October 5, 2011
School of Art honors its founders with exhibit
Walter Isaacs, the first director of the UW School of Art, is featured in an exhibit at the Jacob Lawrence Gallery, along with two of his colleagues–Ray Hill and Boyer Gonzales.
June 21, 2011
Mystery Photo: How well do you know the campus?
Think you know the campus? Then try your luck with the Mystery Photo. Guess correctly and you might win a prize.
June 13, 2011
Photo Gallery: University of Washington 2011 Commencement
The University of Washington community gathered on Saturday, June 11, in Husky Stadium to celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2011. With banners flying and playfully decorated caps on their heads, the degree candidates took the field to the cheers and applause of 40,000 family members and friends. 239206|default.xml|Downscale Only|Cross Fade|Beam|Off| Contact…
June 1, 2011
UW to host hearing on extending broadband to underserved communities
A public hearing scheduled for Friday, June 3, at the UW School of Law will consider state telecommunications policies, particularly broadband service. It will be from 4 to 6 p.m. in 119 William H. Gates Hall.
May 17, 2011
The University of Washington Pact with Students
“The University of Washington educates a diverse student body to become responsible global citizens and future leaders through a challenging learning environment informed by cutting-edge scholarship.” UW Vision and Values Based on our Vision statement, the University of Washington makes these commitments to our students: First, the quality of the student experience will always be…
April 13, 2011
Banana slugs and hissing cockroaches: Continuing the UW tradition of training biology teachers
“How do you tell the sex of a banana slug?” Its a typical question in Biology 492A, biology for teachers, a popular class that graduates often describe as “the most practical class Ive ever taken.”
UW Poetry Film Series
W.H. Auden likened poets to makers of “verbal objects.” Filmmakers attempt to bring those objects to life. As part of National Poetry Month — and in connection with the 2011 Common Book, You Are Never Where You Are — the UW Libraries is presenting a series of films with poetry connections. The selection ranges from…
March 30, 2011
Bill Talley, longtime campus landscape architect, to be remembered
Talley, who died March 22, spent 20 years at the University before his retirement in 2007. His memorial will be at 4 p.m. Saturday, April 2, at the UW Club.
March 2, 2011
Pakistani human rights advocate to speak March 10
Investing in Women in Pakistan & the Muslim World is the title of a talk to be given by Humaira Shahid at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 10 in 110 Kane. Shahid is a member of the Punjab Provincial Assembly, a human rights activist and a journalist.
March 1, 2011
Wise to hold town hall on budget matters March 8
Interim President Phyllis Wise will hold a town hall meeting for the UW community at 4 p.m. Tuesday, March 8, in 130 Kane. The meeting will be webcast live on UWTV.org.
February 24, 2011
UW uses cutting-edge storm water management techniques
Whatever rainwater falls on campus soil is likely to end up in Lake Washington, because of the campus topography. The UW works closely with the city of Seattle, which has been at the forefront in developing cutting-edge ways of managing storm water, says Jim Morin, a facilities project engineer and storm water expert in Facilities…
February 23, 2011
Student voices ring out in Voice Division Recital March 1
School of Music voice students will perform arias and ensemble pieces from the opera repertoire in the Voice Division Recital for this concert in Brechemin Auditorium.
February 16, 2011
DAISY Foundation celebrates 10-year nurse awards anniversary
DAISY awards recognize nurses for extraordinary compassion, kindness, sensitivity and communication skills. Nearly 250 nurses from the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and UW Medicine have received the DAISY award since its inception.
Experts on Pacific Northwest earthquakes
Seismic/geology issues John Vidale, UW professor, Earth and space sciences – 310-210-2131, vidale@uw.edu. Stephen Malone, UW emeritus professor, Earth and space sciences – 206-685-3811, steve@ess.washington.edu. Craig Weaver, U.S. Geological Survey – 206-459-6457, craig@ess.washington.edu. Kenneth Creager, UW professor, Earth and space sciences – 206-685-2803, kcc@ess.washington.edu. Bill Steele, UW seismology lab coordinator – 206-685-5880, wsteele@uw.edu. Joan Gomberg,…
February 3, 2011
Earplug advice
UW occupational hygienist and noise researcher Rick Neitzel tells how to protect your hearing while enjoying your favorite music or sports.
