UW News


January 29, 2009

University Symphony.

Winners of the October 27 concerto competition perform with the University Symphony.

School of Law looks back on 30 years of clinical training

When Alan Kirtley graduated from Indiana University’s law school in 1972, he had had no clinical training.

Mystery Photo

Where are we? The photo above was taken somewhere on campus.

Saving carpet from the landfill, five tons at a time

By Breona Gutschmidt
Facilities Services

Not long ago, a Facilities Services shop that handles flooring diverted its first dumpster-full of old carpet from a dead end in the landfill to a new life as recycled carpet.

UW staffer and her puppets head to Bangladesh to teach kids about tooth care


Coming up

Library Lecture Series: “Chronic Pain Is a Disease in its Own Right” will be the topic when Dr.

Art enhances medicine: Learning to look more closely

Twenty-somethings in a huddle peer closely at mural-size photos in the Henry Art Gallery and then, two weeks later, at intricate 19th century illustrations of Egyptian flora and fauna at the Frye Art Museum.

Seattle’s striking history comes into focus with year-long celebration

Ninety years ago Seattle shut down.

Research links seismic slip and tremor, with implications for subduction zone

In the last decade, scientists have recorded regular episodes of tectonic plates slowly, quietly slipping past each other in western Washington and British Columbia over periods of two weeks or more, releasing as much energy as a magnitude 6 earthquake.

Talking about teaching, twice-monthly at the UW Club

Teaching is on the menu at the UW Club twice a month.

January 28, 2009

Annual Faculty Lecture.

Annual Faculty Lecture.

January 26, 2009

How to snowshoe.

How to snowshoe.

January 24, 2009

Wagner and Mahler.

The Seattle-based Lake Union Civic Orchestra is joined by baritone soloist Clayton Brainerd.

The World in Your Cup.

Opening events for the Burke Museum’s new exhibit, Coffee: The World in Your Cup.

January 23, 2009

Job seeking in 2009.

Part of the 10th annual Career Discovery Week, the full name of the event is “Job Seeking 2009: The Cold Hard Truth & What You Can Do About It.

January 22, 2009

Mystery Photo

Where are we? The photo above was taken somewhere on campus.

New data show much of Antarctica is warming more than previously thought

Scientists studying climate change have long believed that while most of the rest of the globe has been getting steadily warmer, a large part of Antarctica — the East Antarctic Ice Sheet — has actually been getting colder.

Visiting scholar to lecture on antisemitism

Antisemitism: An Eternal Hatred? is the title of a lecture by Steven Beller slated for noon Tuesday, Jan.

Official Notices

Board of Regents

The Board of Regents will hold a regular public meeting at 3 p.

Charles Hirschman to address immigration in Faculty Lecture

Forget the Mayflower, the Daughters of the American Revolution and even the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

Tree death rate in Pacific Northwest doubled in 17 years

Trees are dying twice as fast as they did three decades ago in older forests of the western United States and scientists suspect warming temperatures are a contributing factor.

Coming up


UW continues to lead U.S. universities in contributing Peace Corps volunteers

UW graduate students Shella Biallas and Chami Arachchi found multiple reasons to join the Peace Corps.

‘Astronaut-food approach’ to medical testing: Dehydrated, wallet-sized malaria tests promise better diagnoses in developing world

Researchers at the UW have developed a prototype malaria test printed on a disposable Mylar card that could easily slip into your wallet and still work when you took it out, even months later.

Concerto Competition winners solo with the UW Symphony Jan. 29

The UW Symphony will perform at 7:30 p.

Enthusiastic audiences attend Martin Luther King Jr. tributes

Programs at Harborview Medical Center on Jan.

Caffeine fix: The Burke kicks off Coffee Jan. 24 and 25

What’s the story behind your cup of coffee? As the top coffee consumers in the country, most Seattleites can spot a coffee vendor from a mile away.

School of Public Health name shortened

On Jan.

Infants draw on past to interpret present, understand other people’s behavior

The old real estate maxim “location, location, location” also plays a role in how infants learn to understand the ambiguous actions and behavior of other people.

UWPD places officer in HUB for lunchtime outreach

Do you have questions about crime prevention or campus safety? Maybe about bike registration or how to secure your electronic equipment?

An officer of the UW Police is now on hand to help for two hours at lunchtime every day — from 11:15 a.

Surgery checklist proves worth in worldwide study

A year-long World Health Organization pilot program in eight hospitals around the world–including UW Medical Center — has proven conclusively that inpatient deaths can be significantly reduced, along with the rate of major complications after surgery, by following a simple checklist.

President Obama’s Dreams from My Father named Common Book for 2009

It seems fitting that in this week of change and inaugural excitement, the UW’s next Common Book should be new President Barack Obama’s 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.

Study questions our understanding of early TB infection

Tuberculosis bacteria can commandeer the body’s defenses in the early stages of infection and redirect them for their own offensive strategies, according to results reported Jan.

Witnesses to genocide: Program presents interviews with Rwandan tribunal

Chief Prosecutor Hassan Jallow has confronted individuals responsible for masterminding hundreds of thousands of deaths in Rwanda.

Mini-Medical School begins Feb. 3

UW Medicine’s Mini-Medical School, a six-session evening program offered each year at the UW, will begin on Feb.


Martin Grotschel of the Technical University of Berlin presents “Combinatorial Optimization in Action,” part of the MathAcrossCampus Colloquium series, given by high-level researchers and are open to all.

Career Discovery Week has information for current staff members, too

Career Discovery Week has been a yearly event at the UW for a decade, but this year for the first time a “staff track” will be offered, filled with sessions that might appeal to the already-employed.

January 21, 2009

Jenny Lewis solo.

Jenny Lewis solo.

January 20, 2009

President Barack Obama.

Join the campus community to watch Barack Obama become the 44th President of the United States.

Vatican lecture series.

The first in a five-part series titled “The Vatican in the 20th Century: The Popes Confront a Turbulent World” presented by James Ramon Felak, associate professor of history.

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