UW News


February 18, 2010

‘Addressing the Sputniks of Our Generation’ is title of talk today

Arun Majumdar, inaugural director of the <A href="http://arpa-e.


PROSTATE CANCER AND SUICIDE: Men are nearly twice as likely to commit suicide and more likely to suffer heart-related ailments in the months after getting a prostate cancer diagnosis, according to a recent study.

The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition lives on — on the Web, that is

To have been at the UW in 2009 was to hear a great deal about the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Centennial a century back, in 1909.


Board of Regents

The Board of Regents will hold a regular meeting today, Thursday, Feb.

UW bands unite.

Songs and Dances for Band features the UW symphonic, campus and concert bands.

Institute tackles legal obstacles to providing aid in humanitarian crises, hires new director

When a humanitarian crisis arises, it seems to be part of human nature to want to help.

Judge who indicted Pinochet to speak at UW

Baltasar Garzón, an investigating judge with Spain’s National Court who indicted Chilean dictator Augosto Pinochet, will speak at the UW School of Law at 6 p.

‘Waiting for Lefty.’

The School of Drama reflects on the current economic crisis with a series titled “Looking Up at Down: Plays from the Great Depression.

‘Beyond the Broughtons’ – a user’s guide to Southeast Alaska

Boaters considering a cruise to Southeast Alaska will get valuable information at a one-day workshop cosponsored by Washington Sea Grant and the Seattle Yacht Club.

Brain-controlled cursor doubles as a neural workout

Harnessing brain signals to control keyboards, robots or prosthetic devices is an active area of medical research.

After the prophets.

Drawing upon the evidence provided by the Dead Sea Scrolls, Alex Jassen of the University of Minnesota explores the rich world of prophets and prophecy that continued to thrive long after the end of the age of the classical biblical prophets.

Common Language Project comes to the UW

They were three young people not long out of college.

Q Center seeks opinions on sexual orientation issues campuswide

Have you ever felt physically or emotionally threatened at the UW because of your sexual orientation or gender status? It’s the sort of thing the Q Center is looking to learn with a new campuswide survey.

February 17, 2010

‘From Behavior to Brain.’

Adults are armchair psychologists, attributing to ourselves and our social partners various goals, intentions, desires and beliefs to explain our own and others’ behaviors.

February 12, 2010

Guitar ensemble.

Students of Michael Partington present a program of music from the classical and romantic eras for guitar solo, duo and trio, and guitar with other instruments.

February 11, 2010

18th Annual UW Medicine Salute Harborview gala benefits Mission of Caring

Proceeds from the Feb. 27 gala directly support the world class care delivered to patients from all walks of life at Harborview

The man behind the TV at the Olympics

Beginning Feb.

UW Medicine tapped for 2010 Olympics role

UW Medicine will be on call to assist International SOS if needed for critical patients evacuated from the winter games.

Students face real-life design challenge: A simple, cheap and effective prosthetic arm

In fall quarter, 21 UW industrial design students received a challenge to “not do what’s always been done.

Understanding your risk factor profile for heart disease

In 1963, Congress designated February as “American Heart Month” to encourage prevention of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.

Mystery Photo

Where are we? The photo above was taken somewhere on campus.

Development of behavior to be topic of 2010 Allen L. Edwards Psychology Lecture Series

The UW Department of Psychology’s fifth annual Allen L.

Out with McAfee and in with Sophos — Change your anti-virus software by March 31.

Faculty, staff and students using UW-licensed McAfee anti-virus software must replace it by March 31 because the University has chosen a new anti-virus software.

Microfluidics in C minor

If they gave Academy Awards for the best science music video, the UW would be a serious contender.

UW earthquake engineer assesses damage in Haiti

The UW’s Marc Eberhard, a professor of civil and environmental engineering, led a five-person team sent to evaluate damage from the devastating magnitude-7 earthquake that struck Haiti on Jan.

Shantala Shivalingappa.

Making her UW World Series debut, Shivalingappa introduces Seattle audiences to “kuchipudi,” a classical dance form of South India.

Lost and Found film: What’s going on when shirtless man gets inked?

Editor’s Note: The UW Audio Visual Services Materials Library has more than 1,200 reels of film from the late 1940s through the early 1970s, documenting life at the University through telecourses, commercial films and original productions.

Etc: Campus news & notes

ACING CASE: The UW picked up plenty of awards in the Council For the Advancement and Support of Education’s District VIII competition, starting with a Grand Gold in fundraising and special event publications for the program of the Annual Recogniton Gala by UW Marketing, Jo-Ann Sire and Creative Communications.

Blending tradition and innovation: Faculty compositions to be performed in Feb. 16 Meany Hall concert

When composer Juan Pampin teamed up to create music with violist Melia Watras, what resulted was an innovative piece “for viola and electronic sounds” that neither could quite have achieved alone.

Evaluation shows Exploration Seminars are great for learning

Back in 2003 the University decided to try out a new idea by offering four short-term study abroad “Exploration Seminars” during the time between summer and fall quarters.

Climate change predictions.

The UW Program on Climate Change’s ninth annual lecture.

Scientists urge new approaches to agriculture in the face of climate change

Yields from some of the most important crops begin to decline sharply when average temperatures exceed about 30 degrees Celsius, or 86 Fahrenheit.

Districts have options when it comes to teacher salary inequities

School districts can take steps to level out salary inequities caused by maldistributions of teachers, according to researchers at the UW’s Center on Reinventing Public Education.

Update on Husky Vibrations project: Ideas for taming the tremor

Could the answer be as simple as a rubber mat?

Students in fall quarter’s section of Introduction to Mechanical Design mulled over the problem of slight vibrations in the TV camera platforms, or “buckets,” during football games at Husky Stadium.

Piano series.

UW music students perform works for piano.

Odegaard gets first self-checkout station for books and in-library course reserves

Students waiting to check out a book or open reserve materials now have an option: a self-service checkout station on the ground floor of Odegaard Undergraduate Library, installed in December 2009.


A coming-of-age film that reveals the clash between modernity and Kyrgystan’s traditional culture.

Shantala Shivalingappa to bring kuchipudi dance to UW in World Series debut

Shantala Shivalingappa will make her UW World Series debut and introduce Seattle audiences to “kuchipudi,” a form of classical dance from South India, in a concerts Thursday through Saturday, Feb.

Official Notices

Board of Regents

The Board of Regents will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, Feb.

UW again named top contributor of Peace Corps volunteers

For the fourth year in a row, the UW has been named top contributor of Peace Corps volunteers from undergraduate alumni.

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