UW News

News roundups

October 5, 2011

Etc.: Campus news & notes

MSNBC names UW one of the “most beautiful college campuses,” Landscape Architecture Professor Daniel Winterbottom is named a fellow of his professional society and Landscape Architecture Chair Jeff Hou is honored by the Organization of Chinese Americans of Greater Seattle.

September 28, 2011

Etc.: Campus news & notes

Mac Parks shares an award from the National Communication Association with UW alum Kory Floyd; Frances McCue wins a Washington State Book Award for poetry; a journal article by W. Lance Bennett is among the top-cited for 2010; Amanda Bruner, Lekelia Jenkins and Sharon Sutton are honored by Northwest Asian Weekly for environmental work, and the UW is noted for environmental achievment by Seattle Magazine and the Princeton Review.

Official Notices, Sept. 29

Friday Harbor is available for scholarly pursuits, grants are sought for alcohol or drug abuse-related fields, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center conducts a smoking cessation study.

September 14, 2011

Etc.: Campus News & Notes

The UW receives Zipcars Wheels of Change award, while five professors report awards or other achievements. And the Combined Fund Drive is in the running for an award from the social fundraising platform StayClassy.

Official Notices, Sept. 15

Grants are sought for alcohol or drug abuse-related fields, the Board of Regents regular meeting is canceled in favor of a special meeting, and two blood drives are slated.

August 31, 2011

West Coast or East Coast, earthquakes pack a punch

UW staffer Vince Stricherz was in Washington, D.C. when the earthquake struck Aug. 23. He compares earthquakes in that area to those on the West Coast.

Etc.: Campus news & notes

Hungry for some bugs? Do you fancy a four-course meal featuring grasshopper kabobs, a cricket-and-pasta salad and bug juice? If so, head over to Café Racer on Sept. 7, where David Gordon, Washington Sea Grants science writer, will be hosting a Bug Banquet.

August 17, 2011

Newsmakers, Aug. 18

Arctic ice retreat, testing a new drug, a Native American tribes acceptance of gay marriage and a UW study on life expectancy in the rural south were all subjects of comments by UW professors.

Official Notices, Aug. 18

A regents meeting, some blood drives and a legal notice about improvements to IMA Field #1

August 10, 2011

Etc.: Campus news & notes

Anita Ramasastry is named secretary of the Uniform Law Commission,Jessica Lundquist named an emerging leader by “Diversity MBA Magazine” and Zipcar honors the UW. The latest accomplishments by your campus colleagues.

Official Notices, Aug. 11

Grants are sought for alcohol or drug abuse-related fields, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center conducts a smoking cessation study.

August 3, 2011

Etc.: Campus news & notes

Janice DeCosmo to chair division of research program directors for the Council on Undergraduate Research, and Gunther Uhlmann is awarded is honored by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. The latest accomplishments by your campus colleagues.

July 28, 2011

Official Notices, July 28

A notice on site evaluation by the American Nurses Credentialing Center.

July 27, 2011

Etc.: Campus News & Notes

The Seattle Storm honor Barbara Trask and Shwetak Patel is named a 2011 Microsoft Research Fellow. The latest accomplishments of your campus colleagues.


Matt Barreto on politics; Dr. John Amory on male contraception and Adam Drewnowski on nutrition.

July 20, 2011

Newsmakers July 21

Comments on the Thai election by Charles Keyes, the Dominique Strauss-Kahn affair by Pepper Schwartz, childhood sports injuries and sperm damage by John Amory, crows with grudges by John Marzluff and partner therapy for STDs by Matthew Golden.

July 13, 2011

Etc.: Campus news & notes

An award for outstanding contributions to legal writing education for Law Professor Emerita Marjorie Rombauer; honors for a new health care management app created by a team headed by Michael Watt, Mark Haselkorn and Keith Butler; and UW Todays Peter Kelley does a radio mystery.


Marsha Linehan on anonymity in recovery; Leslie Walker-Harding on adolescents and drugs; James Leverenz on medications for elderly Parkinsons patients; 1983 research by Arthur Rangno is cited, and Paul Hill cites Monty Python.

July 6, 2011

Official Notices, July 7

A regents meeting, a statistical consulting service, English language classes and a blood drive.

June 29, 2011

Etc.: Campus news & notes

A joint fellowship at Harvard for Alison J. Head, professional honors for Jon Wellner, Mark Zachry and David Allstot, and a fundraising farewell to Matthew Krashan.

