Frances McCue
September 10, 2019
Hugo House documentary ‘Where the House Was’ to debut Sept. 21 at Northwest Film Forum

“Where the House Was,” a new, 58-minute documentary produced by France McCue, UW senior lecturer in English, tells of the old location for Hugo House, the place for writer, and its subsequent demolition.
December 19, 2017
UW-authored books and more for the Dawg on your holiday shopping list

Here’s a quick look at some gift-worthy books and music created by UW talents in the last year or so — and a reminder of some perennial favorites.
November 2, 2017
Frances McCue meditates on changing city in new poem collection ‘Timber Curtain’

Frances McCue, a senior lecturer in the UW Department of English, has a new book of poetry out, “Timber Curtain,” published by Seattle’s Chin Music Press.
October 13, 2014
Northwest artists, writers, arts advocates in ‘Mary Randlett Portraits’

Frances McCue discusses “Mary Randlett Portraits,” a new book from University of Washington Press she created with the well-known Northwest photographer.
June 3, 2014
UW Libraries hosts digital collection of activist Gary Greaves’ interviews

Interviews from the 1990s by Seattle-area activist Gary Greaves on how the area changed after the 1962 World’s Fair are now offered online by UW Libraries.