Department of Neurology
November 21, 2024
Q&A: Promises and perils of AI in medicine, according to UW experts in public health and AI

UW News sat down with experts in public health and AI to discuss AI could enhance health care, what’s standing in the way, and whether there’s a downside to democratizing medical research.
October 21, 2020
Pandemic further isolating older adults, as senior services struggle to adapt

A new UW study of senior services in Washington during the COVID-19 pandemic reveals providers’ concerns about isolation, and worsening mental and physical health among older adults.
April 27, 2015
New UW app can detect sleep apnea events via smartphone

The gold standard for diagnosing sleep apnea — a disease which affects roughly 1 in 13 Americans — requires an overnight hospital stay and costs thousands of dollars. A new smartphone app developed at the University of Washington can wirelessly test for sleep apnea events in a person’s own bedroom without needing special sensors attached to the body.