June 21, 2011

Official notices

A Board of Regents meeting July 21, new rates for Fleet Services, a blood drive and the environmental impact statement for the Husky Stadium remodel.

Etc: Campus news & notes

Facilities Services employees save an eagles nest for the Burke Museum; Jeff Richey is honored; Chris McEwen to fiddle at IMAX; the Master of Communication program honors Dan Savage and Starbucks — and read what comes out of Drumheller Fountain when Facilities Services cleans it.

June 1, 2011

Etc: Campus News & Notes

Patricia Spakes gets her own day in Tacoma; a new award named for Brewster C. Denny, The campus community autographs part of the new HUB, the Burke Museum comes to Mary Gates Hall, the UW is ranked fifth in the world in mathematics research and Paul Hill addresses the Bellevue School District.

Official Notices June 2

A Board of Regents meeting, a grant development workshop and several blood drives.

May 25, 2011

Etc.: Campus news & notes

David G. Gordon of Washington Sea Grant wins the Big Bug Cook-Off, and HFS wins an award for its mobile dining. The latest accomplishments by your campus colleagues.

Blog profile: Clare McLean's 'Bird Word Girl'

In her blog, “Bird Word Girl,” photographer and writer Clare McLean tells readers, “Im not really a birdologist, I just play one on these here interwebs.” It’s a well-written blog with lovely photographs, including shots of the UW heron colony.

May 18, 2011

Etc.: Campus news & notes

UW Psychology Professor Jeansok Kim honored by the Association for Psychological Science, and staffer G. Robin Smith will give a performance of his one-man show of Benjamin Franklin.

April 27, 2011

Etc: Campus news & notes

Virginia Armbrust becomes a Fellow of a professional society, Deborah Medlar is appointed regional director of an accounting honorary and Jeff Hou is honored for service learning education. The latest activities of your campus colleagues, plus a poetry booklet for audiences at Meany.

Official Notices, April 28

A regent’s meeting and several blood drives.

April 20, 2011

Blog Profile: Office of Planning and Budgeting follows all things higher ed.

The Office of Planning and Budgeting tracks issues in higher education both locally and nationally in its blog.

Etc: Campus news & notes

A Washington State Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform award for Mary McClellan of UW Tacoma, and — envelope please — a possible Emmy for UWTV. The latest accomplishments of your campus colleagues.

April 13, 2011

Official notices – April 14, 2011

The Board of Regents meets, required asbestos training for all employees is online, blood drives are offered and UW International & English Language Programs offer quarterly and on-site classes designed primarily for non-native speakers of English.

Etc: Campus news & notes

An award for Kenneth B. Pyle, a research fellowship for Laura Chrisman, and the story of the UWs 1936 rowing team is headed for the big screen. And a winning show of Peeps.

April 6, 2011

Etc: Campus News & Notes

Awards for librarian Leslie Bussert, social work lecturer James H. Williams and professors Nancy Hooyman and Susan Kemp; statistician Jon Wellner, philosophy professor emeritus Karl Potter; and comparative literature professor Marshall Brown and more. Plus, the UW Tacomas Joy Building is honored. The latest accomplishments by your campus colleagues — and, um, buildings.

Official notices April 7, 2011

A Board of Regents meeting on April 14 and blood drives on April 7, 11 and 12.

March 30, 2011

Etc: Campus News & Notes

The UW gets a nod for being bike-friendly; Samson Jenekhe is noted for his influence on materials science; Kathy Hoggan is elected to the board of the Fair Labor Association; Valerie Daggett is named a 2011 Fellow of the Biophysical Society; Chantel Prat wins the Tom Trabasson Young Investigator Award; and honors for historians Jordanna Bailkin, Patricia Ebrey, Susan Glenn and Stephanie M.H. Camp.


Comments in the press on issues of the day by Ed Lazowska, Dan Jaffe, George Gates, Richard Ellenbogen, Don Brownlee and the late Alan Marlatt.

Official Notices

A Board of Regents meeting and a hearing to discuss the moving of the administrative oversight of parking enforcement from the University Police Department to Commuter Services.

March 9, 2011

Official Notices

A regents meeting, some blood drives and an environmental impact statement for Husky Stadium renovation

Etc.: Campus News & Notes

Two UW students are honored by the American Association for Cancer Research; the University hosts World Languages Day; and Meredith Honig is honored as a “Thought Leader” by the American Association of School Administrators.

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