Light rail noise
UW research scientist Rick Neitzel comments on noise reduction for light rail. He is an occupational hygienist in the UW Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences.
February 2, 2011
'Painterly' photographers featured in book, exhibit (with slide show)
The Henry Art Gallery, UW Libraries and UW Press team to create a beautiful book and exhibition about the “painterly” photographers of the Seattle Camera Club in 1924.
January 26, 2011
Official notices
A UW Regents meeting on Feb. 17, blood drives, and the Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute invites grant applications.
January 12, 2011
Official Notices
A Board of Regents meeting, some blood drives and a reminder of the anti-kickback, conflict of interest and whistleblower regulations.
January 5, 2011
Washington womens basketball live on UWTV this season
Fans of the UW womens basketball team will be able to watch all the home games except the Jan. 30 game against WSU live on UWTV. Commentator Dan Giuliani will call home games for UWTV, along with former UW women’s basketball letter winner Sara Mosiman.
Aiding school district budgets by using 'cafeteria-style' benefits
School districts should consider restructuring the way they supply benefits for teachers, according to a new fiscal analysis by the UWs Center on Reinventing Public Education.
December 23, 2010
From tiny worms, scientists learn to read DNA instructions
UW researchers were part of an international consortium to conduct the first-ever analysis of how the genome functions in roundworms. The basic principles they uncovered apply to many forms of life, including humans.
December 1, 2010
Princeton sociologist to discuss changing attitudes toward immigrants Dec. 9
Doug Massey says harsh anti-immigration reforms over the past 30 years are causing Latinos to become the new American underclass. His talk is the first in a three-part public lecture series focusing on the concept of diversity.
Prostate Cancer Survivors Celebration Breakfast to raise funds, awareness for research
Kenny G and The Canadian Tenors will perform live together Dec. 9 at the Seattle Sheraton event. Dr. Mitchell Gold, president of Dendreon, will be the keynote speaker.
November 17, 2010
Film: ‘Harvest of Loneliness: The Bracero Program.’
The Bracero Program was established to replace an alleged wartime labor shortage with temporary workers from Mexico, however, research reveals that it intended to undermine farm-worker unionization.
November 11, 2010
Piano series.
Students of the School of Music perform works for piano.
November 10, 2010
UW Medicine lauded for transplant, organ donation excellence
UW Medical Center was recognized by the Health Resources and Services Administration (<A href="http://www.
Why I chose UW Medicine: I was having twins!
Harry Kimball receives 2010 Flexner Distinguished Service to Medical Education Award
Screening test validated for depression in adolescents
Primary-care clinicians know teen depression is common, but they’ve lacked a reliable screening test for it.
Bringing down Balmer Hall — one bite at a time
Among all the construction on campus, there’s a little destruction too.
Career Services director at Evans School writes new book: ‘Jobs that Matter’
In high school, Heather Krasna helped form a club that focused on environmental issues.
Screening of film by UW graduate will benefit School of Drama
Night Catches Us, a soon-to-be-released film about the Black Panthers that was produced by UW graduate Ron Simons, will be screened at 7 p.
Undergraduates’ low-cost ultrasound system wins Gates Foundation grant
A team of UW undergraduate students was among 65 research groups that have just learned they have won one of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s $100,000 Grand Challenges Explorations grants.
Meet the Mammals on Nov. 20 at the Burke
The Burke Museum invites the public to see, touch, and learn about the museum’s extraordinary collection of mammals at the annual Meet the Mammals family day from 10 a.
Mystery Photo
Where are we? The photo above was taken somewhere on campus.
Try a different commute Nov. 18; you might win a prize
More than 1,600 members of the UW community have pledged to try something different with their commutes when the Huskies play the Bruins on Nov.
School of Music offers fairy tale opera, ‘Hansel and Gretel’
Thomas Harper directs students from the UW Voice Division in the fully-staged production of Engelbert Humperdinck’s fairy tale opera Hansel and Gretel Nov.
By popular request: A DVD about anatomy for dancers
When Dance Professor Jennifer Salk gave presentations at conferences, people often asked her if they could record her performance so they could look at it later for reference.
Show of hands: New screens in Meany Hall will show pianists’ hand movements up close
The acoustics of Meany Hall are splendid, so when musicians play, the audience hears everything beautifully.
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