UW News

Jacob O. Wobbrock

Professor, The Information School

Technology accessibility


Expertise: Human-computer interaction (HCI), user interface technology, user interface design, input/interaction techniques (e.g., touch, gesture, voice), mobile and wearable technology, accessible computing, assistive technology for people with disabilities, technology entrepreneurship

In his research, Jacob Wobbrock seeks to scientifically understand people’s experiences with interactive technologies, and to improve those experiences by designing, building, and evaluating new techniques and systems, especially for people with disabilities. His specific research topics include text entry, pointing, touch, and gesture; human performance measurement and modeling; HCI research and design methods; virtual reality; mobile HCI; and accessible computing. He considers himself an interaction designer, computer scientist, and quantitative experimentalist. In 2010, he received an NSF CAREER award. In 2017, he was awarded the SIGCHI Social Impact Award. In 2019, he was inducted into the CHI Academy. In 2021, he was named an ACM Fellow for “contributions to human-computer interaction and accessible computing.” He has also been a technology entrepreneur. In 2012, he co-founded AnswerDash—a SaaS company providing AI-powered context-sensitive help—where he was a venture-backed CEO for about three years. In 2020, AnswerDash was acquired by CloudEngage. He has been interviewed by The New York Times and The Huffington Post about his experiences as a startup CEO from academia.

