November 13, 2012
Schools are blunt about new pot law: Not on our campus

UW and other colleges in the land of legalized pot say they still won’t allow students to smoke marijuana.
November 8, 2012
A change has come and it’s deep

UW research: Human ancestor ‘Lucy’ a slow walker

Doctors also biased against fat people, UW-led study finds

November 7, 2012
UW’s president shares his musical preferences

November 6, 2012
UW-led research gives new outlook for color blindness

November 2, 2012
To tweet or not to tweet

Legal marijuana, charter schools pulling ahead

October 31, 2012
W Day: Celebrate the UW’s birthday on Friday, Nov. 2, 2012

October 30, 2012
UW Meteorologist Cliff Mass dissects the ‘Super Storm’

October 29, 2012
Revived Huskies Stun No. 7 Beavers

October 26, 2012
Got a mystery plant? Sounds like a job for the UW herbarium

October 24, 2012
UW plugs in to ‘smart grid’ regional power use experiment

October 23, 2012
Scholarly publishing’s gender gap

October 18, 2012
Garbology 101: UW study determines trash habits

October 15, 2012
UW ‘white-hat hacker’ searches for security holes

October 12, 2012
U.S. fish and wildlife director, a UW alum, considers challenges posed by landscape changes

It’s time to think differently about how we interact with nature because we’re increasingly disconnected from the natural world, said Dan Ashe during visit to campus.
October 10, 2012
Former bank robber studies law at UW

Boys raise nearly $10,000 to help UW prof save chambered nautilus

October 8, 2012
Who’s in charge inside your head?

October 5, 2012
At-home kidney dialysis now a real option, UW study shows

October 1, 2012
UW Libraries aims to preserve historic athletics footage

September 27, 2012
State Supreme Court campaign shows race still matters

September 26, 2012
The ‘grand duchess of jellyfish’ and her research

UW profs immortalized in Google T-shirt

September 25, 2012
Textbook rentals arrive at U Book Store

September 20, 2012
Beekeeping at the UW farm — UW 360 video

September 18, 2012
A Look Inside UW’s Board Of Regents

September 17, 2012
University of Washington adds housing with big building boom

September 14, 2012
HUB gets a reboot for the 21st century

September 13, 2012
Alaska man with artificial heart gets transplant at UW

September 12, 2012
West Seattle hum apparently not so fishy

September 10, 2012
Slayton to become chair of Pediatric Dentistry

Annoying Seattle sound may be fish mating call

September 7, 2012
Piecing together Patagonia’s ancient vegetation

September 5, 2012
UW’s brave (and bright!) new molecular engineering lab

September 2, 2012
Revamped Huskies defense holds off SDSU

August 30, 2012
Official Notice: Financial Conflict of Interest Policy
GIM-10 and GIM-7 are now revised to ensure compliance with the new Public Health Service financial conflict of interest regulations. Investigators are expected to be in full compliance of the revised GIM-10 as of Aug. 24. Implementation systems and processes, such as the financial interest disclosure system and financial conflict of interest training, can be…
August 28, 2012
UW professor tracking down elephant poachers

August 24, 2012
UW’s Formula Motorsports race car finishes strong

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