Download Headshot Ka-Kit Tung Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics COVID-19 Expertise: Modeling COVID-19 outbreaks, projecting public health impact, comparing different types of modeling approaches KA-KIT TUNG'S RECENT MENTIONS IN THE NEWS COVID-19 vaccines for children: Why the Pfizer and Moderna data supports it | MIT Technology Review Influential COVID-19 model shouldn't guide U.S. policies, critics say | Stat News Ocean current changes could alter Irish climate for two decades | Irish Times Atlantic Ocean circulation slowdown is likely part of a longer-term cycle | Accuweather New study linking warming with disrupted Atlantic flow has scientists 'grumpy' | Ars Technica More KA-KIT TUNG'S RECENTLY TAGGED POSTS US approaching peak of ‘active’ COVID-19 cases, strain on medical resources, new modeling shows Atlantic Ocean circulation is not collapsing – but as it shifts gears, global warming will reaccelerate Cause of global warming hiatus found deep in the Atlantic Ocean More