Aging with Pride
June 24, 2019
B-roll: Karen Fredriksen Goldsen and the GenPride Center

The GenPride Center is the first and only multipurpose LGBTQ senior center in Seattle and King County. It was founded by Karen Fredriksen Goldsen, a University of Washington professor of social work, with the goal of combating social isolation experienced by many LGBTQ older adults.
Creating community, battling loneliness among LGBTQ seniors

Research shows that LGBTQ older adults are at higher risk for social isolation. To that end, UW social work professor Karen Fredriksen Goldsen helped establish an LGBTQ senior center in Seattle.
August 24, 2017
Lesbian, gay and bisexual older adults suffer more chronic health conditions than heterosexuals, study finds

Lesbian and bisexual older women are more likely than heterosexual older women to suffer chronic health conditions, experience sleep problems and drink excessively, a new University of Washington study finds. In general, lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) older adults were found to be in poorer health than heterosexuals, specifically in terms of higher rates…