, recognize staff nominees, "Winterruption” Thursday, eldercare workshop in March

Jeffrey Ochsner named distinguished professor || Reception Thursday for Distinguished Staff Award nominees || Q Faculty and Staff host Winterruption social || UW Retirement Association offers eldercare workshop March 24

February 9, 2012

News digest: MathAcrossCampus Friday, Honor: Charles Peck and Chrysan Gallucci, English language courses

Biochemistry prof showcases applications of math in MathAcrossCampus Friday || Charles Pecks teacher-education article honored || English language courses for UW employees

Official Notice: Environmental impact statement for IMA field #1 improvements

Public Notice University of Washington Pursuant to the provisions of WAC 197-11-510 and WAC 478-324-140, the University of Washington hereby provides public notice of the AVAILABILITY OF A DRAFT SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (SEIS) and PUBLIC HEARING ON THE SEIS. Project Name: Recreational Sports IMA Field #1 Improvements Proponent: University of Washington Description: Improvements include…

February 7, 2012

News Digest: Info security and privacy seminar

Sign up by Feb. 9 to learn about information security, privacy issues

February 2, 2012

News digest: Foldit first from Science, register for summer youth programs

Honor: Science magazine awards Foldit a first || Registration opens for Robinson Center summer programs

January 31, 2012

News digest: Corbally professorship, eText pilot, slugs and snails, flags at half-staff

J. Patrick Dobel named to Corbally professorship || Additional eText info session Wednesday || World of slugs, snails on display at Miller Library || Campus flags at half-staff

January 24, 2012

News Digest: ‘Ignite teaching/learning, faculty honor, live-shuttle tracking

Technology for teaching, learning at Wednesday event || Honor: David Harrison || Live-shuttle tracking for Health Sciences Express

January 11, 2012

Official Notices: Regents meeting Jan. 12

Schedule for Jan. 12 Regents meeting is announced.

January 9, 2012

News Digest: MLK book, Imagine Cup, faculty honors

New edition: Michael Honeys book || UW Bothell students advance || Honor: Six in education || Honor: Alexes Harris

January 5, 2012

Official Notices: Rules for UW housing, waivers of tuition and fees

Official notice of public hearings for amendments pertaining to “Rules for the University of Washington Residence Halls and Family Housing Apartments” and “Waivers of Tuition and Fees.”

January 4, 2012

News Digest: School renamed, professors honored

New name: School of Environmental and Forest Sciences || Honor: Marsha Linehan || Honor: Ian Joughin

December 7, 2011

Official Notices, Dec. 8

One Board of Regents meeting canceled, a special one scheduled and a public hearing on residence hall rules.

Etc.: Campus news & notes

Patricia K. Kuhl is honored for her work in understanding language acquisition; Akio Takamori named a USA Ford Fellow and gets a $50,000 grant; Sheryl Burgstahler receives a leadership award; and the GenOm project is honored for its diversity. Also, Carl Ebeling, Dan Suciu and David Wetheral are honored by the The Association for Computing Machinery.

November 30, 2011

Etc.: Campus news & notes

Dee Boersma is nominated for a major conservation award, and students who sell hats to benefit Roma get a boost from Zipcar.

Official notices

Nominees are sought for Faculty Senate vice chair, some blood drives are scheduled and the December Regents meeting is cancelled.

November 16, 2011

Etc.: Campus news & notes

A video on waste reduction features UW staffers J.R. Fulton, Micheal Meyering, Clive Pursehouse, Ruth Johnston and Eric Johnson as well as students Martin Su and Dan Brody. Also, the School of Social Work gets a gift from the estate of an alum and Friday Harbor resident scientist Megan Dethier is named Naturalist of the Year.

Official Notices, Nov. 17

An environmental impact statement, a notice of expedited rule making, a Board of Regents meeting and some blood drives.

November 9, 2011

Etc.: Campus News & Notes

Bing features Suzzallo Library; the School of Art holds a student/alumni art sale; Sara Shores, campus arborist, needs help for a tree-planting; Recycling and Solid Waste leads UW to EPA recognition; and honors for Transportation Services and Paccar Hall.

October 26, 2011

Etc.: Campus news & notes

Gabriel Gallardo is president-elect of the Northwest Association of Special Programs; Blake Barney receives the David H. Wands Graduate Fellowship in Prosthodontics, and a UW team including 22 science and engineering undergrads nabs two awards at an International Genetically Engineered Machine competition.

Official Notices, Oct. 27

A Board of Regents meeting, some blood drives and a call for applications for the UW-University of Ljubljana exchange.

October 19, 2011

Etc.: Campus news & notes

Henry Lai, Shwetak Patel, Valeri Vasioukhin, Mark Silvis and Football Coach Steve Sarkisian are named Most Influential people for 2011 by ‘Seattle Magazine; Judy Ramey honored by IEEE Professional Communication Society, and Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn becomes an honorary member of the Husky Cycling Club.

Official Notices, Oct. 20

A Board of Regents meeting, some blood drives two notices of possible rule making — on student housing and waivers of tuition and fees — and the University’s sexual harassment policy.

October 12, 2011

ETC: Campus News & Notes

Sheila Edwards Lange and Myra Tanita are honored as “Women of Influence” by the Puget Sound Business Journal. The latest accomplishments by your campus colleagues.

Official Notices, Oct. 13

English language courses are available, the UW-University of Bergen exchange program seeks applicants and grants are available for research in alcohol and drug abuse.

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