Shan Liu
Associate professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering
COVID-19, Engineering and design, Mental health, Public health
Expertise: Healthcare modeling and decision analytics; optimization applied to medical decision making, public health policy and resource allocation problems; technology assessment and evaluation, cost-effectiveness analysis
Shan Liu’s research is focused on the evaluation of new medical technologies and health care interventions to improve patients’ health and enable cost-effective care delivery. Her expertise includes cost-effectiveness analysis, decision analytics, systems modeling and optimization under uncertainty. She collaborates with interdisciplinary teams to develop methods to support complex technology adoption and policy decisions surrounding the prevention and management of diseases.
Liu has developed large-scale, decision-analytic models to assess the screening and treatment guidelines for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in the U.S. This body of research answers questions about optimal HCV care management and resource allocation in the presence of uncertainties about cost, health outcomes and technological progress.
Liu’s current collaborative research includes designing optimal monitoring and treatment schedules for chronic depression, optimizing flu and measles vaccination incentives, COVID-19 pandemic response simulation, resource allocation of HIV viral loading testing point-of-care devices, clustering analysis and data analytics for designing the optimal state trauma care system, and cost-effectiveness analyses of personalized testing strategies in HIV and cancer care.